The cute queen of online games

Chapter 105 Broken Pages and Books

Chapter 105 Broken Pages and Books
Miaomiao tidied up the things she found from the foodie, and first picked up the page, which was an old torn page, and there was an inexplicable sentence written in the blank space, which was not unfamiliar to Miaomiao at all, because he Already have three similar fragments.

This torn page was dropped by the butterfly, which means that this kind of torn page is not some kind of quest item that only Miao Miao can get, but the use of this torn page is somewhat unclear.

Thinking about where the Yamiao Die got the broken page, Ji Jing Huanxi suddenly came over, staring at the broken page in Miao Miao's hand and said inadvertently: "Why is it this thing again?"

Miao Miao raised her head: "You also have this kind of broken pages?"

"So you have it too?" Ji Jinghuanxi said without hesitation and took out three broken pages from the package, which were indeed similar to those in Miaomiao's hand, "I have quite a lot of these things, do you know what there are?" effect?"

Miaomiao didn't know much about this, but she looked at the broken pages, and then took out the reduced version of the dark magic book that was dropped just now.

"You don't suspect that these torn pages are from this book, do you?" Ji Jinghuanxi compared the size of the book with the torn pages in his hand, and they seemed to be about the same size. It’s a broken page, whose masterpiece is this?”

These broken pages and books clearly pointed in one direction, implying intentionally or unintentionally that a ruthless character hidden in the dark has been carrying out some plans for the players, but its purpose is not yet clear, perhaps it is simply to do something Crazy experiments, or trying to rule the continent through some unknown methods and so on.

Miaomiao tried to open the reduced version of the dark magic book, and found that it was bound by chains like the monster with the same name that she had killed before, and she couldn't open the book at all, so she couldn't confirm whether the remaining pages were consistent.

She said helplessly: "I want to doubt it, but this book can't be opened, so what's the use of just doubting it."

"Where there is a lock, there must be a key. Maybe it is in this map. Let's see if there are any clues along the way. I have a hunch that this must be a very challenging task." For challenging things, Silence is happy Absolutely very patient, some people are naturally militant, whether it is a simple fight, or a challenge full of various unknowns.

Miaomiao nodded in agreement, it was really uncomfortable to not be able to open the books after they got them. Although the system is cheating, there is no reason to give them a clue and not leave a follow-up.

After deciding to look for the key, the burial hall of the Fallen Temple became a secret room puzzle game. The two began to fight monsters along the way, looking for any mechanism similar to the one that triggered the dark magic book before, maybe If you hit another key or something, the monster will drop the key.

Facts have proved that it is a big mistake to figure out the system with the thinking of ordinary young people. After a few hours, they deliberately touched the mechanism of the entire funeral hall, but they did not find any clues related to the key. I met a lot of cheating monsters who dropped items.

Opening up the map is indeed more troublesome than opening up the dungeon. If you keep playing like this, the supplies will not be enough, and you have searched the Sacrifice Hall, but you can’t find any entrances and exits that can enter other maps. Since the map is called the Temple of the Fallen, how can there be only one Sacrifice Hall? ?This is completely unreasonable.

There must be something wrong!

"We can't continue to search like this." Miaomiao stood still and didn't move forward.

"Let's take a break." Ji Jinghuan suggested seeing Miao Miao's frown tightly. In fact, he also had doubts about the way to find the key. "Eating something may help you think."

"That's right! Eating is the longest wisdom! I want to eat, eat, eat! I can eat anything!" When the foodie heard about eating, he cheered up and agreed, waving his hands in approval.

"Okay, take a break, and if there is no clue after another hour of exploration, I will go down." Miaomiao glanced at the foodie with green eyes, carried the broom and walked to a safe spot that would not spawn monsters. Sit on the ground.

This map is not absolutely safe. Baby Qingchun and Ya Die have already been here. Although she dare not overestimate the IQ of those two people and can judge that this map is an unexplored treasure land, Sihai Pavilion still has an IQ that meets the standard. People can guess that if there is any further delay, the people from Sihai Pavilion will come over soon, so they can't be too relaxed to explore at will, the sooner they can enter the next step, the better.

The foodie took a match and quickly found a good place to sit near Miaomiao, waiting for the meal with piercing eyes.

Quiet and joyful also came over slowly, sat down next to Miaomiao, raised her eyebrows and asked, "Do you have a date? So you're in a hurry to get off the assembly line?"

Calmly glanced at him, Miaomiao said: "Yes, I have a date with Duke Zhou."

Silence and joy were instantly amused, showing a row of white and neat teeth and laughing loudly. Although the publicity smile is beautiful, but the way it leans forward and back is really out of style, Miaomiao tugged at the corners of the mouth, helplessly discovering the weakness of the God of Huanxi It's actually a low point of laughter.

"It turns out that Miaomiao is a good baby who goes to bed early and wakes up early. She is so cute and cute. You pay attention to sleep so much. I think your skin must be very good." Ji Jing Huanxi praised it with unknown meaning, and took out the cooking food from the package. The tools set up a simple stove.

Miao Miao narrowed her eyes, didn't he always call her cute?It's weird to suddenly be called meow...

She couldn't help rubbing the goosebumps on her arms, and felt that his praise was extremely harsh, especially when the words "cute and cute" were used on her, as if she was wearing her clothes backwards.

Some abrupt words made her doubt An Jing Huanxi's motives for cooking food. Watching him take out the pot and ingredients, she couldn't help pointing to his pot and questioning: "You don't mean to make some poisonous food to eat me to death?"

"Yes, then do you dare to eat?" Ji Jinghuanxi took the pot and started to process the ingredients.

"Not everyone likes to challenge like you. I absolutely don't eat food that can't be eaten." Miaomiao wrinkled her nose. Although she doesn't have good cooking skills, it doesn't mean she will embarrass her stomach.

After she finished speaking, she took out the hard bread sold by the system from the package and gnawed it. She didn't believe that militants like Ji Jing Huanxi were good at cooking, and only people like Da Qiao were obviously good at home who could cook. no good.

"Then you will definitely regret it later." Ji Jinghuan seemed to be in a good mood, he said with great confidence, and then started cooking with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The details of this game are set very life-like, allowing the use of various life skills in the wild, and even sub-jobs can also be used in the wild, as long as you bring your own utensils and materials or make your own utensils and materials in the wild, these skills At your disposal.

Of course, different levels of utensils will also affect the quality. The cooking utensils prepared by Ji Jing Huanxi are very simple at first glance, so Miao Miao does not give any hope.

The ingredients prepared by Ji Jing Huanxi are not complicated, just ordinary materials such as white rice, cheese, mushrooms, etc. The western fantasy color of this game determines that the recipes are mostly Western food. Those ingredients, but unexpectedly found that his movements are very skillful, and the way he washes his hands and makes soup looks good.

 Double update notice, it will be available around [-] pm~Thanks to Shui Hanxiao for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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