The cute queen of online games

Chapter 224 Extreme Price

Chapter 224 Extreme Price
Black silk, skywood essence, green spirit crystal... These are all precious materials for making high-level dolls after transferring to a second-level sub-profession, and each of them is valuable.

"How do you sell these materials?" Miaomiao carried a lot of gold coins on her body, thinking that if the price was reasonable, she would buy them all.

The stall owner was a dark and skinny demon boy. He glanced at Miaomiao and replied, "Not for sale, just for exchange."

"For what? Tell me about it?"

"Bread, rice, noodles, eggs, as long as you can eat enough." The black and thin guy heard that she seemed to really intend to buy it, and immediately looked at Miaomiao eagerly.

Miaomiao didn't expect the things to be changed to be so simple. After thinking about it, she never had the habit of carrying raw materials such as rice noodles with her. Instead, she carried a few sets of finished foods such as bread with her. She should be able to change a few ingredients.

"I have some hard bread, what would you like to change?" she asked.

"One piece of bread, three ingredients." As soon as he heard that there was a change of bread, the boy couldn't help but squirmed his lips a few times, looking like he was crazy hungry.

Miaomiao was stunned when she heard such a cheap exchange, did she hear correctly?Can a piece of hard bread with one gold coin be exchanged for three precious materials? !

Seeing that she didn't make a sound, the guy thought she was too expensive, so he immediately lowered the price in a hurry, and gestured with his finger: "It's okay to change four things, no, five things, really can't be more, I spent a lot of these materials myself The ones collected by kung fu are not very useful, but they are still good things!"

"No." Miao Miao stopped him immediately, seeing the disappointed eyes of the other party, said amusedly, "It's too cheap, how about it, I'll give you three sets of bread, and I'll cover all these ingredients."

A set of bread is 99 pieces, and there are about ten kinds of ingredients on the guy’s stall, each kind of shape, so Miaomiao gave him three times the price, but she still thinks it’s too much to take advantage of this time , so black-hearted that he couldn't bear to look directly at him.

The black and thin guy was ecstatic and directly wrapped up all the materials and stuffed them into Miao Miao's hands. Seeing that Miao Miao seemed unable to hold them, he generously packed the materials directly into a black package and gave them to Miao Miao together.

"The worthless things are also given to you." The young man smiled very honestly and happily.

After receiving the package, Miao Miao was surprised, this unappealing black package had [-] grids, which was many times better than the one she used on her body!
Miaomiao was almost moved to tears, took the package and put it on her body immediately, for fear that the other party would regret it, and then not only gave the black and thin guy three sets of hard bread, but also gave him a set of delicious strawberry cake for foodie, The guy was very grateful for being taken advantage of, which made Miaomiao, a profiteer, feel ashamed.

The items were sold out, and the black-handed guy packed up his things and left as happily as if he was drunk.

Miaomiao stopped him and asked, "Wait a minute, I want to ask you something."

The young man happily replied, "Okay, what do you want to ask?"

"Do you know where you can get a steel stone?"

The young man immediately frowned and thought about it, touched the top of his head and thought for a while before looking at Miaomiao: "Are you talking about a very hard material for making utensils?"

Seeing that the other party seemed to understand, Miaomiao nodded and immediately replied: "Yes."

Under her expectant eyes, the young man gave a silly smile: "You really asked the right person, but we don't call the thing you mentioned a fine steel stone, it should be called a blue steel stone."

Miaomiao heard that she was not sure that the blue steel stone he mentioned was the diamond she thought, but since it is a material for making utensils, it should be more or less the same.

"Where can I find the blue steel stone?" She asked without further explanation.

"There are many places in the Demon Realm, and there are also in the Black Territory, but not too many. The Sin Territory has the most. There is a Lime Mountain, which is the largest source of blue steel in the Demon Realm. However, this stone is not very valuable because it is too hard. It is also extremely difficult to smelt, and few people dig it out." The young man said with special dedication.

Hearing these Miao Miao was a bit puzzled, would the fine steel stone be worthless?Is it because the Demon Realm has less wars recently and doesn't make much equipment anymore?

But hearing that this thing has the most territory in Faro, Miaomiao immediately thought of Faro again.

After thinking about it, she still felt that she should first check to see if it was a fine steel stone, so she asked the boy with a smile, "Is there any place in the city to buy blue steel stone?"

"It seems not. The blacksmith shop in the city has been closed for a long time. If you really want it, you can find some in an abandoned mine vein on Mount Como not too far from here. If you are willing to give me some more strawberry cakes, I will Willing to dig it back." The boy scratched his head in embarrassment as he spoke, but his desire for food made him unable to resist making this suggestion.

Thinking that this guy looks pretty reliable, Miaomiao nodded and discussed the price with him, and decided to exchange a set of strawberry cakes for a set of blue steel stones.

"I don't often come here to set up a stall. If you don't mind, can you come to No. 73 Doma Lane the day after tomorrow and get it from me?" The guy said, then suddenly remembered, and quickly added, "My name is Wen Sen, can you find me?" If I go to a place, people nearby will know where I live."

"That's good." Miao Miao happily agreed, and then took out half a set of strawberry cake from the package and gave it to him, "Here you are, this is a deposit."

Vincent pursed his lips and seemed to want to refuse, but finally took it with both hands, as if the cake was a valuable treasure.

"I promise to bring the blue steel stone on time. If there is enough time, I will dig some more for you, I promise!" He solemnly swore.

Miao Miao felt a little unbelievable, Mozu people were always considered to be cunning and changeable, such a shy and honest young man was really rare, it was almost unstained from the mud.

After agreeing on a deal with Wensen, Miaomiao went to the market again and found that the price of precious materials in the entire market was extremely low, but after that she was restricted by the system and could not trade with these NPCs. Only then did she realize that the previous relationship with Wensen The transaction should happen to trigger the plot allowed by the system.

She couldn't help but look at those cheap items with a little regret. If they were all bought, how much would they have to sell for after returning to the mainland of Alans?
After going through this plot, she found nothing new in Duoyu City, so she went offline early and planned to contact Fenghuang Weiyang to ask about the situation of Ji Jinghuanxi's team.

After exiting the game, Miaomiao opened the door and saw Qiao Nannan sitting on the sofa in the living room. She walked over wonderingly and asked, "It's not the weekend today, why did you go home in the afternoon? Are you really fired?"

When Miaomiao walked to the position directly opposite Qiao Nannan, she immediately saw him ravaging a piece of cake with a sad face, and felt that something was wrong with his appearance.

Qiao Nannan looked up at Miaomiao, squeezed the cake in her hand and said depressedly: "You really hit the mark, I'm about to be fired..."

It was a prophecy, Miao Miao did not expect that the last time Da Qiao joked about being laid off or something, it would come true so quickly, she immediately went to the kitchen to pour a glass of water and brought it in front of Qiao Nannan.

"What's going on? Tell me quickly and let me see." As soon as the water glass was put down, Miaomiao asked, sounding a little gloating.

Of course she should be happy, her dear brother is finally leaving the scumbag's company, how can she not be happy, if not for Qiao Nannan's mood, she might go out to buy fireworks to celebrate now.

Qiao Nannan held the cake and glared at her immediately: "What is knowledge and knowledge! Are you talking like a human being! How can you be someone's younger sister!"

"I didn't ask you to say it to me. Lehehe, you already care about our brother and sister's relationship very much. Don't hold back. Tell me quickly. I'll scold your boss for you. This is definitely enough to be your sister."

After Miaomiao finished speaking, she hurried to the kitchen. Under Qiao Nannan's surprised gaze, she took a cup of hot tea, quickly ran back with the cup and sat down next to him, and then put on a serious look to listen carefully.

Staring at the warm teacup in her hand, Qiao Nannan became a little angry. She was clearly listening to her unemployment as a joke after dinner!And why is the treatment so bad!

Qiao Nannan pointed at her hot tea in grief and anger: "I only have a cup of cold water? You take the hot tea yourself! Is this how you treat unemployed young men who have encountered major setbacks in life?! You are someone's younger sister after all!"

"Don't overestimate yourself." Miaomiao raised her eyebrows indifferently, then looked at him and smiled, "This glass of water is to save the little cake in your hand. Only in the water can her innocence be restored."

"You are simply more vicious than my superior!" Qiao Nannan complained angrily, and before Miaomiao asked, she jumped up angrily and began to tell about her dismissal, "I worked hard for the company, I contributed to my youth without complaint or regret, but my department only laid off one person and it fell on me! Although I am not the best performer in the whole department, I have always been at the top, okay? This is not cheating me! Sure! It was my superior who saw that I was not pleasing to the eye and gave me such a trick! Isn't it just layoffs! I quit!"

Qiao Nannan has always been a soft-tempered person. If there is such a word, he can be called a soft-tempered guy. Such a soft-tempered person can get angry with such resentment, which is enough to show how angry he is.

"Well, it's good, I should have quit a long time ago, you see, you didn't fire the boss earlier, so the boss fired you." Miaomiao said calmly.

Hearing that Qiao Nannan only felt that it was adding fuel to the flames, she immediately asked her for the third time: "How on earth did you become a younger sister! Do you have any sense of being a younger sister?"

Miaomiao immediately reflected on herself, and then said calmly, "Why don't you become a professional gamer with me? Or open a husband-and-wife store with Guoguo, wouldn't it? Daqi, maybe there will be a company rushing to hire you tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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