The cute queen of online games

Chapter 216 Full Level Reached

Chapter 216 Full Level Reached
When the blood volume was reduced to [-]%, the Bull Head Boss went berserk, but this only made Miaomiao laugh even more happily. As a result, within half a minute, this guy was bounced back by his own attack and died!
Miaomiao's experience bar is running up and down, and the experience that has just reached level 60 has reached half, and the system also reminds her that she cannot get all the experience due to level restrictions. As compensation, a million dollars that can only be used after LV[-] The experience capsule was sent to her package.

Miaomiao couldn't stop laughing at the terrible experience points, and then the sheriff flew down to pick up the items dropped by the boss, and it put the items in front of the owner very obediently and lovably.

The items dropped by level [-] bosses are eye-opening. Even with her game experience before rebirth, she has never fought a boss of this level. If it weren't for this strange experience, she would never have seen such a high-level boss. boss, let alone kill it.

There are only five items on the ground, which can be said to be pitifully small for a boss. Miao Miao estimates that it is the limit of this special map, so this bull head boss will not drop a dozen or even dozens of items like ordinary bosses thing.

She picked them up one by one carefully, and two of them were sub-professional materials. One was called Cruel Heart, which was a pink-quality enchanting material. There was no detailed explanation, only that it could be added when enchanting, and it was not a must. Miao Miao doesn't know much about the rare sub-class of enchanting, but she knows that most of the non-essential materials in the sub-class materials are to increase the effect of the sub-class products, as if the fine steel stone is this type , so the heart of cruelty should also be a good thing.

The other material is the eye of cruelty, which happens to be the puppeteer material that Miao Miao learned. She has never heard of such a thing, so this thing has never appeared before rebirth, or it has too few drops and has not appeared on the market. flowed out.

Both materials were included in the package, and she recognized the other three items, a pink quality alchemy formula, a skill book, and a pink piece of equipment.

Picking up the alchemy formula and looking at it, Miaomiao was almost overjoyed, it turned out to be the formula of the invincible potion! 60 seconds of invincibility time!So awesome!

However, this formula requires a master alchemist to learn. She intends to keep it and contribute it to the guild. Most of the formulas she got from the official pit last time were given to the players in the guild. Although these formulas are very valuable, the long-term benefits of the guild Benefits are much more important than the money she makes by selling formulas.

Then I read the skill book, and it turned out to be a level [-] skill book of the element, Photoelectric Ice Wall. Miaomiao was a little shocked. The level [-] skill is an epoch-making symbol of a profession. There are fewer and fewer new skills above level [-]. But each one is an astonishingly powerful blockbuster skill, and its toughness is even stronger than the awakening skill in some professions.

Before her rebirth, this kind of skill book did not appear so early at all. The current game character is still top [-]. She vaguely remembers that the [-]th level skill book gradually appeared after the new top [-] was released, but the burst rate is also very small. It can be said that only local tyrants are worth owning. It was not until the [-]-level top level that the [-] skill book increased and the burst rate began to gradually become popular.

She held this skill book and wished it wasn't her own. Nowadays, when players are generally over 40, this priceless treasure is simply a legend. She dared to say that she must be the first person to obtain [-] skill books!

She also kept the skill book well. If she gave it to the great god element mage Clown Posswirling in the meeting in the future, with his operation, the Mengsha faction would have an extra blockbuster in battle!
Finally, she picked up the piece of equipment. She knew at first glance that she would not need this item. Just by looking at its appearance, she knew it was a pink battle stick, a weapon belonging to a power mage. She picked it up and looked at it. It was a seventy The super fan weapon, called Remnant Blood Into the Soul Stick, is indeed the best, and it can be sold for a good price in the future, but it is a pity that who would buy such a high-priced level [-] equipment so early, it is definitely a hot-handed equipment.

Starting with five items, all of them are high-quality items without exception. After all, it is a boss above level 100, and the items dropped will always be somewhat unusual. Miaomiao even suspects that this is already greatly limiting and reducing the violence rate and the grade of the items. Otherwise, the boss with more than [-] levels would only drop some sixty or seventy level things.

This is already against the sky, so Miaomiao is not too demanding on the system. After all, if she is asked to fight this boss with a real sword, she will probably be killed directly.

Having tasted the sweetness, Miaomiao couldn't help but look around to see if there were any similar giant bosses available for use. After searching like this, she could see a few from a distance, but her advancing route didn't give her such an opportunity. Opportunities can only be counted as one.

Despite facing such a big temptation, Miao Miao went offline to rest on this floating island. This time-space lost paradise is indeed a gold digging place for adventurers, but unless necessary, she will not violate her own schedule.

For the next few days, Miaomiao was still trapped in the Lost Paradise of Time and Space. Da Qiao finally reported the news of Arlans Continent truthfully. Miaomiao didn't feel too nervous. I feel that I have found a very high standard for this vice club.

As for the news about the Lost Paradise of Time and Space, she also asked Da Qiao to disclose it to Fenghuang Weiyang. Fenghuang Weiyang was very interested in this map and asked Miaomiao if she could find a way to bring a team to this place to make money.

Miaomiao has thought about this proposal. If possible, she would certainly like to bring everyone to this magical map. It’s better to have fun alone than to have fun with everyone. It’s better to let all the Mengsha faction make this windfall, but it’s a pity. She really didn't know how to enter the place, and she didn't know when she would be able to go out. She has been playing single-player games these days, so she can only express that she is powerless to this proposal.

In addition, Miao Miao has also known the changing law of the Lost Paradise of Time and Space in the past few days. Indeed, there are only these three types she has seen, which change every sixteen hours, and the golden color she saw from a distance before really looks close. It was actually very far away, and it took several days to finally see the whole picture of the golden object protruding from the horizon, and it is not known how long it will take to actually arrive.

So in the past few days, when she encountered a gray world without prompts, she took experience and money freely, and in the other two worlds, she moved forward and looked for opportunities to make money. The monster like the bull-headed boss also encountered it a dozen times later. I haven’t encountered any level over [-] anymore, and the dropped items are not that high-end. There are some skill books, equipment, and formulas around level [-]. The luckiest thing is that she actually got a sixty-level magic book. Skill Book!Needless to say, of course it is for your own use.

In addition, there are often cruel hearts and cruel eyes, as well as several side-job materials such as cruel claws and cruel ribs, which she has safely collected.

As for the protruding golden object, it is now seen to be a golden gear, and there are other gears extending below it. It seems to be a huge set of gears, but I don't know what these gears do or what they represent.

After struggling for nearly ten days, Miao Miao finally felt that she was really close to the gear. At this time, her level had successfully reached the current top [-]. Unfortunately, she hadn't done the job awakening task of level [-] yet, and [-] The level skill book requires awakening to learn, so it can only be put in the bag first.

As for the experience obtained after reaching the full level, it is considered a waste, only the giant boss can leave an experience capsule for her.

Now in the dark world, she stood on the floating island and looked out. The smallest of those huge gears was nearly a hundred times taller than her. It really made people wonder what it was.

Continue to hold the eggshells and advance to two floating islands. There are no new eggshells ahead, and the floating islands have come to an end. There is no way forward. Is it possible to jump down to feed the boss?

Thinking of this, she looked at the time. Fortunately, it will soon turn into a gray and white world at the hour, and she can go down to see what's going on.

The sheriff was swinging around Miaomiao flapping its little wings, when suddenly it made a vigilant grunt sound, and Miaomiao immediately turned her head to look behind her.

I saw the ice in the center of the floating island suddenly shattered, and several streamers spun in the ice layer, and then a person appeared among them.

Miaomiao was stunned when she saw this person, she had the same appearance as her, but her dress was much more gorgeous than her black gothic mage, and the broom in her hand was so advanced that it could blind eyes, it was simply a gorgeous version she.

What makes people feel particularly awkward is that the smile on the other party's face is very pure and pleasant, not as accidental as hers at all. Miao Miao wondered when did she have a twin sister with the image of a white lotus?
She looked at it in surprise, and found that the other party was a peaceful NPC. Could it be that some plot was about to unfold?

"Hello! I finally saw someone here!" The advanced version of Meng Miaomiao said excitedly. Seeing the excitement on Miaomiao's face, she walked over, "I've been going around this place It’s been several months, and the whole world is starting to be destroyed. If I don’t go out, I might be destroyed along with this world! I thought I’d never see anyone again! Come! Let’s find a way out together!”

This advanced version of cute Miaomiao didn't seem to recognize that Miaomiao had the same face as her, and spoke enthusiastically as if seeing a long-lost companion.

Miaomiao was a little surprised, what this NPC said was so strange.

After thinking about it, she decided not to expose the same appearance, so she pretended to be confused, and only asked her own question: "Who are you? You have been here for several months? Then do you know what is here?" place?"

The other party had already walked in front of Miao Miao, and Miao Miao kept a distance from her vigilantly. This strange situation made her feel that the other party might become hostile and start fighting at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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