The cute queen of online games

Chapter 230 The Crab's Resentment

Chapter 230 The Crab's Resentment
First, a small group of water splashes burst out, but only the water splashes were seen, and nothing else was seen. Then Miaomiao clearly saw the number of blood reduction popping up, and after a while, multiple bursts burst out like popcorn on the water surface. Small splashes, soon the splashes burst like water splashing into boiling oil!

She was a little startled when she saw that the water on the entire lake was boiling. This is definitely not an ordinary monster that can erupt, so she immediately thought that this is a boss!

But this is also different from ordinary bosses. The boss who looks at the water splash will not be small in size, and this boss will approach the player quietly, and its AI is definitely very high. The moving speed of this kind of aquatic environment boss in the water is usually the same. It's scary, the most important thing is that there are too few places for Miaomiao to stand, and avoiding the boss is a great test.

This level of difficulty made Miao Miao intentionally give up on the boss. After all, she was only here to practice her skills. Whether she can fight the boss or not is of secondary importance. Moreover, the large amount of top-quality equipment and materials obtained from Paradise Lost in Time and Space have already made her a lot of money. , No matter how many grids can be wrapped, it is limited, so it is best to save it to find fine steel stones.

She just hesitated for a while, and immediately decided to give up. She jumped up quickly, gliding in the air and then fell slowly, but the distance of gliding was not enough for her to land on the mushroom road. A jumping splash quickly stepped on it.

The water splash is burst from an unknown underwater boss, so it also has a certain attack power. At the moment of the attack judgment, the stand-in straw man used it, and then Miaomiao teleported into the air for another period of gliding, and finally landed steadily and quickly to the mushroom on the way.

At this time, the sheriff was still attacking on the surface of the water tentatively. Seeing that she was already far away, Miao Miao immediately put the sheriff in the pet pen, and then began to glide and fly towards the way she came, each time only slightly As soon as it landed, it immediately continued to fly forward, and it suddenly seemed as if it had been flying all the time.

There was a loud sound of splashing water and the roar of beasts from behind, and the sound came violently with the echo of the water layer. She couldn't help but looked back while sliding, and suddenly saw that there was something in the water area where she was just now. A small mountain-like thing emerged slowly, and there were many aquatic mushrooms piled up on the part that just emerged. Soon, accompanied by many bubbles, a giant blue-black river crab emerged...

It is indeed a boss, because Miao Miao has run too far and can't see the specific information. It seems that the level is not low. According to such a big size, it is probably a wild big boss that needs to be killed in a group, but it is not as powerful as she expected. Aquatic boss with super fast movement speed.

Miao Miao suddenly let go of half of her heart, feeling that this boss should not be able to catch up with her, just about to slow down, she was stunned, this boss actually climbed onto the mushroom road all of a sudden, the eight crab legs flipped upside down, and the scud General rushed towards Miaomiao!I saw the eight legs moving so fast that I could almost only see the movement of the legs.

What a cheat!How can a short-legged crab move at the speed of light!Why don't you go to the water to catch fish and eat shrimp and chase her!

Miaomiao suddenly felt that she shouldn't be lucky to see a river crab just now. If it was an aquatic fish or shrimp, at least it could be blocked by mushrooms and wouldn't chase it so quickly!How is this not a turtle!Otherwise, her small speed of light could torture it to death.

At this time, it's useless to think about anything, and she can't decide what kind of boss it is. In the past, the bosses on the major maps of the Arance continent knew a little bit. Can admit bad luck.

The moving speed of that giant river crab is more than twice as fast as hers, judging from this posture, he can only bite the bullet.

Miaomiao looked at the road. She remembered that she had walked to an open shoal where there were few mobs, and there was a bush of mushrooms beside it. It was an excellent position to single out the boss. The place is gliding quickly, and must arrive before the boss catches up with her. Even if she really can't beat the boss, she can use the terrain to escape.

It's a pity that people's calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations. Just as she thought up this strategy, the boss chased and roared.

Miao Miao was wondering which ignorant designer set the silent crab to be able to roar, when suddenly a few bushes of mushrooms swayed in vain on the mushroom road back and forth.

These mushrooms trembled a few times before popping up violently. Under Miaomiao's surprised eyes, a few smaller crabs climbed onto the road carrying the mushrooms and attacked Miaomiao back and forth.

It's too much, this crab actually summons friends? !Is it possible that these mushroom roads are all paved by mushroom-growing crabs? !

This is not the most deceitful, soon Miaomiao discovered that the most deceitful thing is that these small crabs have the same scud attribute as the boss!
This is the rhythm of playing dead, this map is designed to kill people!How can there be a way out here?

Gritting her teeth, Miaomiao jumped fiercely in the face of a small crab that was galloping towards her.

Jump in the air!Forward!Come down fast!Glide again!
She just jumped over the rushing crabs one by one, and these small crabs actually sprayed water in the air. Fortunately, her speed was fast enough, otherwise she would be hit and fell, and then she would directly become a group of crabs. meal.

While skating at a high speed, Miao Miao felt that this scene was so embarrassing. In such a breezy autumn season of eating crabs, she was actually abused by a group of crabs. What kind of miserable life... Could this be the revenge of the hairy crabs?The game designer must have eaten too many crabs and become brain-dead!

At the time when she was so energetic, the crab boss roared again, and immediately more little crabs jumped up with mushrooms on their backs.

At the same time, something even more deceitful happened. The only remaining mushroom road that did not pop out of the crab also had a problem. Suddenly these mushrooms moved, and there were actually huge river mussels underneath!These mussels stretched and closed one after another, and the mushroom road became extremely bumpy in an instant. Miao Miao jumped up vigorously and slid across at a high speed.

Miaomiao burst into tears immediately, do you dare to cheat a little more?Didn't she just eat a little more hairy crabs this year...

The good impression of Mushroom Ze at the beginning has completely disintegrated at this moment. Sure enough, there is no good place in the devil world. The beauty here is completely false!

With the crabs and clams following one after another, Miaomiao's forward speed is getting slower and slower, the crab boss behind is about to catch up, and Miaomiao is still a long way from the desired position.

With a heartbeat, she quickly found a small white fruit from the package. After swallowing it, she jumped into the water. Crabs, big and small, jumped into the water immediately after them. Once in the water, the crabs' speed slowed down immediately. come down

The depth of the lake is no longer exaggerated. Miaomiao, who is submerged in the water, can see everything in the water clearly. In the water, she can clearly see that the mushrooms above are all growing on the sleeping crabs and mussels. On the other hand, there are quite a few aquatic mushrooms emitting faint fluorescence, floating like aquatic plants.

There were still many fish swimming among the mushrooms at the bottom of the water, Miao Miao also fell directly to the bottom of the water, and then she found that many crabs at the bottom of the water were also disturbed.

The name of this map is really wrong, what is it called Mushroom Lake, it should be called Yangcheng Lake!
She started to slide on the broom directly at the bottom of the water, but she flew out in a flash when she should have encountered resistance in the water. The speed of the forward rush was exactly the same as the speed on land. It has dropped significantly. Although there are more and more crabs, she can already shake off the pursuit of those crabs and move forward steadily. Moreover, the small crabs are not as deep as the hatred of the crab boss. On the way forward, there are constantly small crabs retreating and returning in situ.

After walking forward for a few minutes, not only did she not encounter the huge resistance of moving forward underwater, she also did not have the state of suffocation in her status bar at all.

This is thanks to the small white fruit she ate just now. This is the white coral fruit that was picked when brushing the hidden lighthouse in the past. This fruit has the function of underwater breathing, allowing players to run and perform skills almost without any obstacles in the water Well, after a long time, she almost forgot that she still had such a thing. She suddenly remembered it just now, but she didn't expect it was still in the package, which helped her a lot.

After a certain distance in the water, although most of the monsters retreated, the boss still followed Miao Miao relentlessly, and continued to call his friends to chase together from time to time. Soon the lake became shallower, and the resistance in the water decreased , the speed of the group of crabs gradually began to increase again, and the distance they had just opened was not long before they were chased back.

The Crab Boss chased after the front, and seeing Miaomiao was close in front of him, it swung its big pincers at Miaomiao's buttocks, and it was an obscene pinch.

With a bang, what fell into the claws of the big crab was a super embarrassing scarecrow. Miaomiao had already teleported to the farthest distance, and immediately continued to glide at high speed at the moment of teleportation.

Miaomiao got the boss's information about this "clamp and pinch", and this big crab actually has a name and a surname, and it probably has a history, but Miaomiao is not in the mood to pay attention to the origin of this thing.

The full name of the boss is Mosyfer the Mushroom Lover. It is a level [-] boss with millions of health. It is an armor-type high-defense physical boss. It really is the kind of wild boss that requires at least a team of people to push it.

Miao Miao suddenly had no intention of fighting, even if she could grind the boss to death, she would have to grind until midnight at least, and she would have to deal with Faro's meeting with Muna tomorrow, so how could she have so much free time.

The shoal I thought was not far away, and the hope was right in front of me, but the crab behind me came with a "clamp and a pinch"!
(End of this chapter)

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