The cute queen of online games

Chapter 241 From the Middle Ancient Continent

Chapter 241 From the Middle Ancient Continent
After hearing this, Kan Moti finally gave up pimping angrily, and continued to lead the two of them to the Black Rose Garden behind Wuyun Palace with a regretful face.

A yellow-skinned girl with a somewhat robust figure was waiting there. This girl did not have the pointed ears of a demon, and her hair and pupils were as black as ink. Wearing big and small hammers and rivets, he is obviously a person who forges equipment all the year round.

She bowed her head and saluted when she saw Canmoti leading the two of them over.

Kan Moti introduced: "This is the forging and smelting master Qin Tong from the sinful territory."

Miao Miao and Ji Jing Huanxi glanced at each other. This girl has oriental characteristics both in name and appearance, making people doubt her origin.

Especially Miaomiao who knows Shahu, she already knew about the existence of the Middle Ancient Continent from Shahu, and when she saw Qin Tong, she naturally felt that she should have the same origin.

When the people arrived, Kanmoti retreated, and Miaomiao immediately invited Qintong to sit on the table and chairs under the flower vines in the courtyard.

Miaomiao didn't ask about smelting first, but asked directly: "Aren't you from the Demon Race? From the looks of you, you seem to be from the Middle Ancient Continent."

As soon as she sat down, Qin Tong stood up again in surprise, and said excitedly, "My lord, how do you know my hometown?! I have asked around since I came here, but no one has ever heard of the existence of the Middle Ancient Continent!"

Jing Huanxi, who was sitting by the side, also took a surprised look at Miao Miao. He actually knew that there was a medieval continent in the game, but he didn't think that Miao Miao also knew about this foreign continent similar to the Celestial Dynasty.

Miao Miao got up and patted Qin Tong's shoulder to calm down the other party's excitement, and at the same time showed a friendly smile and slowly explained: "Don't get too excited, I just happened to know a person from the Middle Ages mainland like you, so I feel sorry for you. I know a thing or two about my hometown."

At this time, Qin Tong already had tears in her eyes, and she choked up for a while before she calmed down and nodded.

"That's great. I didn't expect that there would be people from the Middle Ages like me here. Can I go and meet my fellow countrymen?" Qin Tong seemed impatient, and immediately grabbed the table and asked earnestly.

"But she doesn't live in the Demon Realm. She is an oriental fairy who lives on the continent of Alans. I am now asking Lord Apostle to help me open a passage between the Demon Realm and the Continent of Alans. If you want, wait for the passage to open Later, I can take you to Arlans Continent to meet your fellow countrymen." Miao Miao replied enthusiastically, because this seems to be a task related to the Middle Ancient Continent, maybe Qin Tong's appearance will bring more information about the Medieval Continent. Information.

Upon hearing this, Qin Tong was so excited that she knelt down to thank her, and Miao Miao hurriedly supported her. It was too much for an NPC to give such a big gift casually.

As soon as she came up to hear such good news, Qin Tong immediately beamed with joy, her expression couldn't hide her joy, and she immediately promised Miaomiao: "My lord brought me such good news. What do you need, my lord? I will do my best to do it for you!"

Miaomiao nodded, and asked her again: "Actually, I also really hope to help you and that fairy go back to your hometown. If you don't mind, I would like to ask you a few questions. Maybe it will help you return to the Middle Ancient Continent."

Nodding vigorously, Qin Tong's joy suddenly became stronger, there is no reason not to agree.

Miao Miao asked her, "How did you come to the Demon Realm? How long has it been?"

"I came here ten years ago. At that time, I was just a teenager. I learned forging and smelting with my father since I was a child. Once when I was looking for ore in the mountains, I encountered a strange storm. At that time, I came to the Demon Realm after passing through a black passage in a daze, and later I also heard that the passage should be a crack in another dimension." Qin Tong recalled that experience with eyeballs, and she couldn't help talking. The sorrow of being lonely, being far away from home and being separated from family members is naturally indescribable.

It seems that Qintong and Shahu came here in the same way, and it seems that they can't find a way to go to the Middle Ancient Continent.

"So your father was also brought here by the rift in another dimension?" Miaomiao asked again.

Qin Tong nodded uncertainly and then shook her head: "I don't know very well, it was too chaotic at the time, I was still young at the time, and I'm not sure if my father was also involved in the rift of another dimension, I will try again after I get here. I tried to look for my father, but there was no news."

"It's really hard to find in the vast crowd." Miaomiao sighed.

Qin Tong shook her head, and said firmly: "No, my father is a forging and smelting master who is more powerful than me. Even if he comes here, he will be very famous, and the forging and smelting skills here are the same as Compared with those far behind, if my father came here, he must be a famous figure all over the world, so I think he should not be in the devil world, maybe he will go to the continent of Arance like that fairy, and if he can go to Asia with his lord For Lance Continent, I must search for my father's whereabouts!"

Hearing these words, what Miao Miao thought was not Qin Tong's father-daughter love, but realized that Qin Tong's clue seemed to have a great relationship with the forging sub-profession in addition to being about the Middle Ages. And according to what Qin Tong said, the base of forging and smelting in the Middle Ancient Continent is much higher than here, so maybe this is actually an opportunity to forge more high-end and higher-end equipment.

Miaomiao immediately decided to make good use of this quest line. Although she has never learned blacksmithing, she can save this quest for Lucky Guoguo. In the future, it’s not just that the cute killers will enjoy the blessings of making the best equipment in the future!

"Well, I'll keep an eye on your father's whereabouts for you when I return to the mainland." She happily replied.

At this time, Ji Jing Huanxi suddenly interjected: "Your father's name is Qin Jin, right?"

Qin Tong was suddenly excited again, and quickly stood up and exclaimed: "You know my father?! Yes! Yes! My father is Qin Jin!"

After taking a look at Ji Jing Huanxi, Miao Miao found that he also had a lot of hidden missions, and even knew a great master from the Middle Ancient Continent.

Jing Jing looked at Miao Miao happily with a smile, couldn't help raising his brows triumphantly, and said to Miao Miao first in a low voice: "If you get this task, you have to thank me very much."

Then he said to Qin Tong: "Yes, I know your father. He lived in seclusion in the Mar Empire on the continent of Alans and did not become famous all over the world. If you inquire, it may be difficult to find him. Please ask me to look for his daughter, and I will take you to meet your father when I reach the continent of Arlans."

Miaomiao sat on the sidelines and twitched her eyelids, how much did the God of Huanxi go to the Mar Empire?Hidden missions were accepted one after another, and even the great master knew him!

(End of this chapter)

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