The cute queen of online games

Chapter 244 Tower Defense Expert

Chapter 244 Tower Defense Expert
After Faro finished speaking, everyone understood the final mode of the mission. Sure enough, it is impossible to just use green steel crystals to stabilize the passage, and the key point is to resist monsters.

And according to Faro, if the monsters are not eliminated fast enough, a new wave will appear soon, and the old interdimensional rift cannot be eliminated, the situation will become worse and worse, and finally the entire mission will fail.

This task is basically not to make mistakes in one step, and if there is a slight problem, the whole game will be lost.

Everyone was a little nervous. After all, this is not an ordinary task. This kind of monster-fighting mode similar to tower defense has never appeared in this game before, which made people feel a little at a loss.

At this time, Ji Jinghuanxi stood up and said to Miaomiao and Qiangdi: "Why don't you leave it to me to direct, it will make me more confident."

Miao Miao has no objection, the level of silence and joy is obvious, but Qiang Di said expressionlessly: "I am also very experienced in this method of fighting monsters, it is best to let me direct."

Raising her eyebrows slightly, Miaomiao felt that Qiangdi was out of distrust of Ji Jinghuanxi. After all, the God of Huanxi took his mission and went to the Mar Empire to mess things up. It is normal for Qiangdi to question his character.

"Oh? Do you have experience in this field?" Ji Jing Huanxi turned her face to the side and looked at Qiang Di with a hint of suspicion.

Qiang Di raised his head slightly, and said seriously: "Well, I used to be a big fan of Plants vs. Zombies."

Everyone present was in a state of confusion, Master Qiangdi, are you telling a cold joke?Can you stop being so serious...

Miaomiao almost laughed out loud, but finally held back her smile and said, "It was a good experience..."

"Okay, I won't compete with you for command. Who told you that you are a fan of Plants vs. Zombies? You really have more experience than me." Ji Jinghuan sighed meaningfully, and the smile on his face could hardly be concealed. up.

The durian thorns in the Qiangdi team jumped out again, trying to maintain the stalwart image of their vice club.

"What's wrong with Plants vs. Zombies! That's also a famous tower defense game! It was popular all over the world at that time, I'm afraid you haven't played it!" She shouted vigorously.

Everyone in the team of Roulan's faction immediately understood that this durian without thorns was a fan of Qiangdi.

Wu Xiaomo in Miaomiao's team couldn't help but replied in an exaggerated tone: "Well, indeed, we have never played the Qiangdi. The Qiangdi is really amazing, it's so great. Master Qiangdi, come and direct."

After she finished speaking, Uncle Xuan and the others in the team couldn't help booing, causing Durian Wuthorn's face to turn blue and red.

However, Qiang Di didn't react at all, and actually stood in front of them spontaneously and began to direct everyone.

"Okay, now stand up in batches as I said." Qiang Di immediately began to recruit people in batches.

But Wu Xiaomo and the others were still a little unhappy, Miaomiao nodded to everyone to indicate to obey Qiangdi's instructions, and then everyone stood separately according to Qiangdi's roll call.

Although the die-hard fans of Plants vs. Zombies sound embarrassing, there is absolutely no doubt about Qiang Di's commanding level.

Qiang Di first divides the thick-skinned melee into one batch, and then divides the strong defensive group attack and several long-range and several field control occupations into two batches, and divides the powerful elemental brigade into three batches. The field control professions with invincible skills followed the elements in the fourth batch. In the end, Qiang Di finished up by himself, and Miaomiao and Ji Jinghuanxi, the two most powerful players, stood next to Faro and Muna to harvest monsters in a large area, and Instruct the two to walk around at any time and flexibly control firepower.

Qiang Di naturally also understands that Meng God and Huanxi God are not called great gods for nothing. Having these two pioneers and playing freely can reduce many unnecessary crises.

After the allocation, standing behind Faro and Muna one by one in four rows, it feels like a Plants vs. Zombies posture. Even the people in Genesis couldn't help but sullenly resist the urge to complain about their vice meeting.

After Qiangdi adjusted the formation, Miaomiao reported to Faru and Muna that the preparations were completed, and the two handsome apostles immediately changed their shapes to reveal their bodies and walked towards the passage.

It was the first time for everyone, including Miaomiao, to see the real bodies of the two apostles, and they were amazed.

Faro's body shape is quite beautiful. His smooth and beautiful body is somewhat similar to a black leopard. There is a circle of black streamers on his neck that look like sideburns, and his body is also flashing with sharp black streamers. He looks radiant. Yiyi is very extraordinary, on his head there is also a sinful cross made of the same black streamer, and around the eyes are beautiful circles of light that are constantly rotating.

And Uheimna's shape is not bad, Uheimna still retains part of the human form, only her arms have turned into thick black clouds, and her body is changed into a revealing and sexy black armor battle uniform, and there is also a long black body with dark clouds floating behind her. The cloak, as she walked, the red magic halos appeared in the eyeballs, like a glamorous queen of darkness.

The clown whirling couldn't help but stood in the line and whistled, drooling at Uheimna's appearance.

Uncle Xuan was running with the team to improve everyone's status, and he still didn't forget to joke: "We don't object to your falling in love with an NPC, but he has a famous woman, so you'd better save yourselves, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it if you make love with an apostle ah."

Qingshan Xiuchai laughed straight: "I heard that Muna likes to keep male pets, you can apply for it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Xiaomo complained: "Clown, clown, you are as good as your name says, you want to be a male favourite? You have to reincarnate."

There was a sudden burst of laughter, and the clown couldn't help shouting: "Oh?! I can't catch up with Uheymna, but it's okay to chase you. If you make fun of me again, I will marry you home and let you look at me every day." Your face makes you miserable!"

Wu Xiaomo suddenly uttered a swear word, and almost went to clean up the clown whirling, and everyone immediately became happier.

The Roulan forces have a hippie smile on their faces, and the people from Genesis are quite speechless to them. They can't understand how this group of psychopaths can be selected as Roulan's elite and sent to open up the devil world!

This group of people made a fuss, and when they rushed to the rift area of ​​the different dimension, they immediately entered the fighting state with all their hearts. The sinful Faro and Uheimna shot together, and the thick black lightning and the sinful black hole hit a rift in the different dimension at the same time, and the crack was destroyed immediately. , there was only a small hole left. The first batch of melee players immediately stepped forward to fill the crack with blue steel crystals. At the same time, a dozen demonized mutant big-eyed monsters jumped out. The second and third batches of players have not yet made a move. Miao Miao stepped forward and a provocative puppet, Xiu Lulu, detonated it directly, and the monster exploded in seconds.

This group of monsters is only level [-]. Obviously, the level of monsters here is gradually strengthened, so it can be solved very easily at the beginning, but it may not be so easy later.

Sure enough, it wasn't easy for a moment, and I saw Faro and Muna continue to destroy the energy storm and the interdimensional rift non-stop. The two apostles worked together to destroy it very quickly.

So Miao Miao and the others had to follow non-stop to kill monsters. Even if the monster level is low, such a monster spawning speed is a bit scary. The monsters flood in like a tide, but it takes eight seconds to fill the gap in the different dimension. Qiang Di saw this speed In the future, let the first batch of people take the green steel crystal immediately. If the first batch of melee can't make up quickly, the second batch will help immediately.

Soon the level of monsters began to rise as expected. In the beginning, Miaomiao and Silence and Joy alone were able to instantly kill large groups. Soon, the firepower of the elemental brigade was used. The elemental battle group of Genesis really lived up to its reputation. He and Qingshan Xiuchai are two elemental masters of the Roulan faction. Several elements take turns to use big skills and other people's small skills to catch leaks and quickly kill all monsters.

The cracks were filled one by one, and when the area with dense cracks was approaching, the energy storm in front gave everyone a layer of deceleration and a negative state of weakening the resistance of the four attributes. When monsters attacked with attributes, the damage received by everyone suddenly increased significantly Even the thick-skinned melee class is a little too much.

Seeing the difficulty in defense, Miao Miao immediately asked everyone to release the puppets on the team channel.

Because this is not a dungeon, there is no limit on the use of dolls. Ten qigong dolls were released, and the clown who was left alone outside the team also quickly released dolls. Put it on, and as soon as the invincible bra came out, Roulan's entire defense was immediately stabilized.

The people of Genesis were a little jealous when they saw it. If they were not in the same team, they would not be able to enjoy the effect of the opponent's dolls at all. As a result, they were the only ones who were beaten by the monsters. , It's a pity that not everyone has the habit of bringing dolls with them when they go out. A few of them throw out dolls, but the function is much worse than that of Qigong dolls. down.

Not only that, the puppet they released was eaten to death by a tide of monsters in less than a minute, and soon turned to fighting alone again. The only little nurse in their team suddenly turned upside down, not at all like Uncle Xuan on the side Nothing to do easily.

The people of Genesis felt deeply despised, and suddenly felt unwilling to increase their firepower to fight monsters desperately, trying to turn the situation around by using defense instead of offense. For a while, Genesis' firepower output completely surpassed the team of the four guilds of Roulan.

Miao Miao smiled slightly when she saw this scene, she was not worried at all that the other party snatched a higher output, and she still told everyone in the team to move forward steadily.

Under the onslaught from the Genesis side, the sinful Faru and Uheimna are getting closer and closer to the entrance of the passage, and victory is in sight, but the cracks in the different dimension have reached the densest position. Monsters at level [-] or [-] are really difficult. Although there are dolls in Miaomiao's team, they still have CD time, so it is impossible to use them continuously.

"Ah! Heal! Give me more blood!" Durian Wuthorn in the Qiangdi team had just finished shouting, and ended up lying dead...

 Thank you Ji Yulan for the two monthly tickets~ New January is here, dear readers, you can vote for me if you have a monthly ticket for this book below the chapter~

(End of this chapter)

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