The cute queen of online games

Chapter 106 Worth Having

Chapter 106 Worth Having
The white rice was gurgling and cooking in the pot, and soon the aroma of the rice overflowed, making the foodies sitting on the side waiting for the meal to salivate three thousand feet, and even the matches started to squeak.

Miaomiao gnawed on the hard bread, feeling like it was chewy, and the more she ate it, the harder it was to swallow, but she still gnawed vigorously when she saw Jing Anxi's proud face, pretending that she didn't smell the wonderful aroma.

"This is risotto, it doesn't look like your dish?" The rice is about to come out of the pot, Jing Jing and Joyful said while stirring the rice in the pot while looking at Miao Miao.

Miaomiao suddenly threw the bread away and clapped her hands expressionlessly: "The bread is too dry, I'd better eat some with juice, foodie, go and taste for poison."

"Yes!" As soon as the foodie agreed happily, he stretched out his chubby little hand.

Ji Jinghuanxi quickly served a plate to the foodie, and the foodie put the plate into his mouth in an instant, and ate it frantically.

"This way of eating really lives up to the name of a foodie." Jing Jing said happily and put a plate at the foot of the match.

While speaking, the foodie had already swallowed the plate, and immediately stretched out his hands in front of An Jing Huanxi, his eyes lit up like a puppy begging for a bone, and said, "I want more!"

Quietly and joyfully, she handed a plate to Miaomiao with a calm face. Miaomiao didn't refuse. She took it and slowly held it in her hand. She was thinking whether to grab it with her hands or chew it with her mouth. A wooden spoon was thoughtfully handed over. in her hand.

"The utensils you brought are really complete, you don't even bring toothpicks and napkins, do you?" Miao Miao said arrogantly while taking the spoon, and then she saw the other party silently take out toothpicks, napkins, cups and even There are tea bags...

She was completely convinced, whether he was here to fight monsters or have a picnic, it made people doubt that the package of silence and joy was the dimensional pocket of Doraemon.

Ji Jinghuanxi also served himself a plate of risotto, sat next to Miaomiao and said, "People who can't go to the city often should be prepared for any danger. I pay great attention to the quality of life."

"Aren't you prepared for any danger at this level? I doubt how much capacity you have for your parcels?" Miaomiao wondered, then thought for a while and suddenly smiled, "I suspect that if you are killed, there will probably be an explosion of household department stores. The person who killed you must have suffered a lot."

Who would have thought that if Tangtang Huanxi God carried so many messy gadgets on his body and burst out with tableware and cups all over the place, his sense of accomplishment would definitely drop significantly!
This kind of scene is really ridiculous when you think about it, Ji Jinghuanxi couldn't help laughing out loud after listening to it, the distance between the two of them was imperceptibly closer, but this topic didn't last long, the foodie was unwilling to roll all over the floor and shout hungry, Ji Jinghuan was happy Reluctantly, I made another pot of seasoned rice for foodies.

Miao Miao ate the seasoned rice with a spoon, and she really felt that it was delicious, definitely not inferior to the standard of a big restaurant, but she was still stingy with praise, Ji Jing Huanxi is already arrogant enough, she doesn't want to add arrogance to him at all Capital.

Eating in the dark and weird passage is really a very special experience. After eating, it seems that the brain really works a little better. Miaomiao looked at the weird murals on the wall and began to think, and soon thought of a key question.

She looked at An Jing and rejoiced and immediately said what she thought: "This is called the Sacrifice Hall. We have explored almost all of this map, but we haven't seen anything related to the name of the map. Since it is called the Sacrifice Hall, the sacrificial objects and Where are the buried people? We're ignoring this very important message."

Jing Jing was delighted to hear her words and her eyes lit up: "If you talk about the sacrificial objects, I think of it."

Think of it so quickly?Miaomiao was a little surprised, she just asked such a question, and she didn't even think about whether there were any funeral objects.

After being surprised, she looked at Jing Jing's bright eyes with joy, and suddenly thought of it.

The two held their plates and looked at each other and said in unison: "Dark magic book!"

"I understand. Since the book of dark magic is a sacrificial object, the buried person must be nearby." Miaomiao said quickly, and then she thought of it, and she quickly blurted out, "I actually ignored it, I wasted it." So much time! Right behind that wall! We haven't explored there yet!"

The dark magic book came out of the wall, which meant that there must be room behind the wall. The two of them were so busy studying the broken pages and the book that they ignored the possibility of a passage behind the wall, and they didn't realize until now.

"It's not too much of a waste of time." Ji Jinghuanxi saw that she was a little annoyed, took a mouthful of food with a smile on her face, and said with a smile after chewing, "At least it will give you a chance to taste the delicious food, it is definitely worth having."

"Yeah! Master, you are worth having!" The foodie nodded fiercely while nibbling on the plate, and praised loudly especially to Jing Jing, who was happy and face-saving.

Papa... Two iron palms landed on the foodie's bare back, with such force that he sprayed the plate out.

Miaomiao sneered a few times, looked at the plate sprayed out by the foodie, and pretended to be gentle and patted his little bare back, and said softly, "Be careful of choking."

The foodie held back his tears and nodded, and understood the truth of the misfortune coming from his mouth in seconds.

The two of them ate and drank enough and went back to the place where they had played the dark magic book. There was indeed a passage behind the broken wall.

This road is no longer a labyrinth-like fork in the past, but a straight road with dense encounters of monsters. Sure enough, there are all kinds of broken coffins on both sides, and monsters will pop out, killing them all the way, and appearing in the At the end of the passage is a magical teleportation array with white light flashing.

The teleportation array is composed of two magic circles, the inner layer is the light that rotates clockwise, and the outer layer is the light that rotates counterclockwise. The two layers of light are mixed with strange hieroglyphic runes that flash along with the light of the formation.

Looking at the magic circle with white light flickering frequently, Miao Miao couldn't help squinting her eyes, this magic circle is not ordinary, she is the most experienced player of this game, she has seen many teleportation circles in the game, although the color is still different Different, but the light of the teleportation array is stable, which means that this teleportation array is also a stable directional transmission method.

She has seen such frequently flickering magic teleportation circles before, but they are usually in some special dungeons, and it is really rare to appear on the field map.

Ji Jinghuan was happy to see Miao Miao stopped in front of the teleportation array and watched intently, and couldn't help asking: "Is there something wrong with this teleportation array? This light is supposed to blind people, it doesn't look very stable, and it feels like it will be teleported to strange places .”

The God of Huanxi is indeed a great god, even if he has never encountered this kind of teleportation array, he can guess it somewhat correctly, Miaomiao silently admires it.

She nodded and said, "If my guess is correct, this should be a random teleportation array. There are probably multiple sub-maps in this fallen temple. We will be randomly teleported to a certain map of the fallen temple when we enter."

Miao Miao didn't explain in too much detail, for fear of exposing her over-understanding of the game by being too clear, but she knew very well in her heart that the so-called random entry point is random, not necessarily the entrance and exit of the map, and it is possible to enter a certain place. A hidden location is even sent directly to the boss...

(End of this chapter)

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