The cute queen of online games

Chapter 202 One night's popularity

Chapter 202

Queen Liber seemed to agree with Miaomiao's considerations, and gave Miaomiao a glance of appreciation, then nodded slightly to inform Cuiqiao of the decision, and the beautiful general agreed without any objection.

After all the NPCs from Landis were arrested and imprisoned, the players from Landis also began to be ordered by the system to teleport back to their forces.

Before leaving, Zero Gunpowder was quite friendly, and chatted with the right hand for a few words, the two presidents actually smiled and said that they would not make enemies because of this, the two are really quite generous, they behaved like brothers after chatting for a while Start hooking your shoulders...

Seeing this scene, several members of the other guilds in Landis were stunned by the hypocritical mask of the head of the two guilds, and hurried away without making a sound. Looking at it again, they would really vomit!
On the other hand, Miao Miao, who just spoke to the queen, was praised by Queen Liber, and gave a lot of merit with a wave of her hand. Miao Miao was promoted again accidentally.

Queen Liber finished her praise, and then suddenly looked at Miaomiao seriously and said seriously: "Meng Miaomiao, you are a girl with great wisdom, your ability is extraordinary, and you are worthy of great responsibility. Good thing."

As soon as the Queen's words came out, Miaomiao was in a black line. What kind of negotiator is she a player? It's dangerous to grow old to other forces, okay?And she still needs to level up and do tasks!
"Your Highness, I am honored to have your trust, but I am not from Roulan, so it seems inappropriate to ask me to represent the principality." Although there were many complaints in her heart, on the surface Miaomiao still politely and modestly refused.

Queen Liber smiled lovingly, then put her hands on Miaomiao's shoulders and said kindly: "In my eyes, you are worthy of the qualifications of Roulan citizens, and the idea was proposed by you, and it should be most suitable for you to implement it. I believe You can bring good news to Roulan."

Miaomiao suddenly realized that Queen Liber's smile had a deep meaning, the meaning was too obvious, that is to say, Miaomiao had to let Miaomiao solve the good idea. The principality of Roulan will not lose its real people, and the only ones who die are foreign adventurers.

Eyelids twitched, Miao Miao sighed in her heart that Queen Liber looked amiable, but she was sinister enough in her bones!

She couldn't bear to refuse this task. After the Queen finished speaking, the system automatically entered her task bar with a prompt.

Now that the matter has come to this point, thinking about it is at least a hidden mission, Miaomiao had no choice but to accept it, saluted and responded: "I am willing to serve Her Royal Highness, and I will do my best to complete the mission."

Queen Liber nodded with a smile on her face, and the Miaomiao task bar reminded her to return to the palace in three days to return to the palace. At that time, she will go to Landis with the NPC negotiating mission to negotiate.

After saying goodbye to the queen, Miaomiao walked up to the right hand and Zero Gunsmoke who were greeting each other, and raised her eyebrows as soon as she came up and asked, "The drop rate of the Miller Whale map is not bad, right?"

The palm of the right hand was sweating, and he quickly nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Not bad, not bad, very good."

"Since it's good, why are you still in the mood to come to Roulan for a sneak attack?" She asked calmly, seeming to be joking and questioning.

This remark immediately made the right hand feel guilty, holding the handle in someone's hand and even came to sneak attack, the cute god was in a bad mood and moved the map away, it was not over, when he came here, he specially asked Jiang Ye to inform him, thinking that Miaomiao would come Very generous, at least he is a famous god in the whole server...

Women really hold grudges!
"Uh...hehehe...the NPC is really too busy, yes, the NPC insists on letting us come, I really can't help it...isn't it..." the right hand faltered, and it was a bit impossible to make up. This kind of gesture tried to confuse him, but in the end his face drooped, and he simply didn't make any excuses, and said depressedly, "In the end, you won meritorious deeds, so don't worry about so much!"

Miaomiao laughed silently, but Zero Gunpowder couldn't help laughing out loud, mainly because he found out that there were other guild presidents who were deflated in front of Mengshen, and his own tragic history immediately became irrelevant. It turns out that there are people who are more afraid of this cute god than him.

The right hand who has always been admired by people in Landis will really be laughed at. He, the president of Landis, is said to have no relationship with Roulan's master player, but he has fallen into his hands. Yes, what is this called!
"So, I should thank you." Miao Miao said with a smile.

On the contrary, the right hand waved his hand a little fearfully, and said nervously as if he was in a hurry to leave: "You're welcome, you're welcome, the evacuation time stipulated by the system is coming soon, I'm leaving first!"

As she said that she was about to grab Shanren with her right hand, Miao Miao stopped him with a horizontal stroke, shook her head and smiled lightly: "Don't rush to leave, I sincerely thank you, no, I also prepared a big gift."

He stopped suspiciously, his right hand was a little curious about the big gift, but he didn't know what kind of medicine was bought in Miaomiao's gourd, so he turned around and asked hesitantly: "What big gift?"

"You'll know it when you see it." Miaomiao called up her own system panel, pulled out a video from the video library, and then selected the interactive information on the right hand and chose to send the video to the other party.

The right hand chose to receive, and after receiving it, he looked at it immediately, his eyes widened in surprise, and he showed an expression of trying to hold back a smile.

"Sure enough, it's a great gift! Thank you! Adorable God!" The right hand immediately nodded his thanks, really happy.

This time it was really time to evacuate, and the right hand left after saying goodbye with gratitude.

Zero Gunpowder looked puzzled at the two of them, and asked Miaomiao curiously after Landis evacuated: "What gift did you give him?"

"You will know tomorrow." Miao Miao deliberately kept it secret, holding a broom and smiling very profoundly.

After being bored, Zero Gunpowder hurriedly led the group and left the palace. It was so late, even the great players should wash up and go to sleep.

The queen's defense battle ended like this. The players of Ye Roulan's faction were jubilant, celebrating and celebrating everywhere. Who would have thought that, but the protagonists who participated in the battle went offline and fell asleep peacefully after going through all the troubles. Several guilds were We went to celebrate collectively the next day.

And the next day, the news of the Queen's Defense Battle filled the major newspapers and magazines in the game. The warriors who won honor for Roulan celebrated while reading the newspaper reports praising Roulan's warriors.

It is worth mentioning that the chairman of Landis's fashion spirit has made headlines in many newspapers, and the style of fashion night falling in the grass in the grass that followed the report really surprised all the players on the server. There is a whole video of being overwhelmed after a fashion night wrestling and being tortured by a cute god appeared in the dynamic newspaper column. 30 Years of Fashion Night...

As a result, Fashion Soul has become a big laughing stock of the Principality of Landis. Since then, this guild has no reputation as the second largest guild in Landis. Whenever the word Fashion Soul is mentioned, everyone will think of dogs eating mud. The chairman's stunning appearance is simply a timeless classic joke.

However, Fashion Night's wish to become famous was achieved in such an unexpected way. There were also many players who volunteered to join the Fashion Soul, and some people were even willing to transfer powers to join for this purpose, just to see the leader's "" Peerless style", these bastards who read jokes were naturally rejected by the fashion night...

Needless to say, these videos are the one that Miaomiao passed to her right hand. This gift is definitely heavy enough!

When the fashion night became popular overnight and started to make people laugh, the cute killing faction became popular. The next day Miaomiao sold the battle video from the cute killing faction's perspective in the queen's defense battle to the official through water and sky, and at the same time solicited Ye Ye After the comments, she also sold the video of her wonderful battle with Jiang Ye to the official.

Soon the official new promotional video was released, these contents were perfectly recorded, and the official took a lot of thought to restore the scene this time, made a trial version of the holographic promotional video, and made a commemorative version of the audio-visual book release After buying [-] copies, the audio-visual book was opened and played, as if you were on the scene, and felt the fierce battle scene at that time in the most authentic way.

This promotional video became popular in an instant, and the Mengsha faction of the Great God Guild that appeared frequently in the film also became popular immediately. Some expert players that Phoenix Weiyang had tried so hard to invite in the past actually came here to ask to join, and the strength of the Mengsha faction rapidly increased With the rise, the original only half of the cute killing group is gradually approaching full strength, and even life players have successfully recruited some ideal grandmaster seedlings.

The Mengsha faction started to thrive from a small seed, and under the leadership of Miaomiao, this great god's guild began to prosper day by day.

While others were still talking about gossip about the queen's defense battle, the Mengsha faction quickly embarked on a new journey and continued the difficult task of pushing the Three Realms Tower dungeon.

With the help of Apostle Faro, although the progress of pushing the book is much faster, the difficulty is still too high. When the guild was able to get the task, the Mengsha faction was far ahead and pushed to the height of the fifth floor.

Because of the plot of Faro, while the dungeon leading to the heaven is advancing, the dungeon going down to the demon world is also opened to Miaomiao, but the difficulty of this dungeon is relatively simple, and it is just a team book, so every day except pushing up to the seventh floor to enter the heaven In addition to the group copy, Miaomiao also organized a team to go down to the Demon Realm.

During the period, Miao Miao also went to Landis to negotiate with the queen as agreed with the Queen. She had already met the regent Xiangli once. Since she helped the regent to eliminate adultery last time and gained a good impression, the negotiation this time was also very successful. Landis agreed to all the requests made by Queen Liber, and while apologizing, she also hoped that Roulan could lend a helping hand to solve Landis's plague crisis.

(End of this chapter)

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