Chapter 225

"Do you dare to be more sincere in comforting?" Qiao Nannan was depressed, and almost asked again how she became a younger sister...

However, he was more angry than sad about this matter, and he was not worried about losing his job. Of course Miao Miao thought the same way, so he deliberately bickered with him to divert his emotions.

After taking a sip of hot tea, Miao Miao confessed: "I admit that I don't know how to comfort people, okay, let's ask Guo Guo to heal your wounded little heart, but if you intend to become a professional gamer, we will Two brothers and sisters team up and eat all the games."

"I think it's brother and sister thieves. It's not bad to steal all the players." Qiao Nannan was so angry that he really had nothing to say to Miaomiao, but the anger in his heart was indeed calmed down a lot, so he casually threw the cake that had been ravaged for a long time. Put it in a water glass.

With a long sigh, Qiao Nannan still rejected Miaomiao's proposal. He clenched his fist and said, "Your brother, I am not interested in this. I am not inferior to you in playing games, but planning games is my specialty. I will continue to devote myself to the game business and make a great contribution." Fan Cheng, let Rainbow and his gang see that they let go of a rare talent!"

Putting down the teacup and applauding a few times, Miao Miao praised: "My brother is indeed a role model, I absolutely support you! I support you spiritually!"

"Is it okay to support me in life? Cough cough... I can't live in this apartment after leaving Rainbow International, so I have to move out in a few days, and understand." Qiao Nannan suddenly said a little embarrassed, making her It's a bit embarrassing for his pillar brother to say this.

"Come on, isn't it just a few months' rent? This is what I should do. We are twins from the same mother's womb. It's embarrassing for you to tell me this. Why don't we just go and look for a house? See If it’s suitable, rent it quickly, now that my parents are here, we can rent a three-bedroom for a short period of time, and wait until you find a new job and see if the location is inconvenient.”

The whole family has been huddled in the small apartment for quite some time, and Miao Miao has long wanted to move out with her parents. It just so happens that Qiao Nannan is no longer in Rainbow International this time, so the whole family might as well move out together.

The brothers and sisters really said that the wind is the rain, and immediately began to think about renting a house. Qiao Nannan immediately turned on the computer and began to search for suitable places on the Internet.

Miaomiao was at the side working together as a staff officer, but suddenly her cell phone rang. In reality, she has very few friends. She usually contacts her family and Guoguo. Recently, she also saved the numbers of Fenghuang Weiyang and Yi Xiaotiao for easy contact. , that mobile phone was as quiet as a brick, and the sudden ringtone really made her wonder who it was.

She went back to her room to get her mobile phone, and when she saw that the name displayed on it was Luo Qingqing, she suddenly had some bad associations, so she quietly closed the door and turned on the earphone mode to connect.

Luo Qingqing's voice came from the phone immediately: "Miaomiao, I haven't contacted you for a long time, how about having dinner with you?"

"Just tell me what you have to say. You don't need to find an opportunity to poison me at the dinner table. My life is too expensive. I'm afraid you won't be able to pay for it in a few lifetimes." Miao Miao immediately changed from the warm expression just now, and immediately opened In armed vicious mode, she responded sinisterly with a smile, as if it wasn't Luo Qingqing but her who wanted to find a chance to harm someone.

"You really know how to joke, uh heh heh..." Luo Qingqing smiled dryly. In fact, she was very reluctant to get close to her like this after tearing her skin open, but Sihai had her eyes on Qiao Miaomiao. She had to be the middleman, so she paused Next, she simply said directly, "You should already know about Qiao Nannan. He is an employee of Rainbow International, and Sihai Pavilion was actually founded by Rainbow International. I could have said good things in the middle. Yes, but..."

Luo Qingqing was still arguing about the relationship, so Miao Miao interrupted her and said directly: "I see, thank Si Hai for firing my brother, it is better for us not to see each other in the future, I will hang up .”

"Slow!" Luo Qingqing yelled quickly, a little anxiously put away all the harsh words she had prepared, and said quickly, "Don't you want to save it? Rainbow International is the largest game company. As for the way to obtain it, I guarantee that not only will Qiao Nannan not be fired, but he will also be promoted, are you not tempted by this condition?"

Miao Miao chuckled mockingly, and then replied: "Well, I'm not at all moved."

"Qiao Miaomiao, you don't want to toast or eat fine wine. You have to know that Sihai is not as soft-hearted as I am. These conditions are all because of my help to say good things. If you carry it so hard, Qiao Nannan will be fired at that time. Not to mention that he will be blocked by the game industry, and even more terrifying methods, Rainbow International can do it." Luo Qingqing also had a very worried tone, as if she was worried for Qiao Nannan.

Miao Miao sneered in her heart, of course she believed these words, wasn't the means that happened to her back then...

It's just that it's different this time, she won't let this happen again, even if she is powerless now, she will never let anyone hurt her family!
"As for the task, I don't mind revealing it, but I'm really not tempted by this condition. If this condition allows me to open it, then I can consider it." Miao Miao said unhurriedly, quickly turning passive into active .

Luo Qingqing was silent for a while, then hesitated and said, "What conditions do you want?"

"It's very simple. Recommend my brother to Tianlai Game. After my brother joins the job, I will take care of the task."

Luo Qingqing immediately retorted: "Your conditions are too difficult. Rainbow International and Teana Games are basically competitors. How can you recommend someone there? Why accept the recommendation of Teana International?"

"Whether I can recommend it or not is not something I have to consider. Anyway, as far as this condition is concerned, I know you can't decide. Come and talk to me after you find someone to do it." She finished speaking calmly, and she was kind. He reminded, "However, the time for the opening of the Demon Realm seems to be getting closer and closer. You can grasp the time yourself."

"Are you really not afraid that Qiao Nannan will be banned?" Luo Qingqing asked angrily after hearing Miaomiao's extremely relaxed tone.

Faced with this question, what Luo Qingqing answered was a beeping busy tone...

Luo Qingqing had nowhere to vent her anger on the phone. She didn't understand why Miaomiao was always so confident. The Qiao Miaomiao she knew before was just arrogant. Although she was so nonchalant, she was definitely not as calm and composed as she is now. Now, every time I contact her, it feels as if everything is in Miaomiao's expectation, which makes every calculation and provocation of Luo Qingqing so insignificant, as if she is like a clown.

(End of this chapter)

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