The cute queen of online games

Chapter 245 Cooperation Broken

Chapter 245 Cooperation Broken
The Genesis team, which has weaker defenses, is starting to run out. A large team of mages with only one nanny is of course not enough!

Qiang Di had no choice but to replace a summoner who was at the front, and took the lead to intercept the monster's attack. Let yourself be surrounded by monsters, and at the same time direct the front and rear batches of people to get close to each other, so as not to give the monsters a chance to besiege the middle-aged and thin-skinned occupations.

His command immediately worked. Only a very small number of monsters had long-range skills, so the area to be attacked was smaller, and casualties were naturally reduced. However, this did not change the fact that there were only eight people left in Genesis.

Qiang Di looked indifferent. He had some doubts that Miao Miao and Ji Jing Huanxi deliberately let water slip through the net and killed a large number of monsters to kill his team members. After all, according to the current number of people, if pioneering honors were distributed according to the number of guild members, Genesis would be the one with the most honors !

Now the two teams are opening the channel together. The output data of the Roulan faction is gradually catching up with Genesis. Especially after losing one player, the input data of Genesis has slowed down. If the Genesis team is not the team with the highest output contribution, then their You can only get very few honors at all, if it is not the highest, it is a failure!

He suddenly remembered that when he was offline, he discussed with Salvation about cooperating with Meng Miaomiao. Salvation asked him to cooperate, but in the end the honor must be Genesis. Salvation never allowed anything that was not his priority!

Qiangdi promised Meng Miaomiao that the cooperation condition for Roulan to get the greatest honor is just a stopgap measure. If Genesis fails to get the first place, he will never be forgiven by Salvation. Salvation never allows any mistakes. If it fails, maybe Qiangdi This time, he will be directly expelled by Genesis, no matter in the game or in reality...

Miaomiao naturally doesn't know about Qiang Di's difficulties, but she still knows Genesis's style of work quite well, so she has been prepared and discussed with all the team members. It is best for Genesis to abide by the rules and not make trouble. With confidence.

Looking back and seeing Qiangdi's cold expression, Miaomiao felt a little wary in her heart. It was the last moment to break through the passage, and Qiangdi was very likely to make a move at this time.

She reminded on the team channel: "Everyone, pay attention, Genesis may have to do something, and pay attention to switching modes at any time."

If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. If Qiang Pi makes a move, don't blame her for being ruthless.

Faro and Muna are already destroying the dense interdimensional rifts and energy storms, but the two teams are nervously filling the rifts and fighting monsters, while also thinking about each other, which is really extremely nervous.

There were less than ten different-dimensional cracks left, and suddenly sixty-level dark slime monsters swarmed in. At this time, Miaomiao and Ji Jinghuanxi knew that the companions behind were about to be unable to hold on. They both activated the contract power evil Faro skill. With the skyrocketing attributes, the continuous bleeding of the two is also terrible, so they both released the Qigong doll for the last time after using the doll's CD to add invincible bras for themselves.

The explosive pumpkin furnace combined with lava, and the provocative puppet Xiu Lulu descended crazily. The other side was silent and joyful. In addition to the mechanical corps in the past, they also used the great skills of the mechanical gunners to airdrop support. In an instant, countless missiles, shells, and robots in the air in front of him went crazy. The bombardment caused the monsters to lose their skin without dying. The monsters that escaped with great difficulty were then knocked down and burned by the explosive flames bursting out of the huge pumpkin furnace. Only a few monsters that ran past the edge were killed He didn't die under the two major skills, but soon the element's big skills Extreme Ice Feast and Annihilation Black Hole launched another round of crazy attacks, and these monsters that escaped the catastrophe finally fell to the ground.

The cracks became less and less in the joint attack of the two apostles, and Qiang Di struggled a little bit tangled in his heart. Now it is obvious that the Roulan faction's team is firmly ranked at the highest output. If Genesis does not kill the opponent, it is absolutely impossible to win.

Qiang Di has always been a trustworthy person, but today he has to break his integrity in order to obey orders. He is very sad about this hurdle, but thinking about the difficulty of his struggle in Genesis, he cannot just give up...

Seeing that there were only five or six cracks left, Qiang Di bit his lower lip, took a deep breath, closed his eyes and said in the team: "Team P!"

After finishing speaking on the team channel, Qiangdi yelled from the nearby channel, which was quite moral: "Meng God, Huanxi God, I'm sorry, the opening of the map of the devil world must be Genesis!"

The team members of Genesis had been anxiously waiting for this moment. They all knew the order of salvation, and these people were just as unwilling to be subdued as the salvation. Unconvinced, the people in Genesis suddenly became excited when they heard that they could finally do it.

Once the team PK mode is changed, the elemental army will first aim at Moe Miaomiao and Silent Joy, who are fighting the monster army at the forefront, because these two have the highest input data. As long as they die, the data of the Genesis team is guaranteed to be ranked immediately. On top of Roulan, and it is too late for the two gods to concentrate on dealing with the monsters, how can they have time to deal with their sudden sneak attack!
Take advantage of the fire, now is the best time!
Before the other members of Roulan saw the change of the Genesis mode, Genesis' mage army was quickly attacked by monsters, and a stand-in straw man teleported to the front behind Miaomiao and Silent Joy, followed by several Annihilation Black Holes and Extreme Ice The feast is thrown at the same time, and the target is facing Moe Meow and Silent Joy!
"Cute God! Happy God! Be careful!"

The members of Roulan's team were covered in cold sweat, couldn't help but exclaimed and shouted their names, and quickly changed modes to catch up, but their speed was definitely not as fast as the teleportation of the stand-in straw man. The four mages, Xiaoxiao and Feng Suxin, also hurriedly teleported to the stand-in straw man, but when the four of them arrived, Genesis skills had already been thrown out.

The brilliant skills of black and white are blooming under the feet of Miaomiao and Quiet Huanxi. The people of Genesis are anxiously and excitedly waiting for the fall of the two. These two great gods have always been immortal myths in the game!If it falls into their hands today, it will be the leader!However, after two or three seconds, they realized that something was wrong. Why didn't these two people lose any HP?No reason!It's impossible to miss them all, right?

Taking a closer look, there are already hostile red circles under the two people's feet, and the qigong masters beside them have released invincible bras...

What the hell!When did they change the PK mode!

Even Qiangdi was a little stunned. He was so entangled with his patronage just now that he didn't notice the change in the PK mode under the feet of Meng Miaomiao and Ji Jinghuanxi. They are currently in the same mission. If it weren't for the team P mode, the dolls released by Roulan's team Their skills are useless to them, but it will be different once the mode is changed... And looking at this posture, it seems that they have changed the mode a long time ago!
(End of this chapter)

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