The cute queen of online games

Chapter 256 The Battle of Fate

Chapter 256 The Battle of Fate
Everyone finished recording, and the official list of recorded battles was also selected. Because the players came at different levels, so not many were selected. Only five pairs of master players with really good operations were drawn up. Naturally, Ji Jingqing and Miaomiao couldn't escape In this fateful duel, the first pair appeared on the list, and Ye and an element of Genesis were arranged together, and Uncle Xuan and Wu Xiaoxiao were arranged in a group.

Miaomiao and Ji Jingqing were immediately invited up.

In front of the console, Ji Jingqing deliberately stopped and waited for Miao Miao, and when she saw her approaching, she smiled and said, "Do you still remember when you agreed with me to have a duel at level [-]? It seems that it can be brought forward."

Miaomiao really remembered this incident, but too many things overwhelmed her expectations for this duel, although in fact Miaomiao has reached the full level now, and Ji Jingqing is almost the same, but at this moment, the duel was brought forward by accident. The battle was still under the official arrangement, and she suddenly regained her enthusiasm for this battle.

After all, the killing god Ji Jinghuanxi is the true undefeated legend of "The Field of Origin" before and after her rebirth. The rise of Meng Miaomiao is affected by many factors. She has always believed that she has not yet been able to defeat Ji Jinghuanxi at least in PVP. However, after so much training as a magician, she feels that it is no longer certain who will win and who will lose.

"Did I still say goodbye at level [-]? Didn't it turn out to be earlier too?" Miaomiao said, remembering that I said goodbye at level [-], but he showed up not long after...

Ji Jingqing looked at her with subtle eyes and said frankly, "That's because I can't stand not seeing you for so long."

Miaomiao was silent for a moment and didn't know how to respond. It is not her character to be hesitant about feelings, but after a serious injury, she was not healed so quickly.

In the end, she smiled ambiguously: "Then I'll talk about it after I win."

Ji Jingqing suddenly felt a fire ignited in his heart. He didn't know whether it was the fire of fighting or the fire of hope, but it was ignited immediately because of this sentence.

The two quickly walked to the game cabin arranged by the staff, and were quickly introduced to the pre-set battle scene, and the battle field was displayed in full screen on the blue-ray screen.

Even though the recording of most of the players has ended, there are still many people who stay here to continue watching the recording of the battle. Even if some of them have zero combat effectiveness, the opportunity to watch the real top players duel is still rare. Even rookies have pursuits, don't they, and laymen are also very happy to watch the excitement.

Miaomiao entered the battle field and immediately observed the terrain. The staff chose a bamboo forest field for the two of them. There was an open space in the middle, and the sparse bamboo next to it had a certain blocking and covering effect. There were three or two shallow puddles in the field. , walking on the water will reduce a certain movement speed, you need to pay attention to your position.

The venue is not very big, and Miaomiao has already seen Ji Jingqing's character appearing on the other side of the bamboo forest quietly and joyfully. Although everyone introduced their real names to some extent, most of them still prefer to call them by their in-game names. For some reason, Miao Miao has completely memorized the name Ji Jingqing, maybe because he is the same as himself, the game name and the real name have similar sounds, so it is easy to remember.

The duel entered a ten-second countdown, and the two of them could not take any actions for the time being, but they both took a look at the terrain first and quickly rehearsed in their minds the fighting methods their opponents would adopt and their own countermeasures. The predictions of top players Both ability and combat experience cannot be ignored.

Miaomiao can underestimate any enemy, but she never dares to underestimate An Anxi.

Three, two, one!

At the end of the countdown, Huan Huanxi moved first, while Miao Miao quickly put herself in a good state.

To deal with mechanical gunners with a large number of tracking-type and large-range skills, if they can't take the lead, they will be easily suppressed and directly KO. The magician's high damage, wide-range skills and most of the CDs are long. Ranged battles are definitely not enough for him. That's why Miao Miao paid close attention to An Huanxi's movements with extreme keenness, and was ready to wait for an opportunity to close him and suppress him, preventing him from releasing the mechanical army.

Ji Jing Huanxi only put a small robot to show off at the beginning, walked two steps closer, and then just got closer to see Miaomiao's face began to change into various states like her, that shallow smile was full of confidence, As if he was already a winner.

Miaomiao didn't understand his actions, she didn't understand whether he was approaching strategically or just for the sake of approaching, but if she didn't move at this distance, she would fail the duel.

With a little vigilance, she didn't take a melee attack immediately, but conservatively aimed at Ji Jingxie's long-range attack with star light bombs.

The Starlight Bullet perfectly predicted An Anxi and Huanxi's trajectory and hit him. At this moment, An Anxi and Huanxi moved on hearing the news, and the grenade was thrown at Miaomiao.

With a jump in the air, she immediately noticed that Ji Anxi was holding a grenade again, so she continued to dodge it. However, due to the restrictions of this recording, Miaomiao and Ji Anxi were not her own set of equipment, so she couldn't use Wu Lian Jump, directly after the triple jump, the pumpkin fireball retreated to avoid the grenade he continued to throw and also opened the distance.

Perfect evasion connection!
However, right after, Miao Miao found that the tracking damage from the three laser beams above her head appeared, and the CD of the G series skills arrived!

She realized that she had missed the best opportunity to suppress, and immediately changed from being passive to taking the initiative to dash towards him. If she didn't hurry up to save him, her blood volume would easily be exhausted by Quiet and Happy's tracking and long-range skills.

But she naturally dare not underestimate him in close combat!
Get close to a provocative puppet, Xiu Lulu, and it explodes with a snap of your fingers!Ji Jing Huanxi quickly moved the shovel away from the spot, only to be affected by the explosion to a small amount of blood, Miao Miao fierce poisonous powder hit the spot, saw his moving position and immediately caught up with a sky strike, Ji Jing Huanxi turned back in time, and unexpectedly met Miao Miao shot at the same time!
In terms of skill priority, the compulsory judgment of the breaking move of step shooting is higher than that of sky strike!Miaomiao was immediately hit!

With a bang, the stunt double appeared at Jing Jing Huanxi's feet...

He has already lost a lot of blood, how could Miaomiao give him a chance to make consecutive moves!The location where Miaomiao appeared was not too far away, just behind Silence and Joy.

As if he had predicted where she would appear, Ji Jing Huanxi immediately turned around, facing the pumpkin fireball that Miaomiao had jumped up and dropped. Even though he knew her location, the fireball was so fast that he fell to the ground.

Hitting the pumpkin fireball repeatedly in the air, Miaomiao clearly saw that Ji Jinghuanxi was in an invincible state after being knocked down for the first time. She had expected this earlier, but the time of receiving the crouch was also within her calculation , Falling Flower Palm pushed the distance immediately after landing.

Ji Jing Huanxi immediately released the RoboCop after crouching, and then quickly aimed at her and raised her leg to use BBQ. At this time, Miaomiao's HP is already below half HP. If she uses another combo, she may lose her HP. !
At this moment in front of the console, both the staff and the players are staring at the screen, for fear of missing this wonderful scene in the blink of an eye. The two legendary undefeated myths finally confront each other. The players have already seen the signs, Miaomiao lost the opportunity to suppress, and failed to turn the tide of the battle perfectly in the follow-up. In a duel between masters, as long as one mistake is doomed to failure!
But the cute god who exists like a legend is about to be defeated here so soon?Even if the opponent is the God of Huanxi, many people are still expecting that there is still a chance. After all, the status of the God of Meng and the God of Huanxi is almost tied in the hearts of players, and no one can say who is more skilled.

But this mystery may be solved today!

Although the full strength of a player cannot be defined by the first battle, such a explosive battle may never happen again in the future. Based on the relationship between these two people, this is likely to be the evaluation of who is more powerful, Huanxi God or Meng God Although there are only dozens of players watching this battle, the results will definitely be heard by all players quickly!
Jiang Ye, who was sitting among the players, might be the only one who didn't pay attention to the result of this duel, because he felt deeply frustrated when he saw the two of them starting to fight with equal momentum, and he could clearly see The operations of Chu Jing Huan Xi and Miao Miao are superior to his. The operation and positioning of the two of them do not seem to be much superior to his, but he is well aware of the gap between himself and them.

Without relying on the effect of equipment like this, he will definitely not be able to reach the level of these two...

He really wasn't the one who could finally rival Miaomiao, and when he was fighting against Miaomiao, her eyes were far less serious and intense than at the moment, which proved that Jiangye was not enough for him whether he wanted to be Miaomiao's opponent or a couple Quite right, a man who can stand beside her, even if not stronger than her, must be able to match him.

This person can't be Jiang Ye...

At the most intense moment of the battle on the screen, everyone else was watching intently, only he got up silently and walked out of the room, as if he had made up his mind to get out of the cute world, and he didn't even notice his left and right hands Good brother's departure.

He has always been a very self-aware person, if it wasn't his goddess, he wouldn't continue to pay attention.

Miaomiao and Ji Jinghuanxi naturally don't know about things outside the battlefield, and Miaomiao can't think of a showdown to help her get rid of the big trouble of Jiang Ye.

At this moment, both of them were concentrating on the battle, and the quiet and joyful BBQ had already made a move, but what he didn't expect was that Miao Miao had already made preparations. When she slapped Falling Blossom Palm, she approached him in a staggered direction, very relaxed Dodged his trick!
Miao Miao couldn't hear the applause off the screen, but after dodging the blow, she immediately counterattacked before RoboCop aimed at her, and finally a lava was thrown, and the Sky Strike hit Silence one after another. joy!
The tall mechanical gunner was provoked by the little Lolita, and Miaomiao smiled slightly and launched a magical aerial combo!

 Before falling in love, let's kill each other~ These two finally got into a fight, and I was a little excited at once!

(End of this chapter)

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