The cute queen of online games

Chapter 107 Random Teleportation

Chapter 107 Random Teleportation

Having said that, the chances of being randomly sent to the boss are still pitifully low. Miao Miao doesn't think she will be so lucky, but if the Fallen Temple is really big, it is very likely that the map will be opened up after the mission is completed, and it is still possible. The key to the dark magic book was not found.

After the map is fully opened, the general layout will change a lot. It may not be easy to find the key, and more players will come. Unsolvable is also possible.

"God of Joy, how about a discussion?" Miaomiao asked standing in front of the random teleportation array.

Seeing that she was asking for something, Jing Huan felt that it was rare to be happy, and stretched out his hand in a gesture of invitation with great interest: "What is the discussion? Tell me."

"If we meet Bernie directly or meet the boss, how about going back to find the key to the dark magic book?" Although Miaomiao is negotiating, the answer she wants can only be affirmative. If he is not willing, then she is willing to disband The team explores on its own.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the relevant clues of the broken pages are definitely an important plot line. If this plot can be achieved, the rewards will be absolutely generous, and there is even a very high possibility of obtaining certain privileges. Miaomiao urgently needs these advantages.

It's not a matter of how greedy she is for profit, but how powerful her opponent is. Without enough advantages, how can she step on her opponent? No matter whether she desires peace and stability in her heart, but if she wants to be a winner, she must fight !Must be strong!

This is already a hard-won rebirth, the cruel ending of the last time made her not allow herself to fail!
"Yes, I agree." Ji Jinghuan happily saw the unexplainable persistence in her eyes, and unexpectedly agreed.

If he was in the past, he would never let go of any opportunity to play tricks. I don’t know if this time the tacit experience of forming a team gave his fighting heart a sense of team honor to share weal and woe. The devil factor in his heart It's become a little more well-behaved now.

After reaching a consensus, the two walked into the random teleportation array, the white light flashed several times quickly, and their figures disappeared.

After the two disappeared in the random teleportation formation, about half an hour passed, a team of players appeared in front of the random teleportation formation, and their shirts all had the logo of Sihai Pavilion.

"It seems that people have already gone down." The person walking in the front said, and immediately reported the situation to the captain.

A male summoner standing in the middle of the team walked out slowly with no expression on his face. Although his appearance was ordinary, his calm eyes were impressive. He rarely even blinked his eyelids. With an indescribable sharpness.

He looked at the teleportation array unhurriedly, and then said calmly: "This is a random teleportation array."

His tone was very certain, without any speculation, as if he was stating the facts, but the other team members were all surprised.

"Deputy, how did you see that?" A heavy gunner couldn't help but ask.

Regarding this kind of problem, he didn't want to pay attention to it. He pointed at the gunman who spoke and said, "You and I go back to the entrance. The others go down and continue to explore, and report the situation on the team channel at any time."

Although it is not allowed to communicate with the outside world on the open map, you can communicate with the team channel in the map, and everyone immediately obeys the order to act independently.

Back at the entrance, the summoner asked the heavy gunman to test whether there was a mechanism to exit the entrance, and he dug out a wave-band sound transmission robot from the package. Special maps can also force private chats, but the materials are extremely expensive, and they are disposable items. Only the Grand Guild can make this luxury.

He pulled down the switch on the voice-transmitting robot, and immediately connected to Sihai, the president of Sihai Pavilion, in a private chat, and quickly reported the situation on the map to Sihai.

"Boss, this unexplored map is a bit tricky. I need all the elites to stand by outside the Cursed Swamp and listen to my command." He asked directly as soon as he opened his mouth.

Four Seas did not hesitate for too long when using the private chat system. It is not an exaggeration to use an elite group of [-] people to explore an extremely valuable unreleased map.

"The elite group is at your disposal, but you'd better be able to guarantee it." Si Hai agreed, and then emphasized, "Yuan Fang, we have already been ahead of the Platinum Temple by a lot, don't even grab a map this time. not!"

The Summoner whose ID is Yuanfang answered him calmly: "I can't guarantee that I can't do it, but there will be nothing wrong with letting Meng Miaomiao stumble."

Si Hai wanted to yell at how useless he is, but when the words came to his lips, he thought of Yuan Fang's identity, and finally held back, impatiently said: "Anyway, it's best to take it down, if you can't take down the map, at least take down Meng Miaomiao! This I'm going to make a decision! It's best if she is willing to come, if she doesn't come, kill her and quit the game!"

Yuan Fang listened casually, he understood Si Hai's seriousness, and even if Meng Miao Miao didn't tell Si Hai, he still wanted to meet for a while, almost every major plot change in the game was related to this sorcerer , he really wants to know the reason, and it is best to get some useful information.

"Understood." After Yuan Fang finished speaking, the time limit for the sound transmission robot was up, and he directly revealed himself with a bang.

The heavy gunner next to him has also finished researching the mechanism, and honestly reported to Yuan Fang: "There is no mechanism that can go out."

Yuan Fang nodded, and said lightly: "You continue to guard here, and when other our teams come in, you can show them the way and the location of the mechanism."

"Well, I promise to complete the task." The heavy gunner nodded sharply, then looked at Yuan Fang with some doubts and said, "Will the pair meet you?"

"Kill me." Yuan Fang said without any hesitation, seeing the other party's unbelievable expression, he said firmly, "I'll give you 1 minute, if you don't kill me, you will be expelled from Sihai Pavilion wanted."

Yuan Fang withdrew from the team after speaking. He pointed to his heart: "Aim more accurately and faster."

The reloader was dumbfounded for a moment, unable to understand, and wanted to ask why, but Yuan Fang had already started the countdown.

"60, 59, 58..."

This made the heavy gunner immediately turn on the team P mode and start attacking in a hurry, killing Yuan Fang in a hurry, and saw the opponent lying on the ground in great panic.

As soon as Yuan Fang's health bar returned to zero, he quickly chose to return to the resurrection point to resurrect. He didn't care about this experience, and he didn't even check if he dropped anything.

What he did after his resurrection was to immediately enter the team channel to start assigning team tasks, and immediately entered the command state.

Seeing that he was still standing at the resurrection point, he walked out and said to himself nervously: "Miao Miao Miao, I hope you are worthy of me using so many people."

(End of this chapter)

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