Chapter 110 Treasure
Once plotted against by the fallen stone sculpture, Miaomiao slapped the stone sculpture hard on the face as if revenge, and immediately put on the shadow cloak as soon as she saw that the guy was about to say a line, tied the stone sculpture tightly, even the wings on the back Broken wings.

Seeing Miaomiao's speed of killing monsters with skills that don't need blue, and seeing the fallen stone sculpture in the center being suppressed and unable to release half of his skills, the sense of superiority that Ji Jinghuanxi had just rescued Miaomiao instantly returned to zero.

Others always say that he is the God of Killing, but now he thinks that a persistent fighting madman like Miao Miao should be considered as the God of Killing, but she is not as fond of killing as he is. If this woman becomes crazy, she will definitely be more bloodthirsty than him.

Under Miaomiao's frenzied slaughter, Ji Jinghuanxi didn't take much action, and the fallen stone sculpture fell down, and a piece of pink equipment unexpectedly popped out, Miaomiao picked it up and looked at it a little surprised.

Ji Jinghuanxi walked over, and Miaomiao threw the ring to him: "Excellent ring, how about the roll distribution?"

Reaching out to catch the ring, the heart-shaped ruby ​​ring is exquisite and beautiful, and the outer ring exudes a soft pink luster. Quiet and Joyful looked at the attributes and was pleasantly surprised, and his eyes brightened instantly.

This ring is called the Heart of the Goddess of Beauty. In addition to the high attributes of the pink artifact itself, it also has a 5% chance to increase its intelligence by 10% when it releases skills, and the effect lasts for 30 seconds.

He held it in his hand and sighed in admiration: "I didn't expect this nympho statue to drop such a good thing."

This is the pinnacle of the magic attack profession!The attributes of this ring are top-notch, and the attributes are increased by a percentage, basically rising to the top level without changing it!

How can anyone not like such a good thing, and it must be a sky-high price if it is put up for auction, but top players like Miaomiao and Ji'an Huanxi who like leapfrog challenges must give priority to their own use.

Both of them are magic attack-type occupations, but there is only one ring. Things seem a bit difficult, so Miaomiao proposed to roll points and distribute them. Whoever is lucky will get them, so as to avoid any complaints.

"Take it, the ring I'm using now is not bad." Ji Jing Huanxi threw the ring back unexpectedly, without a trace of nostalgia.

He also stretched out his fingers and shook the ring on his hand. It was a silver ring dotted with three black roses. Although he, like Miao Miao, set it to hide the luster of the items on his body, it can be seen from the shape The quality of the ring on his hand is extraordinary.

Miaomiao was also not polite to him, she smiled at him rarely, thanked him and put the ring on her left ring finger.

Only one ring can be equipped in this game, but it can be worn on any finger, and it is also possible to wear more, but the default is to use the last equipped ring, and these rings are also within the drop rate when the equipment is dropped.

The ring equipment bar can also be changed to another one of the currently wearing ring, so players who like the switching effect often wear several rings and change at any time.

Ji Jinghuan rejoiced to see the inexplicable position of the ring on her lips raised, and the ring finger of her left hand was where the wedding ring was, which made him suddenly have a subtle illusion of a successful marriage proposal.

After staring at the ring for a few times, he finally decided not to tell the truth, lest she change it to another finger if something goes wrong, and the subtle feeling will be gone.

Seeing An Jing Huanxi keep looking at the ring on his hand, Miaomiao thought he regretted it, raised her eyebrows and said, "Why? Regret it? I won't take it off and redistribute it."

"Although I'm not a gentleman, I'm still very virtuous. You can wear the ring until you grow old together." Ji Jinghuan said nonchalantly.

Miaomiao ignored his inappropriate wording, and was about to see if there were any other good things dropped by the fallen stone sculpture, when the foodie suddenly jumped to the place where the stone sculpture fell and smelled it vigorously.

"Do you eat rocks too? You really aren't picky eaters." Miaomiao raised her eyebrows, this foodie won't be hungry again.

The foodie put his waist on his waist and said unconvinced: "What! I can feel the breath of treasures! I am a cute master who can recognize geniuses and treasures!"

Ever since claiming to be the strongest cutie, Chihuo began to unscrupulously declare himself the big cutie, and never let go of any opportunity to explain this.

"Okay, big cute lord who doesn't wear clothes, where is the treasure?" Miao Miao asked him with a smile, full of sarcasm, and she didn't intend to save him any face for such a skinless and shameless pet.

I don't know if it's because the naked man has become thick-skinned after working for a long time. The foodie directly ignored Miaomiao's sarcasm, stretched out the chubby hand triumphantly and pointed at the position under the fallen stone sculpture's butt, and said in awe: "It's here! Definitely There are treasures! I will send four!"

Miao Miao directly pushed the foodie aside and looked at the location he pointed to. Although this place is a bit wretched, and it is a wretched statue of a nympho, the existence of the treasure still made Miao Miao grope for the fallen stone sculpture without hesitation. under the ass.

As soon as I groped for this position, I couldn't touch anything, but the fallen stone sculpture lying down changed.

A blue-gray light slowly shines from the surface of the fallen stone sculpture, and soon the entire outer circle of the stone sculpture lights up, and floats up like a ghost, as if it is about to be resurrected and fight again.

The foodie broke out in a cold sweat involuntarily, and quietly hid behind the match.

Jing Jing happily shook his head and said gloatingly: "It seems that your pet's concept of treasure is a little bit off."

Taking a few steps back, Miaomiao glanced at the foodie, this useless pet might not even have flaws in skills, she squinted her eyes and said to the foodie in a sinister way: "If there is no treasure, I guess you might have to Go on a hunger strike to lose weight for a month and practice your skills.”

The foodie bit his finger and whimpered, he obviously felt the breath of the treasure, who knows what big monster it will touch.

At this moment, the stone sculpture has been floating in the air, and the blue-gray light on it is getting more and more blazing, but the fallen stone sculpture itself does not appear to be resurrected with its eyes open, but from the wings behind it, the stone slowly becomes black, and then resembles It gradually fell off like being burned by high temperature, and soon the entire fallen stone sculpture began to fall off, getting smaller and smaller like volatilization.

When the stone carvings disappeared, a slightly transparent soul like a female mage appeared, holding a thick ancient book in her hand, which was similar in appearance to the Incomplete Theory of Dark Magic Book obtained earlier, and Also locked in chains.

"Thank you for freeing my soul. This ugly curse has tortured me for too long." The female mage's soul floated in the air, slowly looking at Silent Joy and Miaomiao to thank her face and the previous fallen stone sculpture It's exactly the same, but at this moment the soul's face is soft, and the smile is serene and peaceful.

The soul of the female mage held the ancient book in her hand and gently touched the cover: "If it weren't for protecting this book, I would definitely not be able to support it until this moment. Lord Monica, I have finally lived up to your entrustment."

(End of this chapter)

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