Chapter 491 Enlightenment
Immersed in the reincarnation of thousands of lives, she can't get out no matter what.

I just feel extremely uncomfortable.

In another reincarnation, she became a wife who was abused by her husband.

What greeted her every day was endless beatings and scolding.

Perverted humiliation.

Ye Qianxing's desire to kill her husband became more and more intense every day.

Her body began to move around, and she wanted to take the knife and walk towards the snoring shadow in the darkness.

As long as the knife goes down, everything is over.

The body walked forward step by step, but at this moment Ye Qianxing felt his soul screaming again.

Her soul is like a passerby, unable to resonate with her body's actions.

She's even asking herself, is that really what you want?
Kill this scum.

I can't escape the punishment of the law.

In the end, he spent the rest of his life in prison.

You are only 28 years old and you have many better years ahead of you.

If you want to teach the bad guys a lesson, there are many more ways, why choose this way, which destroys others and is not beneficial to yourself?

Ye Qianxing only felt that his mind was a little clear, but he couldn't seem to grasp this kind of thought.

The body walked towards the man step by step, the tip of the knife was not far from his neck.

Ye Qianxing felt that something was about to move in his heart.

Why can't she control her body?
She wants to control her own destiny, why should she be controlled by others.

She obviously has a better solution, why should she take her own life?
The tip of the knife cut the skin of the man's neck.

But at the same time, Ye Qianxing's left hand also grabbed his right hand holding the knife.

Her eyes changed several times, and finally became firmer and clearer.

She dropped the knife violently.

The moment she dropped the knife.The scene in front of her completely melted, and she was suddenly in a white world.

Ye Qianxing walked forward for a while, and met himself in white clothes.

He looks exactly like himself.

She smiled kindly.

"Little girl, my medical skills are unparalleled in the world. Are you willing to study medicine with me? Enter the Tao with great love, achieve the Tao, and ascend the Tao."

Ye Qianxing always felt that he was missing something very important.

"What's my name? Where are you from? Where are you going? Do you know?"

"Of course I know. If you worship under my sect, I will tell you everything about you."

The girl in white has a very nice smile.

"Don't you want to love the world? Save all living beings from the sea of ​​suffering and be admired by all people?"

"The world is too bitter, why don't you follow me to save sentient beings?"

The girl in white has gentle eyes.

Ye Qianxing tilted his head and shook his head, and asked a question very seriously: "Your great love, why didn't you save me?"

"If you really love and be selfless, why don't you tell me directly, who is my name, and why are you here?"

"Why do you want to coerce with conditions?"

"You are just using the name of great love to achieve your own goals."

"I'm not with you!"

Ye Qianxing left the girl in white directly and walked forward.

Not long after she left, she met a girl in red who looked exactly like herself.

The girl in red is full of evil spirits, full of murderous thoughts.

When she raised her hand, an extremely powerful force rushed towards Ye Qianxing.

This powerful force was in Ye Qianxing's body, causing her eyes to turn red.

She feels that she is the most powerful person in the world now. With this powerful power, she can move mountains and fill seas, and go to heaven and earth.

The temptation of power makes people confused.

The girl in red smiled evilly: "Little girl, if you follow me, you will be the strongest person in the world."

"How does it feel to have power?"

"Isn't it great?"

"I can make you gain power faster, those people can die in the way of you and my strong, and it can be regarded as a worthy death."

Because Ye Qianxing's body was suddenly propped up by a powerful force, he lay down on the ground and gasped for breath.

It is undeniable that the feeling of power filling the body is really addictive.

The feeling of being able to control everyone's life and death is even more exhilarating.

But there are still thousands of resentful spirits screaming in his mind, and the unwillingness of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

They were taken as stepping stones, they did something wrong.

They are also innocent lives.

Ye Qianxing forced himself to stand up, and gasped for breath twice: "Compared with strength, I think I should respect life more."

Ye Qianxing turned around and left without hesitation. Moving forward, she met more girls who looked exactly like herself.

Just dressed differently.

Some of them are indomitable strong.

Some are sinister and jealous villains.

There are bodhisattvas who save all living beings, and there are demons who crawl out of hell.

There are monks who leave the world of mortals, and there are Taoists who enter the Tao through Taoism.

But Ye Qianxing was inexplicably confused, she felt that these people were not what she wanted.

She walked forward for a long time, but she couldn't see anyone again.

Because those people were rejected by her.

There was a lot of confusion in my ears, and those people I had rejected before were all asking me with their teeth and claws in my ears.

"Don't go any further."

"The front is gone."

"Three thousand Taoist minds: worry-free mind, cleansing mind, releasing stagnant mind, enlightening Confucianism mind, understanding mind, good view mind, power over things mind, understanding mind, great enlightenment mind, and full mind. No memory mind. Guangxi mind, salvation Tolerance, compassion, joy, jealousy, victory over others, exaggeration, kindness, stingy love. Equality, no other, no self, no self-identity; no hatred, no love, no hatred, no greed, no desire The mind, the mind without habit, the mind without phase, the mind of cause and effect, the mind of sea and emptiness, the mind of wisdom storage, the mind of primordial yang, the mind of primordial beginning..."

"You rejected all of them, and there is nothing you want."

"what do you want?"

"How to enter the Tao?"

"You don't even know who you are, how can you enter the Tao?"

Ye Qianxing's brain ached a little from these words, and his eyes turned black, and these faces began to bark their teeth and claws, trying to rush into his head.

who am I?
Ye Qianxing thought hard about this question.

Do not!
she has a name.

She knows who she is.

She must be able to remember.

Ye Qianxing tried her best to guard the Lingtai, the feeling that her soul was being torn apart made her feel pain, but she was not willing to relax at all.


"Get out of here all!"

"If I don't recognize you, you have nothing to do with me!"

"You are not the way I want to go!"

Ye Qianxing wanted to drive these faces out of his mind.


She desperately thought about her name, the name was born with her, she has a name!
The sea of ​​consciousness was abnormally turbulent, and those memories shrouded in golden light were all broken by Ye Qianxing, and finally returned to her mind.

There were smiles all over his pale, sweaty little face.

She remembered.

Her name is Ye Qianxing.

She is Ye Qianxing.

Even if she has gone through thousands of lives, she is still Ye Qianxing.


With a clear shout, all the confusion in my mind disappeared.

Ye Qianxing laughed.

A flesh-white halo danced twice in the space, and finally stopped in front of Ye Qianxing. His mechanical voice said, "You drove away all three thousand Dao Hearts."

"What do you use to enter the Tao?"

"You still say that you are the best person, but you don't even have a Dao heart."

Ye Qianxing smiled.

Her voice was clear and firm: "I have the way."

"My way is my heart."

"My heart is my way."

"Who stipulated that the Dao Heart must be one of the three thousand Dao Hearts."

"Today, I want to create my Dao of Ye Qianxing." Ye Qianxing didn't have a deep understanding of Dao Xin before, she just bumped into the south wall ignorantly, trying to find her own way.

In the future, it is also possible to choose one of the three thousand paths.

It is very likely to be the heart of the strong.

But now after thousands of lives, Ye Qianxing suddenly realized his way.

The Spirit of the World sneered: "My own way?"

"You think Dao Xin is like making mud, and you want to make it?"

"If everyone can create Dao Mind, then there will not be three thousand Dao Minds, but three hundred million."

Ye Qianxing didn't care what others said, she just sat on the spot.

"I said yes, so I can!"

"My way is my way, as long as I can walk my way, then my way will have a heart."

"The so-called Dao mind, the first level of refining the mind: refining the unpurified mind, the impure mind is full of delusions and wandering thoughts. Delusions are born of greed, and wandering thoughts arise from unconsciousness. Discarding dusty feelings, delusions can be eliminated. Wandering thinking suddenly arises, the law lies in stopping and contemplating. Where does it end? Only in the dantian. Concentrate on it, rest and return to the root, towering and unmoving, the spirit and the breath.

Ye Qianxing's hand drew a big circle in the air, and she attracted wisps of energy from the void, and finally stayed in the palm of his hand.

The World Spirit's eyes widened suddenly, she actually attracted the aura of chaos!
Ye Qianxing didn't care how shocked the spirit of the world was, she continued to move her hands as she spoke: "The second level of refining the mind is the mind that has been cultivated into concentration. The spirit and energy are in harmony, piercing through the darkness and revealing the profound orifice. The heart is in the In the qi, the qi wraps around the heart, without knowing it, and the heart-qi is not divided, this is the skill of training the heart and combining the qi."

"Three layers of refining the heart, the heart that has not yet been refined. The former heart and energy are united, dense and neon, and merged into one piece. Under the heavy yin, one yang comes and goes. Innate. This is true essence, true qi, and true spirit, regardless of chaos. The heart cannot be moved, stepping on the fire cloud, walking to the tail, the heart is firm and the breath is soft."

"Four levels of heart training, the heart of refining and retreating is also on top."

"Five levels of heart training, the method is in practice relying on Zi Wu, pumping up every day, taking the hurdles to make up for the gaps, accumulating essence and strengthening the abdomen, this is the power of refining the heart and thunder."

"The sixth level of refining the mind is the refining of the heart of nature. Before the river cart is running, and the spirit is concentrated, the spiritual root will be enriched. From then on, the heart fluid will descend and the kidney qi will rise, which is the intersection of barriers and separation. The seven levels of heart training have been refined. The nature is also. The family is empty but I make it real, the family does not have it but I have it... The nine-level mind refiner is the heart of the spirit, and makes it return to nothing."

"This is the nine-level mind-training law known to everyone in the world."

"But there's another layer on top of that."

As Ye Qianxing spoke, while moving, the attracted energies in his hands became more and more agile, and gradually intertwined together more and more like a heart shape.

"The spiritual heart is not empty, but it cannot contain everything. This is why it is related to the book of refining the void. The person who refines the void has a vast heart, nothing like everything, clearing the sky and calming down, realizing that in the world, it is me and it is not me, and it is empty. Emptiness is nothing but non-existence. The world is broken, but this is not bad. The universe is hindered, but nothing is harmless. This is why the gods fill the void, and the Dharma Zhou sand world. For this reason, there is absolutely nothing to add to it from the beginning to the end."

Simply put, that is.

Mixed elements return to one.

I am not me.

It's not a heart.

Right and wrong.

What is good is not good, and what is evil is not evil.

Everything has a beginning and an end, but the beginning is the end, and the end is the beginning.

The light in Ye Qianxing's eyes became brighter and brighter, and she stood up abruptly to make a tactic. At this time, Ye Qianxing's aura was stronger than the spirit of the world.

Even the spirit of the world shuns its edge.

The three thousand Dao Hearts were fully displayed in the void, and Ye Qianxing finally pulled them all the way to the depths of his heart.

This is her way!

She has boundless love, and she can also walk the path of the strong, kill people to win treasures, and she can also let innocent people go.

her way!
She, Ye Qianxing, has the final say.


Dao heart entered her body, and Ye Qianxing's whole body burst into golden light, and she realized the Tao.

The World Spirit screamed and hid directly, not daring to welcome the golden light at all.

In his own small world, the spirit of the world trembled, it regretted it, it regretted it to death, really!
It would destroy the world at worst, and reshuffle the cards again without provoking such a powerful enemy.

It never expected that Ye Qianxing could unify three thousand Dao Hearts into one.

If she really had the intention to seize the plane, she might have to fight hard herself.

When Ye Qianxing opened her eyes again, all the golden light was suppressed, and her cultivation had not increased, but her eyes had completely turned into black and silver pupils.

The two colors of black and silver are like the original colors in this universe.

At a glance, you can hardly understand the mystery.

Ye Qianxing breathed a long sigh of relief, and smiled sweetly, those eyes seemed to be able to contain everything in the world, and seemed to be able to see through everything in the world.

"World Spirit, come out."

Although Ye Qianxing's cultivation base has never increased, her body is now like a container, and her spirit has reached its peak. The container only needs to be filled with water. As long as she is given enough energy, her cultivation base will be able to Unlimited rise, this is the benefit of enlightenment.

There will be no demons anymore, and the power of the soul is comparable to the spirit of the world.

The spirit of the world dare not go before Ye Qianxing,

Ye Qianxing didn't mind, and said with a smile, "I won't take you away."

"I can also help you solve disasters."

"You know that I am not from this plane, so I will naturally go back to my plane after my mission is completed."

"I'm also not interested in becoming a world spirit."

The World Spirit then said cautiously: "Really?"

Ye Qianxing nodded.

"I will help you solve your disaster, but you have to understand that there is no free lunch in the world."

The World Spirit nodded desperately: "I know that."

"As long as you can help me solve it, the ancient country, as well as human beings, will be tilted by the luck of heaven."

"Depending on your own closeness, there will be different levels of care."

"You deserve it."

(End of this chapter)

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