The cute queen of online games

Chapter 257 The Opponent of One Lifetime

Chapter 257

Provocations, quick air combos, fly swatters... While attacking while dodging the attack of the RoboCop wandering around, the existence time of the summoned objects in the pure arena is shortened, so the existence time of the RoboCop It's short, and soon the headache-inducing RoboCop crashes and destroys!

Miaomiao didn't intend to let him go after Silence and Joy landed on the ground, and immediately threw a shadow cloak, but he slid a short distance and just left the range of the cloak, and the precise positioning immediately won the house!
After Miaomiao's aerial combos, the blood volume was immediately recovered a little, and the battle situation finally showed a tendency to be reversed. Everyone couldn't help but look forward to Mengshen's gorgeous counterattack!

Seeing that the cloak failed to catch the opponent, Miaomiao was vigilant, and quickly flew in the opposite direction. Sure enough, a grenade just exploded where she was standing, and she was almost hit by his grenade and was thrown into the air!

The continuous lava is still burning, and the tracking laser on Miaomiao's body is still spinning. The blood volume of both of them has dropped below half blood, and the battle situation suddenly becomes more tense.

However, it seemed that the battle situation was about to turn around, but Miao Miao didn't feel any relief, because she knew well that the CDs of the major skills of the silent and happy mechanical army had arrived!

Sure enough, the Viper Cannon was placed on the ground immediately after the Ji Jing Huan Xi grenade was thrown, and various robots were released at the same time, Miao Miao had no choice but to give up the melee attack and slid away. Even if she suppressed him in this situation, the robot explosion and The vertical tracking of the Viper Cannon can also kill her!
She used the cover of the bamboo forest to jump behind a row of bamboos in the air. None of the mechanical summons were penetrating, which ensured Miaomiao's temporary safety, but the laser beam above her head was still watching her as always. While the laser column continued to reduce the blood, he did not forget to take the opportunity to use the magic-type starlight bomb and automatic star bomb that can pass through the bamboo forest to give Silent Joy twice. Seeing him approaching around the bamboo forest, he immediately wiped the ground with a sliding shovel , Miaomiao didn't dodge at all, and threw out the provocative puppet Xiu Lulu again!
With a snap of the fingers, the puppet exploded, injuring Jing Jing Huanxi and at the same time, Miao Miao was hit by the sliding shovel's attack before she had time to dodge, and the gunner's close-up combo immediately started!

Miaomiao smiled peacefully, and bang in front of quiet and happy eyes, the CD of the stunt double has arrived!

At this moment, the blood volume of both of them was already below [-]%, and the G-series lasers had reached the moment when they had to be switched.

Who will be the first to reap the opponent's life?

When Miaomiao used the highest damage skills, Explosive Pumpkin Stove and Silence and Joy to release the most terrifying full-screen airdrop attack, the missile dropped from the air was about to fall in front of Miaomiao, and the explosion was about to come out and hit Silence and Joy... The players in front of the screen held their breaths waiting for the final result!
"Stop!" The staff who rushed to apply for the battle before suddenly shouted to stop, and controlled the console to end all skills.

Miao Miao and Ji Jing Huanxi looked at each other inexplicably in the game, how could they stop when they were about to decide the winner?Are you too worried?

The players who watched stared at the blue light screen and couldn't help but cursed cheating.

The staff member couldn't help but quickly explained under the scolding: "This is just a video recording, not a competition, so I'll stop here. Please don't get excited. If you want to watch the real competition, I hope everyone will pay attention to the holding of the first Tianwang competition. You can wait until the arena opens to experience the truly hearty PK.”

So far... But this is simply a tie, isn't it?There is still a huge suspense left!
No matter what everyone said, the battle was stopped abruptly and there was no way to continue, which immediately aroused many people's dissatisfaction.

On the contrary, the two people in the game stood calmly when they heard the voice-over from the staff.

Miao Miao couldn't help looking at Jing Jing and said joyfully, "Actually, the winner has already been decided."

Nodding slightly, Ji Jing Huanxi had already seen what the upcoming result would be, and couldn't help but smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Thank you for taking this game seriously. It's a pity that I'm not your opponent yet, but in the Heavenly Kings Competition, I will definitely be stronger than I am now." Miao Miao admitted defeat very frankly. Did not reach the point of surpassing him.

Serious Shashen is different from the past. His operation and positioning, even though he watched countless game videos of him before his rebirth, Miao Miao still can't completely predict it accurately.

When the last big skill was used just now, Miaomiao had actually seen that the range of her Explosive Pumpkin Stove was slightly out of range, Silence and Joy could dodge it smoothly, but when the full-screen airdrop appeared, Miaomiao had no escape, even if she exploded immediately Pumpkin Stove uses the invincibility effect of the dark cloak to save itself, and cannot escape the attack after a short period of invincibility...

Ji Jinghuanxi felt that Miao Miao was self-effacing. In fact, this was his most serious PK duel. Few opponents could make him have the mood to deal with it with all his strength. However, Miao Miao suppressed him to the point where he had to be 100% Just play it.

From the moment he saw Meng Miaomiao kill the Ice Wind Cat, he knew that if anyone in the game could defeat him, it would definitely be this amazing little magician!This is an amazing opponent that he has never encountered in the vertical and horizontal game for many years. In addition to operation and positioning, Miaomiao also has an eclectic aura that ordinary master players do not have. Her flexibility and consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of the environment Even more amazing than her operation, this is the key to her becoming the God of Demonic Dao!

Such a rare opponent, how could he let go at that time, and it also led to his doomed sinking today!
If there were no cute Miaomiao in the world, Ji Jing Huan Xi might still be the terrifying legend who always wanders outside the crowd and guards the throne of the God of Killing alone, but Miaomiao's appearance completely pulls the God of Killing back into the world of mortals...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help softening his brows and eyes a lot, liking Miaomiao, which made him truly feel that his life is colorful.

Watching Miao Miao quietly, he said slowly: "You will be my opponent for the rest of my life, so don't worry, I am ready to be defeated by you at any time."

After speaking, the two were reminded that they were about to exit the scene, and Jing Huanxi was already withdrawn from the game before seeing Miao Miao's reaction, but after thinking about it, she knew that she would not give him any gentle response.

On the other side, Miao Miao, who was quitting the game, was about to be bombarded by his frequent hints, and her heart couldn't stand it anymore. It was only the first real meeting. Do you want to push her to this level?Looking at him like that, it seems that he is going to propose to her today!
After leaving the game cabin, the two looked calm, but they still had a lot of thoughts in their hearts, and then returned to their positions to continue watching the battles of other players.

(End of this chapter)

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