The cute queen of online games

Chapter 217 The end is coming

Chapter 217 The end is coming
The advanced version of Meng Miaomiao suddenly looked sad, and said sadly: "I am Meng Miaomiao. Don't you know that this is the future of the Arras continent. I was accidentally involved in this place, and it took me a few months I have witnessed the transformation from the prosperous Arance Continent to a terrifying doomsday scene, and it won’t be long before the real Arance Continent will gradually become like this.”

It took a long time to digest these words, but she didn't quite believe it. How could the Arance continent be on the verge of doomsday?She had played the game before she was reborn. Although the continent has been plagued by disasters, it has always been prosperous, and there is no sign of it turning into a doomsday.

"How is it possible? There are so many powerful people guarding the Arance Continent. Even if there is any catastrophe that can lead to the doomsday, it will definitely be eliminated." Miao Miao did not object fiercely, but just told the truth.

There are indeed countless powerful figures such as great magicians, prophets, and sword masters living on the mainland, and many of them are experts who can quell the catastrophe, so Miaomiao believes that the end is not so easy.

"You are thinking too simply. This is not a natural disaster, but a man-made terrorist disaster. The continent of Arance will inevitably be reduced to ruins." The advanced version of Meng Miaomiao is extremely determined.

"Man-made disaster?" Miaomiao repeated in disbelief, then stared at the other party and said, "Then I'm surprised, who has such a great ability?"

The other party suddenly smiled sarcastically, and said self-deprecatingly: "What if I tell you that I am the one who caused all this to happen?"

"You mean... the one who caused the doomsday to come is Meng Miaomiao?" Miao Miao was a little uneasy, her eyelids twitched, and she asked uncertainly.

The other party made a series of self-deprecating laughter, and then a tear fell across the lovely face without warning.

"It's just that it's too late. I promoted all of this. I personally brewed the doomsday. I really want to save it. Really, but it's too late! So I will be buried with all of this in the end!"

While talking, she suddenly widened her tear-filled eyes, pointed at Miao Miao and said sternly: "And this will be your final fate! Don't take chances, everything is bound to happen!"

As soon as the voice fell, the world suddenly turned white, gray and white began to occupy the darkness, and this weird advanced version of cute meow suddenly became blurred...

"Don't go! What do you mean?" Miao Miao reached out to grab this NPC. What she said was so strange that it completely confused people.

In just a moment, the gray and white world has formed, but the blurred advanced version of the cute meow has not disappeared. Miao Miao really held the opponent's hand, but after the person in front of her eyes became clear, the opponent's appearance changed. changed.

This person still has the same face as Miaomiao, but his expression has become a lot more gentle and pleasing, even a little childish, and his attire is also different. He is dressed in a cute and cute mage novice outfit, and the weapons in his hands have become Small wands made from the first green branches.

"Hello, I'm Meng Miaomiao." The other party greeted Miao Miao with an innocent face.

However, Miaomiao has been rendered speechless by this crazy scene, squinting at the other party without even making a sound.

This initial version of Meng Miaomiao stretched out her unheld hand and shook Miao Miao a few times, her five fingers were still moving cutely, she asked sweetly: "Meng Miaomiao, you don't know me Yet?"

Miao Miao frowned and let go of the other party, she never pretended to be cute to such a disgusting level, okay...

Finally Miaomiao spoke, staring into the other person's eyes and questioning: "Who the hell are you? Don't tell me what cute meow is."

Blinking her eyes, the initial version of Meng Miaomiao smiled, shook her head and said briskly: "Me? I am your past."

"Come on, I wasn't like this at all in the past, don't think that pretending to be young is the old me." Miao Miao really felt that the system was really cheating, even if she wanted to pretend to be her past, it would be a little troublesome.

After all, the game is a game, it can simulate the appearance, but not the psychology, so whether it is the gorgeous version of Meng Miaomiao or this initial version, Miao Miao did not have the slightest illusion that she is really her, because her personality is completely different from hers!

"Really? If you can really recognize yourself so clearly, why are you still trapped in a dream bubble and can't see the truth? Don't you understand what everything here is?" The initial version of cute meow meow She pursed her lips and shook her head, "It can be seen that you don't really recognize who you are."

Miao Miao smiled, and suddenly took a broom and slapped directly at the other party.

"Whether I can recognize myself or not, at least I know who I am better than you, unlike you who have to pretend to be others!" She said firmly as she patted the broom.

She is not someone who will be easily entangled by a few words from NPCs. She has her own thoughts and thoughts, and she is definitely not able to be influenced by others at will!If it was before she was reborn, she might be confused, but after a life and death, she couldn't be more firm in her thoughts.

And with this little trick of the NPC, trying to confuse her is still a little tender!
The original version of Meng Miaomiao always had a lovely smile on her face, and when facing Miaomiao’s broom, she flashed like a shadow, and then she shook her head loudly: "Maybe you are right, but only you know Only by clarifying the truth can you get out from here, otherwise I won't let you go."

Miaomiao realized that the speed of the other party was incredible, and she narrowed her eyes immediately: "The truth? The truth is that you are actually just a phantom, not my past at all."

The other party smiled and pointed at Miao Miao: "Really? Then look at yourself."

Between those fingers, Miaomiao's body was surrounded by streamers, which made her unable to help but look at herself. She was frightened when she saw the weapon in her hand. Her very beautiful Fallen Beauty Feather Ornament somehow became The original green branch magic wand was changed, and the equipment on his body was transformed into a set of novice equipment, and even the pets suddenly disappeared.

Quickly opened the information bar, the pet bar was blank, and my own information became zero level...

The original version of the cute meow laughed and pointed at Miao Miao.

"Isn't this your past?"


Mr. System, can this kind of joke be made casually?If she was casually turned into a zero level, she still wants to play!

Soon, amidst the other party's laughter, Miaomiao also returned a calm smile, and she said calmly: "It seems that you can only play this kind of trick, if you think it can scare me, then You are wrong, I think, you are the guy who controls the time here, is it fun to change like this?"

The original version of Meng Miaomiao finally stopped laughing. She looked at Miaomiao seriously, nodded this time, and replied, "En, it's really fun."

Then the other party said: "It seems that you understand a little bit, but what I control is not only the time here, but also not changing."

"What you are is not what I care about, I want to know the reason why you stop me from going forward." Miaomiao said, and glanced sideways at the huge gears behind her, "Let me make a bold guess, whether there is something hidden there Is there some truth that you don't want me to know?"

The original version of Meng Miaomiao's expression froze slightly for a few seconds, and Miao Miao smiled, it seemed that she had guessed something right.

"Then let me guess again. Since you are in charge of time, are those gears also related to time? Is it something that records the past and the future, or more exaggerated, something that can control the past and the future?" Looking at the other party The weirder the expression, Miaomiao knew that she had guessed the idea, so her smile became brighter, but even she herself felt a little weird about this guess.

There is anything in this world that can control the past and the future. Isn’t this more miraculous than time travel? In fact, the reason why she has such a guess is because of her rebirth. Isn’t her rebirth just a bizarre return to the past? And has the past changed? In reality, such a thing really happened to her, so it is not impossible to set something in the game to control time.

After she finished speaking, Miaomiao watched the other party silence, and she was not ready to jump down to verify all the thoughts, she just quietly waited for the other party's reaction and response.

"I underestimated you. You are so smart. It seems that you are indeed qualified to be selected. No wonder Mia chose you."

The original version of Meng Miaomiao finally responded, and her gaze was on Miaomiao's forehead, but there was no trace of tears on that place.

"Are you an apostle?" Miaomiao asked, but she had great doubts in her heart, because none of the apostles had the ability to control time.

The other party immediately dismissed it: "Apostle? Huh, I am not the same as those greedy guys. I am the real god, the god who controls time! Or, we are the gods who control time!"

Miaomiao suddenly realized: "It turns out to be an ancient god."

The more she went into the hidden plot of the game, the more lines related to the ancient gods became more and more, and she had met so many ancient gods who were said to have disappeared.

"That's right, I'm Pat who is in charge of the past among the three gods of time. As for the guy you saw earlier who likes to mourn the past is Fitz who is in charge of the future, and the other is Neo who is in charge of the present. It’s okay not to mention the crazy guy.” Pat, the self-proclaimed God of Time, finally opened his mouth and began to explain everything here.

If you think carefully about what he said, there are traces to be found, so the three worlds that Miao Miao experienced will also be explained. The past that Pat is in charge of is a chaotic black and white world, and the world that Neo is in charge of is now a prosperous and beautiful world. In the rainbow world, the future that Fitz is in charge of is the dark world of doomsday crisis, and each of the three represents the three states of the world.

He didn't shy away from looking at Miaomiao and said, "This time-space lost paradise originally existed in the gap between time and space, but the appearance of the crack in another dimension opened a gap here, allowing you to break in here unintentionally."

 Thank you Xuan Yangzi for your reward~
(End of this chapter)

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