Chapter 240
When Faru heard that Miaomiao wanted something from him, he immediately became arrogant. The little cat's eyes were shining and he put a cat's paw on Miaomiao's head.

He proudly said: "What's the matter? It's about looking for Qing Gangjing. I wanted to talk to you in detail just now, but you agreed directly. I thought you knew everything. Look, you still have to find me It can only be solved, you see, it still cannot do without me, the mighty evil king."

"Yes, great Lord Faro, I really need your help, but if you prefer to go back to accompany the beautiful Lord Muna, of course I won't stop you." Said nonchalantly.

"Don't! You'd better trouble me! Don't give me something to do! I'm going to be driven crazy by that idiot!" Faro immediately lowered his head, pleading.

Miaomiao smiled and didn't say a word, disregarding Falu, and conveniently equipped the girl's mushroom umbrella that she fought yesterday. Yesterday, she patronized and had a fight with Jing Jing, but she didn't equip this top-quality weapon.

The handle of the mushroom umbrella is like a broom handle when held in the hand. The umbrella cover at the back is the big tail of the broom. In , her cute petite mage look is so cute when paired with this weapon.

Then when she made a move, it was just the simplest star light bomb skill, and the earth mine rat was instantly killed. Even though other people were much higher than these monsters, they couldn't kill the lowest level skills in one shot, no matter what, it took two or three hits .

While everyone was focusing on the weapon, Miao Miao jumped in the air, the pumpkin fireball knocked down the monster, then slid forward, turned around and hit back after a while.

The people in the Genesis team were a little disdainful at once, and they all thought that Miaomiao was showing off their skills. Several people couldn't help but also showed off their gorgeous skills, intending to show the same perfect operation as Miaomiao.

At this time, Miao Miao continued to talk to Faro while there was no one around: "I have something to ask you, I heard that the Lime Mountain in the sinful territory is rich in blue steel, send someone to help me dig it out in large quantities, and put the lime The mountain was blocked and made up a reason to prevent outsiders from entering. From now on, all the blue steel stones here will belong to me. In addition, people who can smelt blue steel stones in the sinful territory will be called to Wuyun Palace, and they will be called later to teach me how to smelt blue steel stones. Tell everyone who can smelt blue steel stone, don't spread this skill to the outside world easily."

Miaomiao is still doing a good job, she doesn't have such a big appetite to monopolize it all, and she doesn't want to arouse the anger of too many players and put the cute killing faction on the cusp of the storm. She only asks for a first prize and gets the best The main ore vein, and the smelting method of blue steel stone cannot be obtained too quickly by others.

"Of course it's okay to find someone to dig blue steel stones for you, but that's my territory! Why do you have all the things!?" Faro squinted his cat's eyes, feeling a bit too much for Miaomiao's request, he is the apostle Well, it's nothing more than helping a commoner, why should he contribute all the minerals in his territory!

"Maybe I can tell Muna what you really think, and see if she is willing to reward me with a mine for exposing your hypocrisy." She smiled and said hypothetically.

Faro immediately surrendered. In fact, he was just struggling with a face problem just now.

"Well, as you wish, I will help you with these things."

After getting Faro’s approval, Miaomiao sent the guy back to do business, and she continued to fight monsters in the abandoned mine to find ores with her Qiang flute. It is necessary to find Qi Qinggangjing here.

After reaching the depths of the mine, the level of monsters is getting higher and higher. There is indeed a kind of blue ratman monster that drops blue steel crystals directly. Everyone thinks that they have found the correct way to obtain the task, and immediately buy it. The two people from the mine hoes also called back, and the two teams started to spawn monsters in the abandoned mine shaft seriously.

The green steel crystal states that it is a forging material for equipment, but it does not specify its function, so not many people pay attention to the function of this green steel crystal other than the mission, but before Qiangdi and Silent Joy, because of the mission of the muse. Pay attention to the production of fine steel stone, but after discovering that there is no relationship between qingsteel crystal and fine steel stone, I didn't care about the specialness of this material.

The mission item required to get 99 blue steel crystals, no more, no less, Qiang Di felt that this amount was quite reasonable compared to the drop rate of monsters, and the two sides exchanged players with each other without any abnormality. All doubts about Miao Miao were eliminated.

How could he have thought that Miaomiao would let the NPC help him occupy the largest blue steel ore vein in the Demon Realm without anyone noticing.

After fighting in the abandoned mine for a day, we collected more than 300 pieces of blue steel crystals. Miaomiao led the team back to Duoyu City when it was late. Agreeing, the players on both sides switched back, and the teams from the four guilds of the Roulan faction came back here to rest together.

On the road, An An Huanxi leaned over to Miao Miao if he had any questions and wanted to ask for advice. He asked Miao Miao curiously: "You should see what Qiang Di is trying to do, right?"

"It's the same as yours and mine. Naturally, I'm looking for fine steel stones." Of course she was very clear, and she also knew that the Qiang flute should not yield anything.

Seeing her indifferent appearance, Ji Jing Huanxi asked even more curiously: "Aren't you afraid that he will really find it?"

"I brought the place, do you think he can really find it?"

Jing Jing smiled happily and couldn't help but praise her: "You are so cute and wicked."

Miaomiao was a little uncomfortable with him not being tit-for-tat or intentionally bickering, she glanced at him and found that he seemed to be sincerely praising her badly, she was a little at a loss as to how to respond appropriately.

In the end, she gave a vague acknowledgment, even if she accepted the compliment...

After returning to Duoyu City, Miaomiao made an appointment with everyone in front of the Wuyun Palace for a meeting time for the next day, and then disbanded the team. Compared with the hard work of Genesis, their Roulan faction is really quite a combination of work and rest.

After disbanding, Miao Miao was not in a hurry to go offline, and wanted to see if Faro would hurry up to help her get things done, and An Jinghuan immediately followed her when she saw her walking towards the Wuyun Palace.

She immediately stopped and looked at the quiet and happy walking beside her so naturally, she frowned, and asked, "What are you going to do with me?"

"Of course something has happened. Aren't you curious about my follow-up mission? The Muse is not purely here to open the passage to the Demon Realm. I think Qiangdi's mission should be similar."

Miao Miao paused, of course she was curious about the tasks of Qiang flute and silence and joy, but after all, it was the task of opening up a map of the devil world, no matter how different it was, they would lead to the same goal, even if the sealed muse wanted to play tricks, let alone A powerful apostle would not let the muse to toss in his territory so easily, even if it happened, it should not affect the task of opening up the map of the devil world.

Before, she only asked Ji Jing Huanxi how to obtain the task, so she knew that he happened to encounter Genesis doing the task of the muse when he was doing the task of the Three Realms Tower. The task is not unique, so I got a similar task by chance. Later, Ji Jinghuanxi was busy with the task of the Tower of Three Realms and didn't spend time on this task. As a result, he happened to bump into Qiang Di, and he got it without any effort. Task.

As for the follow-up, Miaomiao didn't ask, but judging from Ji Jingxi's meaning, it seems that this task is not easy.

After thinking about it, Miaomiao didn't say anything more, and Ren Jijinghuanxi followed her in. Anyway, his current trustworthiness is still good, so she didn't intend to guard against him with the method of smelting Qinggangjing.

As soon as she walked in, Miaomiao met Kan Moti who had brought her to Wuyun Palace before. The well-dressed person is not what she used to be now, and she has obviously returned to her original seat by Miaomiao's light.

When Kan Moti saw Miaomiao, he came forward to greet Miaomiao with a smile: "Master Meng Miaomiao, you are back, and Master Faro told me to take you to meet someone."

This guy is completely different from the poor and arrogant look before, and the respectful and flattering look is very funny.

Miaomiao nodded without revealing his former appearance, but Ji Jinghuanxi was quite curious about this NPC, and couldn't help but glance at Can Moti a few more times.

Kan Moti, who noticed his gaze, was immediately unhappy, and touched his Mediterranean hairstyle and said displeasedly: "Don't keep staring at me because I'm shiny, if I didn't see that you are the follower of Lord Meng Miaomiao For the sake of you, I have kicked you out a long time ago!"

Miaomiao chuckled, and turned to look at her "followers".

Ji Jinghuan had an inscrutable expression on his face. He never thought that his handsome appearance would be regarded as a follower, but seeing that he was following Miao Miao, he quickly forgave Kan Moti's nonsense.

"I'm a close follower of Lord Meng Miaomiao, you'd better be polite to me, or my dear master won't forgive you." He even got into a fight with Kanmoti, as if he was very interested in the topic of follower.

Kanmoti looked at Miaomiao and Anji joyfully suspiciously, and found that the two walking side by side seemed to be a bit beyond the ordinary master-servant relationship, so he opened his mouth suddenly and said: "So that's the case, I didn't expect that Mr. In the past, Master Muna had the same hobby! Do you want me to help you find a beautiful man?"

Eyelids twitched fiercely, and Miaomiao immediately wanted to beat up both Can Moti and Ji Jinghuanxi, and Kan Moti was really a professional pimp, and he came here just by thinking about it!
Quietly and joyfully beside him, he chattered nonsense with Kan Moti: "Don't worry about it, it's enough for my master to have one follower who is as loyal and loving as I am, and she can't bear too many."

(End of this chapter)

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