Chapter 231

The big crab claws arrived so fast, it was a bit late to throw the provocative puppet Xiu Lulu, and the CD of the stand-in straw man hasn't arrived yet...

Mushroom Lover Mosyfer really has a high AI, which is different from the previous bosses who attack according to the set frequency. This guy also knows some fighting skills. Too late to dodge, really not ordinary cunning.

At the moment when the huge blue and black pincers were about to pinch the petite magician, Miao Miao suddenly disappeared again, but this time there was no scarecrow, and all the crabs suddenly lost their hatred targets, and after a while, they were in front of Moser's left. The streamer turned and Miaomiao reappeared!
She used the time and space reset effect attached to the secret of time and space!

After being exposed to the hatred of a group of crabs again, she learned her experience and before the crabs could react, she immediately threw a provocative puppet, Xiu Lulu, behind her, and the little crabs immediately swarmed towards Xiu Lulu, It's a pity that Mosev, who has a very high AI, doesn't take the provocative aura and continues to chase Miaomiao...

She was really speechless. The setting of this boss is too challenging. A boss with such a super high defense, level and crazy blood volume and attack is already very troublesome, but it is even given such a high AI. It's simply...the concubine can't do it!
In terms of the level difference between her and the boss, most of the knockdown and suppression skills are ineffective against this guy, so she planned to give up so quickly, but now all kinds of escape and attraction methods are almost exhausted by Miao Miao, this one The hateful big crab is still chasing after her. Does she look so delicious?
Being forced to retreat to such a point, she already planned to use the contract power and resurrection skills at the bottom of the box to fight the big crab to the death. Since she couldn't escape, she couldn't make the crab feel better!

Seeing Mosyfer who has already run to the front and raised the big pliers, Miaomiao used the stun effect of the special acquisition whose probability is not stable to buy herself time to use other skills. The probability of life skills is not suppressed by the monster level. At this moment, it is the skill with the best chance of success.

The magic light shot out from the broom and hit Moserfer, and a MISS appeared on the head of the big blue-black crab...

"I'll go!" Miao Miao couldn't help cursing, and ran away on the broom.

The CD of the stand-in straw man is almost here, and she only hopes to hold on until the end of the CD before being pinched, otherwise, the attack of the big pliers is obviously not just a bloody injury, but it will definitely be immortal and crippled!
It would be better if she died directly, her resurrection skills can be activated, although the situation after resurrection is not optimistic, but if she is disabled, she will be tortured to death and unable to resist. She doesn't like this kind of tortured death scene.

Moserf's crab eyes moved in a particularly wretched way, and when he saw Miao Miao, he seized the opportunity to swing the pincers again, and the big pincers caught up with Miao Miao three times.

At this moment, she had no time to turn her head back, she was silently counting the CD of the stand-in straw man, but suddenly a mechanized sound came from her ear, this sound was very familiar, and Miaomiao's brows and eyes stretched in ecstasy for a moment.

This is the voice of RoboCop!
At this moment, the person who will use this skill in the Demon Realm is not the second choice...just be silent and joyful!
Miaomiao was overjoyed, she had never felt that the appearance of this guy was so exciting, she looked sideways, and saw that the body of the RoboCop was firmly clamped by Mosev's pliers instead of her.

Looking sideways in another direction, I saw Ji Jinghuanxi standing there on the Mushroom Road on the left side of the shoal, and he had already released a Viper Cannon from his side to aim at Mosev, and saw Miaomiao looking over , Ji Jing Huanxi immediately raised his head and raised his lips, his smile was still so flat.

But Miaomiao didn't care how arrogant and awkward his smile was, and returned him with a reassuring and gentle smile, with genuine joy in her big pink eyes, this is a knowing smile for those who trust her.

Faced with such a gentle smile from her, Ji Jinghuan's heart throbbed suddenly, his long and narrow eyes were bent into crescent buds, but he still remembered that this was not the time to watch emotionally, and immediately summoned all kinds of small robots in his hand, facing Mosai Fu bombarded indiscriminately and threw it over.

In the smoke created by the mechanical army, Miaomiao flew smoothly across the shallows and arrived at the mushroom forest she expected. Ji Jinghuanxi also followed Miaomiao's footsteps from the side, and quickly slid the shovel to Miaomiao's side.

Miaomiao really wanted to ask him why he appeared here so timely, but Moserf behind him would not give her time to ask questions. This big guy has already quickly dealt with the large pincers wielded by the silent and joyful mechanical army. superior.

Ji Jinghuanxi and Miaomiao submerged directly into the mushroom forest in a tacit understanding. Both of them knew very well that these mushrooms with staggered heights were a natural barrier, especially for bosses who were obviously biased towards the physics department, hiding among these mushrooms was definitely an advantage.

After the two quickly entered the mushroom forest, Miaomiao saw that a group of people who were supposed to be led by Ji Jing Huanxi also rushed to the place where Ji Jing Huanxi was standing just now. The super hairy crabs, which couldn't be eaten in half a month, were surprised for a few seconds, and then hurriedly bypassed Moserf and entered the mushroom forest.

After reaching the outside of the mushroom forest, Mosev could no longer move forward so easily. Unlike the mushroom road where the mushrooms are flush, the height of these mushrooms is too different, so it is very difficult for him to climb up.

Moser waved the crab claws and hesitated outside the mushroom forest. After a long pause, he started to swing the crab claws and tried to climb up on the mushrooms to find traces of Miaomiao, but fell down several times, and he looked a bit embarrassed.

Miaomiao wondered why this guy didn't split open the mushroom and continue chasing, could it be because his name is Mushroom Lover?
Regardless of why the boss stopped moving forward, this is a rare chance to breathe.

Ji Jing Huanxi immediately sent Miao Miao a team invitation.

"God of Joy! Why did you fire me? I didn't make a mistake, and I've been working hard to eat, sleep, and fight monsters..." The clown Possor of the Cute Killing Sect immediately complained of grievances, not knowing why he was expelled from the team inexplicably ...

The others all shook their heads and looked at the clown, who didn't see such a clear thing. He deserved to be the first choice for the God of Huanxi to be ruthlessly kicked out of the team.

Miaomiao's nervous mood was immediately cheered up by this little episode, and she joined the team laughingly amidst the clown's whirling complaints.

As soon as he joined the team, An Jing and Huanxi put on a disguise for the team, and when the clown saw the scene, he silently walked away and hid, for fear that the boss would transfer the hatred to himself.

 Thank you Ji Yulan for the two monthly tickets~ Thank you for your love, and thank you for the love of other readers~ There is nothing to repay, you must write carefully and ensure stable updates!

(End of this chapter)

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