Chapter 490 Spirit of the World
"Yes, we can't wait any longer, let's go in!"

They humans have already missed many good opportunities compared to them. If they drag on like this, I am afraid that they will really miss the inheritance.

Ye Qianxing looked at the words "Book of the World" above his head.

Her understanding of the Book of the World is much more than everyone knows.

Book of the world.

Existed only in legends.

She once heard from the head uncle that there is a world spirit in the book of the world.

The spirit of the world is the spirit of the entire plane, that is, the rules and the way of heaven of this world.

The appearance of the Book of the World represents both a great opportunity and a catastrophe.

When the disaster is so great that it threatens the spirit of the world, the spirit of the world will appear in the book of the world and select humans who can accept the opportunity from the entire plane.

It is also a way for the spirit of the world to save itself.

So if you can be selected, you will not only get an improvement in strength, but from this moment on, you will really become Tiandao's own son and daughter.

Whatever you want, as long as it improves your strength, it will appear.

If you can help the world spirit through this final catastrophe, you, and your kind, will benefit.

They will all become the favor of heaven.

What an honor this is, that's why the Zerg race and the alien race desperately tried to stop humans even if it was torn apart.

This one is really worth tearing up.

Ye Qianxing followed a group of human seniors to the entrance of the Book of the World, where there were groups of Zerg and alien masters.

Block the entrance.

The Holy Masters on the human side are here.

After all, this matter concerns the family.

"The selection of the Book of the World is naturally facing the whole star sea."

"What do you mean by blocking me like this?"

"You really want to fight with me forever?"

The two queen mothers of the Zerg and the leader of the alien alliance stood up to confront the Holy Lord.

"No need to talk nonsense."

"Human beings are absolutely not allowed to go in. If you want to go in, it will be harder than anyone else's fist."

"If you win the fight, you will naturally enter."

"If you can't win, then you don't need to talk nonsense."

It's really embarrassing, no one said a word of the scene, just kill!

Winning is yours.

If you lose, blame yourself for your lack of strength.

At this time, strength is the ability to dominate everything.

Ye Qianxing looked at the words in the Book of the World, and she said loudly, "Spirit of the World, your purpose is to select the best person in the entire Star Sea, who is most suitable to inherit your chance."

"There are countless strong human beings, and talents come forth in large numbers. Do you just watch human beings being rejected?"

The expressions of all the people present were serious, obviously many people knew what was going on.

Everyone held their breath, and soon a cold and emotionless voice sounded from the Book of the World: "The opportunity lies here."

"Equal opportunity for everyone."

"If human beings can't even solve this dilemma, it can only show that human beings are too weak to bear this heavy responsibility."

This answer simply brought the survival of the fittest to the extreme.

The Zerg also breathed a sigh of relief to the Alien Alliance. They can stop humans, but if the law of heaven does not allow it, then they can't continue to do so.

Ye Qianxing didn't feel angry either.

Heaven is not benevolent, and treats all things as cud dogs.

This is normal, if it is really time to kill thousands of creatures to protect this plane and reproduce again.

The way of heaven will not let it go.

The world is destroyed in minutes, and then regenerated.

But the purpose of Ye Qianxing's saying these words is not to let Tiandao stand out for him.

Ye Qianxing's eyes deepened, but she chuckled softly: "When I was in the secret realm of the nine corners of starlight, someone once told me that all these thousands of planes were created by him."

"This endless sea of ​​stars is all his children."

"I thought he was the way of heaven. He said, you are not worthy to be compared with him."

"He told me that in this sea of ​​stars, the humans of my ancient country are his most satisfied children."

"You are saying now that we cannot enter the Book of the World?"

"If you are swallowed by other things, this plane will dissipate. I think it should be taken for granted. You know that I, a human being, lost the opportunity. It's not because of lack of strength."

Isn't the fundamental reason for losing the opportunity because of the arrangement of heaven?

All the words of chance, to put it bluntly, are manipulated by the Dao of Heaven.

Human beings have lost the opportunity. If they attack hard like this, to be honest, they will definitely lose a lot.

Later, even if humans win the chance, the Zerg and Alien Alliance will probably besiege humans in order to prevent humans from rising.

And if human beings lose the chance, then human beings have lost so many strong people, and they will be encircled and wiped out by the Zerg in an instant.

So no matter what, the strong of human beings cannot die here.

Ye Qianxing stood with his hands behind his back, his whole body full of arrogance.

She looked at the book of the world, and said without shame, the way of heaven is the spirit of this world, it naturally knows everything that happened in the small world, and even more so, the fusion of the nine-cornered secret realm of starlight and Ye Qianxing.

The reason why the spirit of the world arranged this way actually has its own meaning.

Ye Qianxing came from a higher plane and was protected by that person.

It even revived the ancient country.

To know that year...

Xiao Tiandao was afraid, but he had never told anyone about his fear.

The cold mechanical voice pondered for a long time: "Is that what the Lord God said?"

Ye Qianxing nodded.

But the people around didn't know what kind of charades Ye Qianxing and Xiao Tiandao were playing.

There is some joy on the human face.

However, the faces of the Zerg and the Alien Alliance were stinky, and they could tell that Xiao Tiandao was shaken.

"Even if I were very brave, I would definitely not dare to talk nonsense about this matter."

Ye Qianxing looked serious.

Xiao Tiandao sighed.

Left and right are dead.

If this catastrophe cannot pass, it is also a death.

Among the people who have entered the Book of the World now, no one can take away the opportunity for the time being.

Seeing the imminent disaster, Xiao Tiandao had no choice but to admit it.

"Get out of the way!"

"Later, the deity will set a test at the entrance of the Book of the World, and you will spread the news that all human beings in the Star Sea, or alien races, can come to the Book of the World to find opportunities."

"As long as you can get in."

"Stand back, don't stop!"

The humans breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone was very happy.

The Zerg and alien races were full of unwillingness.

"No matter, kill them first!"

Suddenly, a king worm beside a queen of the Zerg rushed over directly.

I want to take advantage of human beings by surprise and teach them a lesson first.

Humans quickly put on a defensive posture, but in an instant, almost in a second, the sky darkened, and then two long chains stretched out from the deepest part of the sky.

The two chains were mixed with the power of the laws of heaven, and they directly rolled up the troublesome Zerg. No matter how the bugs roared, no matter how hard they struggled, it was useless.

In the end, it disappeared directly between heaven and earth.

I don't know where it was taken.

But life is definitely gone.

The Zerg Queen's face turned livid with anger.

Tiandao didn't speak, and he didn't reprimand anyone, but everyone didn't understand his attitude and actions.

This opportunity does not belong to an individual, but to the entire universe.

Everyone should come.

The purpose is to select the best person.

No one is allowed to stop it.

Ye Qianxing ignored these troubles and walked towards the entrance of the Book of the World.

"Has the queen ever heard a word?"

"Good dog out of the way!"

The Zerg Queen was about to vomit blood in anger: "Do you think this deity really dare not touch you?"

Ye Qianxing smiled brightly: "Why don't you give it a try?"

Ye Qianxing held a feather duster as an arrow and was not afraid at all.

The queen was so angry that she fell on her back, made!

But he really didn't dare to do anything to Ye Qianxing, the consequences of his subordinates just now are still vivid in his mind.

If she is captured later, the Zerg will be in danger.

The Zerg Queen gritted her teeth and made way for Ye Qianxing: "You speak so arrogantly, if you can't even get in the door later, it will be a joke."

Ye Qianxing lifted his feet and walked inside without even stopping. He passed through the barrier at the door and entered the Book of the World, and finally his figure disappeared in place.

Many humans followed immediately, but some paused at the door, and some went in directly.

It seems that the test of the way of heaven has been set up. 60% of the human beings have entered, and the rest cannot enter the door and are blocked. Obviously, they have failed the test.

But the queen of the Zerg took two steps forward, and finally retreated with a livid complexion, and the humans burst into laughter.

Zerg gas is terrible.

But the Holy Master of Humanity didn't go in either.

The Holy Master breathed a sigh of relief: "Go back quickly and choose a human genius, young one."

"It seems that this selection is more about qualifications than strength."

"Send all the outstanding juniors in your family over."

The Lord quickly arranged things, and then called Ji Hanxiao.

Ji Hanxiao didn't answer, but appeared in front of the Holy Master in a blink of an eye.

The Holy Master was shocked, because now Ji Hanxiao seemed to be fished out of the blood, and the black robe exuded a strong bloody smell, and blood was still dripping down.

There are still many wounds on his body, and his complexion looks a little pale.

"You? What's the matter with you? You were surrounded when you came here?"

"Quick, heal the wound quickly..."

The Holy Master gasped, Ji Hanxiao, Ye Qianxing, these outstanding juniors are the treasures of human beings, and they can't do without one of them.

Although Ji Hanxiao said that he would not fight anymore, the Holy Lord knew that if human beings were really at a critical moment, Ji Hanxiao would definitely not sit idly by.

Ji Hanxiao stroked the Holy Master's hand, and said in a calm tone, "No need, most of them are other people's blood."

Ji Hanxiao lied, but in fact there is still a lot of his blood.

"Is it all right?"

Seeing Ji Hanxiao's pale face, the Holy Lord felt somewhat overwhelmed.


"Will you go in and have a look?"

The Holy Lord pointed to the Book of the World.

Ji Hanxiao responded with one word again: "En."

"Be careful."

'Um. '

Ji Hanxiao turned around, but suddenly said another sentence: "You must keep your mouth shut about my visit, and you must not tell anyone, especially Ye Qianxing."

The Holy Master heard this request in a daze.


Ji Hanxiao looked solemn.

The Holy Master had no choice but to agree: "Understood."

Ji Hanxiao stepped into the book of the world without pausing, which shows that he passed the test.

As soon as Ye Qianxing entered the Book of the World, she felt dizzy for a while, as if she was trapped in a container, and felt that the container was warm and warm.

She moved her hands and feet, only to hear a woman's exclamation.

Ye Qianxing frowned, not knowing why.

All her abilities were imprisoned, and she couldn't see the outside world.

But then a rough voice said: "Hey, Su Niang, my daughter is making trouble with you again?"

"Did I kick you?"

Ye Qianxing soon felt a big palm slowly caressing himself through the container.

"Girl, please be good, don't make a fuss, when you come out, Daddy will definitely buy you a lot of delicious food."

Ye Qianxing understood in astonishment that she was probably in a woman's belly, like a newborn baby.

Gradually, Ye Qianxing's memory began to blur.

Why did she turn into a baby?
She seemed to have forgotten something important.

But with the passage of time in the stomach, Ye Qianxing eventually even the feeling that I forgot something disappeared.

Really treat yourself like a baby.

She was born on a full moon.

grew up in a happy family.

She lives in a very happy family, everyone in the family likes her very much and loves her.

She can also live the life she wants, and worships a doctor as a teacher.

Study hard and work hard, there will be countless plagues in the rest of your life, and everything you pass will be the gospel.

When he was dying, he was admired by all people.

She died and she lived again.

She was born again, and as the time in her mother's womb grew longer, her memory gradually became blurred.

A new life, a new life.

But in her second life, her mother died right after she was born. Without her mother's guidance, her father was a gambler.

Beat and scold at every turn.

Sell ​​her into a rich family as a slave.

But that big family is a scumbag and doesn't treat people as human beings.

Beat to death, practice.

Ye Qianxing suffered a lot.

Later, she was bullied to death by the master, and finally she turned into a ghost, claiming the life of all those who hurt her.

When the ghost goes out, the corpse floats for thousands of miles.

The whole city is barren because of her.

In the third life, she was a gambler, and her Wan Guan family property was wiped out.

The fourth life: She was born as a big devil, who gave birth to human flesh, ate human blood, took pleasure in killing, was ruthless, and did not know life and death.

In the fifth life, she is an eminent monk who can save all living beings, eradicate one party's scourge, protect the safety of the people all her life, preach and teach the gospel, and receive incense from the people.

The sixth world...

Seventh world...

The eighth world...

One Hundred Worlds...

A thousand worlds...

Ye Qianxing no longer knew who she was.

She seems to be immersed in this reincarnation over and over again.

Her name changed and changed.

She didn't know where she came from and where she was going.

It's just like a tiny speck of dust, elusive in this universe, without even a place to stand.

The soul seems to be broken into pieces, drifting in this universe.

With nothing to rely on, nothing to rely on, and no purpose, he became a wandering soul.

Every life of her seems to have been stipulated, to do this, to go this way.

She is like an outsider, her soul is separated from her body, the body has lived her whole life, but her soul has never been integrated into it.

She always felt that she was not called this name, but she couldn't remember who she was.

 In fact, Sister Xing is coming to an end, maybe not more than a month, I believe everyone can see it, I feel that it should still be complete, and I will explain what needs to be explained later, the relationship line and career line are all complete, everyone If you If you think there are any defects, or if there are any pits that you forgot to bury, please remember to leave a message with me.

  Confession, development, everything is in mind, but I haven't written it yet.

(End of this chapter)

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