The cute queen of online games

Chapter 104 Dark Magic Book

Chapter 104 Dark Magic Book

After the smoke dissipated, what loomed out of it was not a ferocious monster, but an ancient book with a delicate shape. However, this book was huge, as tall as two people, and the bark was inlaid with gold and silver. The most important thing is that this is a living book, it stands there alive and well, and is still frantically trying to break free from the shackles.

This is indeed a strange monster. Because it is so different, everyone present forgot to be afraid, and even wanted to explore it a little curiously, but the red name of the monster on the book reminded them that this guy is not easy to bully Neutral NPCs.

""The Incomplete Theory of Dark Magic Book"? What kind of strange thing is this?" Ya Die was the closest, and he couldn't help shouting the name of the monster, pointing at the book and screaming strangely.

As if irritated by the strange cry of the Butterfly, the Dark Magic Book suddenly stopped breaking free from the shackles. It pointed the cover at the Butterfly, and then a burst of red light shot out, and the flames of the fire spell blasted from the Butterfly. He roared out from under his feet, and he was suddenly blown into the sky by the flames, but before he landed, another burst of flames was released, and then the Yalong butterfly was blasted into the air...

After three or two consecutive burns, the Yamiaodi only left a few screams, leaving only a layer of blood skin, silently and joyfully threw a robot to detonate at the feet of the Yaddiedie, and then the thing directly turned into a monster in the air. The body was black and white, and a few things exploded before dying.

This book actually uses the skills of an elemental mage?Miaomiao couldn't help squinting her eyes and waiting for the dark magic book. She always felt that this book has some origins, and this book doesn't seem to match the map of this fallen temple. Pagans should not learn magic.

Baby Qingchun saw that Ya Die was quickly dealt with by the dark magic book, and knew that he would not be able to beat her, so she backed away and ran away without even calling the baby, but Miaomiao was already blocked behind her, and Baby Qingchun immediately confronted her as soon as she turned her head Miaomiao gave Miaomiao a mocking look full of smiles.

"Miaomiao! What do you want? Even if you won't forgive me, why bother killing me? I didn't provoke you!" Baby Qingchun felt that she had been wronged so much, and looked at Miaomiao with a hurt look on her face.

Miaomiao directly swung the broom with a sky strike and sent Baby Qingchun flying to the foot of the dark magic book. A coldness appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she looked at Baby Qingchun who was full of panic after landing and said word by word: "Do you want to be right?" I know what I do you, I know everything you said in the cursed swamp, I heard everything verbatim, and if you keep pretending, it will only make me feel sick, and you really want to break me , then please have more brains, I will definitely accompany you to the end of any conspiracy and tricks you want to play!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Baby Qingchun was already being targeted by the dark magic book. This time, the dark magic book emitted a blue light, and then several low-level ice elves were summoned, and released countless ice blades around Baby Qingchun, It quickly chilled her heart.

Seeing that Baby Qingchun was about to turn into a corpse, Miaomiao added: "By the way, please don't call me Miaomiao in the future, I don't know you well."

After finishing speaking, Baby Qingchun turned into a corpse with shame and anger on his face, and was killed by the summoning skill of his profession. It is really a shame.

From now on, only Ji Huan Xi and Miao Miao are left in this path, and it seems that they still need to finish the battle.

"Here you are." Ji Jing Huanxi suddenly stuffed a bottle for Miao Miao.

Miao Miao took a look at the bottle, and it turned out to be an intelligence potion, which can increase intelligence by 50 points, and the time limit is 30 points. It is also marked on the bottom that the maker is Silence and Joy.

Seeing this, she suddenly understood why he had no trouble walking in the swamp before. It turned out that the sub-professional of Ji Jing Huanxi majored in alchemy in refining. swamp.

This profession is really suitable for people who are famous all the year round. If you don't have enough medicine, you can make it yourself.

"Thank you." Miaomiao was not polite after she understood, and drank it all in one gulp.

Miao Miao and Ji Jing Huanxi are not rookies like Ya Die and the others. Facing the high-attack dark magic book, the two will never lose their positions and be suppressed by continuous skills.

Glancing at each other, the two understood the task and assigned the task, Ji Jing Huanxi consciously put Miao Miao in a camouflage state, and quickly released the long-range mechanical brigade, the air combat machines flying in the sky and the small robots walking on the ground attracted All the attention of the dark magic book, and the poisonous snake cannon in the distance made the dark magic book keep retreating.

However, the attack power of the dark magic book is quite high, and with the level of Silence and Joy, the machines released cannot cope for too long.

"Its blood is not too thick, it's best to fight quickly, and it will suppress it in a protracted battle." He said in the team, and at the same time, he also launched the G-series skills, and began to change his attacks in a row.

Miaomiao naturally understood what he said, and directly bypassed the front of the dark magic book in a disguised state, and sneaked from behind. When the hatred of the dark magic book was drawn to her, she immediately threw a provocative puppet to attract the hatred, so that the dark magic book was The fight was almost inconceivable, and every time he threw four skills, it fell on the robot and provocative puppet.

Seeing that the monster was being suppressed by its master, Foodie and Match took the opportunity to go up and bully it. The two little soy sauce pets were just there to show off their cuteness and disturb the monster's sight.

The two cooperated very well, there was almost no gap in the transfer of hatred, and they perfectly controlled the dark magic book in the crazy skill bombing.

Before jumping around for too long, the dark magic book fell to the ground under the double explosion damage of the robot and the provocative puppet, but it was not a boss, so it didn't drop too many things, except for a few materials, there were only two skill books It comes with a book that looks exactly like a dark magic book.

As soon as the good things were dropped, the foodies immediately jumped up and down to pick them up, and then wiped them with their hands, and the things were gone.

"Get rich, get rich! Get rich this time!" The foodie laughed arrogantly, swaying his small body and dancing with complacency, until Miaomiao grabbed his neck and picked him up, he clutched his chest in embarrassment, and said coyly , "Do I look good when I dance, don't stare at me like that, shy."

Miao Miao glared at him, and stretched out her palm towards him: "So that's how you use your wealth-gathering skills and treasure-hunting skills? Hmm?"

She became more and more suspicious that she had taken in a trash pet, did she need him to collect money for the things she had already bought? !This pet is purely for robbery!
The foodie twitched the fox's ears innocently, then Bing Ping mouth reluctantly took out two skill books and put them in Miao Miao's hands.

This is too perfunctory, right? !

"You don't want to eat this month?" Miao Miao continued to pinch his neck, and smiled brightly with eight white teeth, making the foodie shiver twice.

He suddenly felt chilly all over his body, and his fleshy little hands hurriedly took out a bunch of things and put them on Miaomiao's palm.

"That's all? Are you sure?" Miao Miao still didn't let go, squinting her eyes and staring at him.

The foodie was taken aback by the sight, and he gritted his teeth reluctantly and took out a book page and a pink cross, which were obviously dropped by Ya Die just now, but they were also embezzled by the foodie.

This time Miaomiao finally let go of the foodie, the pink equipment didn't surprise her much, but the pages of the book caught her attention.

 I almost forgot to wish all readers a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, reunion with the full moon, everyone eating moon cakes, and don’t forget to participate in the Mid-Autumn Festival lucky draw on the website~
(End of this chapter)

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