The cute queen of online games

Chapter 259 Awakening Mission

Chapter 259 Awakening Mission
In addition to the great benefits of obtaining special double deputy positions, the largest blue steel veins obtained from the demon world are also controlled by Roulan's four guilds. However, the blue steel crystals produced by smelting are related to the effect of different-dimensional cracks, and they cannot be applied at present. , only in the hands of the four guilds as a common secret.

After finishing the bits and pieces, while the other guilds were still studying the new map of the Demon Realm, many members of the Great Gods of the Cute Killing Squad were already at full level or close to full level. The group continued to push the last map of the Three Realms Tower to open the heavens, but she found that she still had important things to do!

She has already reached the full level, and she and many players of the Mengsha faction haven't done the awakening task yet!
Awakening skills are the strongest skills of all occupations in the [-]th level version. Even in the [-]th version in the future, the awakening skills of many occupations still have this status, and after awakening, they can automatically learn the awakening skills without a skill book. It is an opportunity for many poor but skilled players to stand up. There are many players with good skills who can't learn skills in the early stage and become rookies.

However, for the Mengsha faction that has recruited many great god seedlings, the main reason for having the awakening skill at this moment is to open up the heavens and get twice the result with half the effort.

Speaking of which, Miaomiao was very lucky to get several professional skills books among the many treasure boxes she harvested in the Demon Realm last time. Among them, there were two books of her own profession's acid rain skill and the large device skill electric tower, which immediately added a lot to her. Less combat power, and a skill to improve the fly swatter, which can increase the power of the fly swatter, and even get a skill book of more than sixty levels that cannot be learned yet, but these are not as useful as awakening skills.

Think about it, if a team of [-] people uses a great awakening skill, wouldn't the boss be tortured to death?Of course, things are not that easy. Since the awakening skill is so tyrannical, cool and handsome, how can it be easily possessed? The difficulty of the awakening task will definitely make countless players cry.

Miaomiao immediately mobilized everyone to tackle the awakening mission, but many people said that they had actually tried to do the awakening mission, but they were too difficult to overcome. The most speechless thing is that most people died directly in the first step of the mission. Occasionally, the first step is completed and it is stuck in the second step...

This immediately made Miao Miao a little puzzled, because many of these people are real master players. According to her experience in awakening missions before rebirth, although awakening is difficult, it should not be difficult for these people, right? ?What's wrong with this?
She directly asked the "insider" Qiao Nannan this question. Feeling guilty about betraying his sister, he had to tell Miao Miao, because the player's upgrade progress was accelerated, and the demon world was opened too early. The game company was afraid that the player would go against the sky too much. The [-]th-level area was directly broken, so there are still many contents that have not been fully planned and ready to be opened to players. After thinking about it, we can't violate the rules of the game and close the development path, so we increased the awakening task after discussion. The difficulty of the awakening task will be reduced after the level [-] version is released.

This shitty game... Miaomiao was speechless for a moment, was she doing the task too fast and crashing the progress of the game?But did the game company think that she couldn't develop those maps without awakening her?She was born again!
Although she heard the news, she still decided to try the difficulty of this awakening task herself. She has conquered so many crazy and perverted tasks. Let's see how difficult an awakening task can be!
After asking Qiao Nannan, Miao Miao immediately went to the game to go to the Mage Guild to find Sha Lan, the mage mentor, to accept the awakening task.

As soon as it was sent, Miaomiao received a private chat request from Ji Jinghuanxi, so she accepted his private chat.

"Are you doing the awakening mission?"

Miao Miao immediately asked a little puzzled: "Have you learned to predict the future?"

Jing Jing smiled happily, and said cheerfully: "I'm just more supernatural, how many steps did you make?"

From what this means, is Ji Jing Huan Xi already awakening?It seems that the first step has been passed.

"It seems that you are not supernatural enough. I have just arrived at the Magician Guild and am about to accept the task. What? You are not encountering any difficulties and want to ask me for help, right?"

"It's a difficulty." Ji Jinghuanxi didn't feel embarrassed at all, but said it very directly, and then he added, "I think you will also encounter this difficulty soon."

"Is there any difficulty that can stump the God of Joy? I'm really curious." While Miaomiao teased, he really thought this way. He has completed the cheating mission of crossing the Mar Empire, so what could be more difficult?

"I have some bad news for you." Ji Jing Huanxi said with a bit of bad intentions, deliberately paused before continuing, "Suddenly I am not going to tell you what the task is, so, you can only explore the answer yourself to satisfy your curiosity gone."

Miaomiao was speechless immediately, didn't this guy say he liked her?How come you still have such a high profile?Why not tell her about a mission mysteriously, deliberately teasing her?Or did he suddenly figure out that he would no longer pursue her, so he decided to take revenge on her rejection?

No matter what the reason is, she naturally wouldn't beg him to ask him, so she replied bluntly: "Okay, I'll go find the answer, but don't expect me to help you after the mission is successful."

After finishing speaking, she hung up the private chat and walked towards the hall of the Magicians Guild. The beautiful dark elf magician Shalan was still standing...

Huh?What about Sharon?
After walking a few steps, she suddenly found that it was not Shalan standing in the middle of the hall, but Shalan's high apprentice Winnie. This girl was also a dark elf beauty, but she was far less tall, charming and elegant than Shalan. A tall and intelligent black beauty, she likes to imitate her master Shalan's dress, but only at first glance, she looks similar, but upon closer inspection, she is completely Dong Shi's efficiency.

Although it wasn't Shalan standing there, Miaomiao walked over to greet her inexplicably, "Hello, dear Lady Winnie, may I ask where did Teacher Shalan go?"

When Winnie heard Miaomiao's words, she glanced at Miaomiao and said sadly, "Miss Shalan, she's gone..."

"No way?!" Miao Miao was taken aback. Shalan is one of the most famous magicians in the continent of Arance, and she is not very old now, so how could she just go there?She never had such a plot before her rebirth!

Winnie was sad again, and continued slowly: "I went to Landis Principality to help save that terrible plague."

The corners of her mouth twitched a few times, Miao Miao was really speechless at Winnie's panting, it must have been too hard, she was taken aback, she didn't know if she could still do the awakening mission after Shalan died Woolen cloth.

 Thank you Ji Yulan for the two monthly tickets~ I have already voted for four this month, thank you so much~

(End of this chapter)

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