The cute queen of online games

Chapter 109 Thick-skinned

Chapter 109 Thick-skinned

Sure enough, those stone statues suddenly changed. The player's intrusion sounded like an alarm bell. The stone statues that were motionless just now were awakened in an instant. He and the stone legs moved with an enchanting posture.

The fallen stone statue in the center also stopped singing in an instant, raised its head stiffly, and stared at Miao Miao and Ji Jing with those cold stone eyes.

"No one is allowed to destroy the ultimate beauty. Don't let the God of Beauty be angry and destroy all ugly things! If you are not beautiful, you will die! If you are not beautiful, you will die!" The fallen stone statue is declaring some kind of commandment, and the stone statue next to it It also echoed her voice and screamed sharply!

What kind of bullshit creed is this, Miaomiao found that this monster instantly denied the existence of most people on earth, and the monsters here are ugly, I really don’t know how they have the face to deny others, they should destroy themselves first .

"The design of this monster is getting more and more interesting, and I feel some kind of weird heavy taste." Even An Huanxi was speechless about this wicked monster design, and couldn't figure out where the game developers got such weird inspiration .

For this disgusting monster, Miaomiao lifted the broom and threw the provocative doll out, then directly bypassed the stone sculptures on the four walls, jumped up and threw five pumpkin fireballs, and attacked the fallen stone sculpture in the center .

Bang bang bang bang!Continuous crit!Vital attack!
All five fireballs hit the icy stone face of the fallen stone sculpture, and sparks flew everywhere in an instant. The stone sculpture screamed angrily, unforgivably angry at the opponent's slap in the face.

It seems that for beauty lovers, no matter what the aesthetic level is, they attach great importance to the face.

Monsters are different from players, each monster's vital position is somewhat different, it is set completely according to the characteristics of the monster, and Miaomiao unexpectedly found the most vital position of the monster very accurately and gave a heavy blow.

"How dare you hit my perfect face! Those who destroy beauty are unforgivable!" The fallen stone sculpture shouted shamelessly.

Miaomiao twitched the corner of her mouth and couldn't help feeling disgusted: "Look at your thick skin, you can't even burn it through, it's your thick skin!"

"Women are indeed the most ruthless." Jing Jing happily sighed, a little gloating at Miaomiao's calm face attacking the stone statue's face, the war between women really does not need a normal reason.

After admiring the graceful and elegant demeanor for a while, he unhurriedly released various high-tech machines to fight.

Using the strength of two people to create the same firepower as a corps, this is where the Great God is higher than ordinary players. Miaomiao and Ji Jinghuanxi frantically suppressed the fallen stone sculptures as soon as they started fighting. Look at the fallen stone sculptures who are not in the overlord state. Standing up powerless, he was quickly surrounded by the crazy attack skills of the two.

The statues with teeth and claws on the four walls seemed to have become decorations. Their attack range was really limited, and there was no way to hit the two people who were attacking, and they couldn't even touch the two pets wandering around.

But how could a small boss with an undeveloped map be so easy to deal with?Miaomiao didn't let down her guard because she easily suppressed the fallen stone sculpture. She felt that this evil stone sculpture might do something strange at any time.

"I'm never allowed to insult my beauty!" The fallen stone sculpture stretched out its arms and began to shout strange lines again.

At the same time, the stone tears in the eyes of the stone sculpture fell like lasagna, and after a pause on the ground, green smoke rose.

"Back!" Miaomiao immediately backed away vigilantly, thinking that the green smoke must be aggressive.

Ji Jinghuanxi also noticed Qingyan, he and Miaomiao reacted and judged almost at the same time, and retreated at the same second, but the green smoke was not the poisonous mist they expected.

Qingyan itself was not aggressive, but Qingyan quickly condensed into a translucent priestess monster in the air, and a dozen priestesses appeared around the stone sculpture in an instant.

As soon as the priestesses appeared, they took out their daggers and aimed at their chests and began to say lines: "Purify, this evil face! I will always pursue the ultimate beauty!"

This is the rhythm of collective self-exposure!Sure enough, it is the unique skill of the pagans!
Miaomiao's eyes turned cold, and before the priestesses' knives fell, she quickly jumped up, hitting the broom and quickly jumping to the highest point.

Ji Jinghuanxi was not slow to react, he couldn't jump into the air like Miao Miao, but his sliding speed was not weak, and he quickly slid out of the explosion range.

Boom!More than a dozen priestesses revealed to themselves that the red hot liquid like magma fell on the ground and formed a burn trap. Miaomiao was inevitably scalded when she landed, and immediately jumped out of the scalding trap.

However, she had just left the range of the trap, and then entered the attack range of the stone sculptures on the four walls. The enchanting stone arms immediately coiled towards Miaomiao like a snake, and the silence and joy that she shoveled out before had already started to entangle with these stone sculptures The attack began.

Although the attack of these stone sculptures is not high, their entanglement characteristics are a bit annoying. When there is no room to hide, the two of them are constantly dragged by the stone arms and long legs, destroying the stone sculptures behind them, but the stone sculptures next to them stretch out to hook up .

Miao Miao currently has almost no large-scale attack skills. Xiu Lulu, who can explode in a range, can't kill these stone sculptures in one blow. She can't quickly eliminate such immobile monsters in batches.

When she was having a headache, she saw a large area of ​​nearby stone sculptures being damaged by the rotating laser cover on the top of her head. At the same time, the Viper Cannon hit several statues in a straight line, and the exploding robot also exploded quickly.

She turned her head to look over, and it turned out that Ji Jinghuanxi had already broken free from the shackles. At this moment, she activated the G-series skills and various mechanical firepower and was coming towards her, sweeping the monsters smoothly all the way.

Really mighty, Miaomiao really thinks that he can actually be a good teammate at the moment, at least the ability to sweep the floor and clear monsters is really good.

Soon the stone sculptures beside her were cleaned up, Ji Jinghuanxi took an automatic pistol and handsomely knocked down the last stone sculpture beside Miao Miao, jokingly said, "It's my fault that Her Majesty the Queen was surprised."

"Thanks, but you are too involved in the drama, right? The task still requires you to speak at any time?" Miaomiao was noncommittal about his exaggerated behavior in line with the plot, and she didn't intend to listen to his answer after asking. She saw the middle The burning plasma disappeared and killed them immediately.

Sure enough, the heart of revenge is very heavy...

 Double update preview ~ see you at four o'clock ~
(End of this chapter)

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