Chapter 203

New plots and new series of missions successfully appeared in Landis. The two countries jointly sent NPCs to station outside the infected area to assist Landis players in investigating the plague and developing cures. New copies and new maps related to the plague were opened, and thanks to Wei's Miaomiao received a generous reward and returned to the Principality of Roulan to continue advancing the Three Realms Tower.

As for the Three Realms Tower, Landis, who is busy with the plague mission, has no time to step in to start the mission in the heavens, and the Mar Empire, which is far away, for some reason, the well-known big guilds are silent, and only some medium-sized guilds come to make soy sauce , so the opening of the heaven almost only caused competition among the guilds of Roulan Principality.

In the days of harmonious promotion, the demon world on the lower seven floors reached the final boss, and Miaomiao finally led the team to the last floor of the demon world.

The golden locksmith doll guarding the gate of the demon world is the final boss. With the concerted efforts of a group of people, the golden locksmith died. After the locksmith fell to the ground, his body was scattered with doll parts. Miaomiao stepped forward to pick up the golden key. She looked at the wall behind the boss. The design of this wall is very distinctive and matches the boss very well. There are countless gears and keyholes on the wall. fashion sense.

Walking straight over, Miaomiao aimed at the only golden keyhole that matched the color of the key among the countless keyholes. She inserted the key in with her thumb and finger and squeezed it tightly, and the key took the keyhole and turned it around.

There was a slight clicking sound, and the underground gate of the Tower of the Three Realms opened slowly. Miao Miao and her teammates stood in front of the gate quietly and joyfully, Solo Dance, Gu Liang, and the ultimate lunatic. Everyone's hearts couldn't help beating half a beat faster , They sincerely look forward to the true face of the demon world behind the mysterious gate.

Even the reborn Miao Miao has never seen the true appearance of the legendary Demon World, let alone the others, so everyone's eyes are fixed on the doorway, only Faro has been lazily standing in the dead gold locksmith.

He stretched his waist and said slowly: "It seems that I can go home."

After the words fell, the door to the legendary land finally opened, but everyone looked surprised, only Faro was still so lazy.

There is no beautiful scenery outside the door, not even a scenery to speak of. Miaomiao and the others only see the mysterious world like a black hole. A strong gust of wind suddenly pours in from outside the door, and a chill hits everyone's dream of the devil world. All woke up.

The wind blows, and the black hole-like world has changed a little. The original blackness seems to have been blown off with a thick layer of oil paint. Through the hazy black and gray, you can vaguely see the desolation behind many black swirls and white wind swirls. The towns in the Demon Realm, weathered and dilapidated, are completely ruins.

"Is this the Demon Realm?" Du Wu was the first to say in amazement, he really couldn't believe that this scene was the Demon Realm.

How could a place that bred so many legends and powerful apostles be so desolate and dilapidated?
"Don't you know? The Demon Realm, which has lost its resources, has long since fallen. Only a few places ruled by the apostles can still enjoy life, and all the entrances and exits of the Demon Realm are surrounded by cracks in different dimensions and weird energy storms. It is basically impossible to cross these places. Narrowly escaped death." Faro finally walked over on catwalks, looked at the dense interdimensional cracks and energy storms like a honeycomb, and said, "I haven't come back for many years, these cracks are more and denser, I think ordinary people have already Can't get through here."

When he said ordinary people, he looked at Miaomiao, and then scanned the others.

Miaomiao remembered the setting about the demons who came to the mainland of Alans. It was true that they had to go through a storm of narrow escapes to reach the mainland, but she originally thought that it was just that it would be difficult for the demons to leave the demon world, but it was not the case. , and even the entrance and exit of the Three Realms Tower that penetrates the Three Realms with divine power has become like this.

Thinking about it carefully, from the very beginning, the difficulty of the team book was not high enough to make people think it was too easy. Sure enough, the entrance to the Demon Realm is not so easy to open, otherwise the difficulty of this dungeon would be at least the same as pushing up the seven-story tower.

"I understand, there's no way to take me back to the Demon Realm, right?" Miaomiao asked looking at the cracks in another dimension. In fact, she wasn't too disappointed in her heart, she had expected it would not be so easy.

But Faru jumped on Miaomiao's shoulder and replied happily: "No, you still have the God Stone of Terra, but I will only take you to the Demon Realm alone, and I have almost helped you to open the Heaven Realm. My territory is still waiting for me to recover, so if we go, we will leave now, as for other people who want to enter the Demon Realm, they can only rely on their own abilities."

Miaomiao glanced at him, this Faro really took good care of her, could it be that she really regarded her as a friend after getting along for a long time?

Then Faro said triumphantly, "Who told you to be my son's mother?"

The black kitten was thrown out immediately, but this time Faro was used to jumping to the ground on his own, and he even dodged a hidden silver knife flying from behind. What kind of apostle would he be if he couldn't learn to dodge after being recruited many times!

But this time the tormentors to Faro, besides the silent and joyful hand-slipping, are Miao Miao who can't bear it. It's shameful for an apostle to take advantage of the player. Do people want to smoke him?

"Faru, thank you for your special attention, but I would like to reserve the right to use the God Stone of Terra." Miao Miao immediately talked about another matter as if nothing had happened, her expression remained unchanged, as if she had never touched her hand just now In terms of thick skin, she is really comparable to Huanxi God.

Faro didn't care too much, but just looked at Miaomiao and confirmed her thoughts: "Are you sure you don't want to go to the Demon Realm with me now? Don't blame me for not telling you. After I leave, maybe you will never come to the Arance Continent again." There is no one who can activate the Terra Stone for you."

Faru is arrogant, and his consciousness is to tell Miao Miao that this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is only once, and it will not wait until it is out of date!
The people in the team channel heard the conversation between the two, and the others became anxious for Miaomiao.

Gu Liang was the first to quit, and quickly persuaded: "Mengshen can't give up the opportunity! Maybe you can continue to open the map of the devil world after entering the devil world, if you don't go, you may never have the opportunity to open this map again. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." This opportunity is truly not to be missed!"

Thinking that this might be the only chance to open the Demon Realm, Gu Liang was worried. He grabbed the cross and shook it vigorously, almost going to perform the classic scene of the Roaring Emperor.

"Is the president worried about opening the raid of the Heaven Realm? I think Wei Young's vice-guild can lead everyone to complete it successfully, and it won't be snatched away by other guilds. Well, the hidden plot has not yet come out... But it is absolutely It is important not to open the Demon Realm, and the president should give priority to this task." The ultimate lunatic couldn't help but speak, he is more rational than Gu Liang, and the name lunatic should be given to Gu Liang.

Du Wu was also persuading, and said earnestly: "Why do you worry so much, let me do the task if you want me to, we believe in your ability, and you should also believe that we will not discredit the Mengsha faction."

Miao Miao listened to what they persuaded, but she did not give up on entering the Demon Realm for this reason. In fact, she had high expectations for the map of the Demon Realm. If she was required to enter alone, the map of the Demon Realm should be hidden. There are certain important plots or some big secrets.

It's just that after going to the Demon Realm, it is absolutely impossible to return to the Arance Continent easily. Although the trip must be worthwhile and it will inevitably take a lot of trouble, how could she not look forward to it, but for her, she still has more important things to do. That is to enter the map of the heavens and start all the plans to deal with the four seas!
She can't spend too much time in the Demon Realm. Isn't she putting so much thought into the game to let the scumbag Si Hai get the punishment he deserves? At this moment, the scale in her heart is still accurate!

"Don't try to persuade me. It's decided like this. Whether it's the only chance to open the Demon Realm or not, I won't go to the Demon Realm alone now." She said firmly without any hesitation.

Didn't the map of the devil world never open before rebirth, the difference this time is that the map of the devil world was destroyed in her hands, so let her be the sinner of the whole server.

At this time, the others didn't know what to say, but they all showed disappointment and disapproval, only Jing Jing and Joy still smiled leisurely.

He said lightly: "Isn't it just a dilapidated demon world? I don't think it's necessary to open it in such a crappy state. Let's go back now."

After finishing speaking, he gave Faro a disgusted look and continued: "And he is such an incompetent apostle, I'm afraid he will be killed as soon as he returns to the Demon Realm, and don't expect him to be alive to help next time."

When Faro heard that, he quit immediately, and straightened his back and shouted: "Hmph! How is it possible! I am the evil king of evil. Whoever can kill me will just open a passage to the devil world. It is easy for me."

"Really?" Jing Jing hummed joyfully, squinted his eyes in disbelief, turned the automatic pistol in his hand and gave Faro an indifferent glance, that contemptuous and arrogant look could arouse anger just by looking at it.

"Of course." Faru raised his head and erupted with the majesty of energy on his body. Even if it was only attached to the sheriff, he exuded the powerful aura of an apostle, and then he immediately assured Miao Miao, "My strength has been restored. Almost, because I stayed in this body for a period of time, now the evil source power in the sheriff's body has been able to connect with my deity, and I can still use this connection to the sheriff's mind after I return to the devil world. Generate control, so if you need help, I can totally get into the sheriff's body and help you."

 If I wish everyone a happy Double 11, will I be beaten?Forget it, let's congratulate...

(End of this chapter)

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