The cute queen of online games

Chapter 260 Heading to the Plague

Chapter 260 Heading to the Plague
Miao Miao almost thought that the game company had killed all the professional tutors in order to prevent players from awakening, that was really unscrupulous.

However, knowing that Sharan went to the Landis Guild is also a very disturbing thing, but this is probably a way to increase the difficulty of the awakening task.

"Then, when will Lady Shalan come back?" Miaomiao asked tentatively.

Winnie looked at the sky melancholy, then thought for a while and replied: "Maybe I won't be able to return until Landis's plague is completely eliminated, but I'm worried about whether Lord Sharon will be infected with the plague, so what should the Wizards Guild do? Knowing how Lord Sharan is doing now, it is really worrying."

Miaomiao realized that this Winnie was completely unfounded, and she didn't want to deal with her concern about the safety of Lord Shalan, and asked directly: "It will take so long to come back? But Lord Winnie, I have reached the moment where I need to break through the awakening practice , Without the guidance of Lord Sharan, I don’t know how to awaken.”

She asked this in order to try to receive the awakening mission from Winnie. After all, Winnie was standing in Shalan's position, so the mission that should have been released by Shalan should also be entrusted to her.

Winnie was still standing there inexplicably melancholy, and after a while she said to Miao Miao worriedly: "Your problem has been encountered by many magicians recently, but my ability is not enough to enlighten you to practice awakening, how about In this way, you are a mage that Lord Sharan is very optimistic about. People with more potential need to practice very difficult and dangerous before awakening. You take finding Lord Sharan as a difficult and dangerous practice, and wait as far away as Landis Principality After seeing your efforts, Lord Shalan will be very happy to help you enlighten and awaken."

Standing in front of Winnie, Miaomiao's expressionless face ended up arguing for a long time. Is Winnie here just a display?It is impossible to release the awakening mission at all...

Just as she was thinking, she suddenly found that her task bar had already reminded her that she had obtained the first step of the awakening mission, which was to find Shalan according to Winnie's clues.

Miao Miao felt that her awakening mission must be different from others'. If the first mission was to find an NPC across the factions, the few people in the guild who had completed the first step would not have time to leave the Roulan Principality, so the mission was absolutely different. This difference may be due to differences between occupations, but it may also be determined by the dialogue between her and Winnie when accepting the task.

The awakening mission before rebirth is basically the same for everyone, but now it is just the first step mission, which has been messed up in a variety of ways. The game company really spent effort to increase the difficulty, so that even if someone completes the mission, others cannot copy it. man's way.

Thinking of this, she thought of the private chat that Ji Jinghuanxi sent just now, and guessed that her and Ji Jinghuanxi's task steps were also different, and she would definitely not encounter the same difficulties as him.

After leaving the hall of the Magicians Guild, Miaomiao thought about it. Waiting for Shalan to come back and accept the awakening mission again must be temporarily impossible, because the last time the player recorded the event and chatted with the left hand, he had already learned that the plot related to the plague was stuck and died It's hard to die, so either go to Landis to do the awakening task, or simply try to push the top floor of the Three Realms Tower first.

Just thinking about which one to do first, Ji Jing Huanxi sent another private chat, Miao Miao couldn't help raising her eyebrows, this guy couldn't help but want to announce the answer himself, right?
After answering the private chat, Jing Jing said happily directly: "I just learned that everyone's tasks are not necessarily the same."

"So?" She said slowly, knowing in her heart that she had guessed the meaning of his private chat.

He said with a smile and a little doting: "I decided to give you a chance to satisfy your curiosity."

What is this feeling full of intimacy and love?She remembered that she and Ji Jinghuanxi were obviously in a state where King Xiang intended to be a goddess but not in a state of mind. What was going on with his unilateral attitude as if they had already confirmed their relationship? !
With a little helplessness, Miao Miao said: "Say something quickly, or I will die."

"Take me to Landis Principality."

"Don't tell me that the Gunslinger mentor also ran to help the plague..."

"If one party is in trouble, all parties will support it."

"You are really a good boy in heaven, but why should I take you there?"

"Misfortunes never come singly, let me take a ride, I haven't played a copy of Miller's Whale yet."

Miller Whale?Miaomiao squinted her eyes immediately, he thought beautifully, the advantage of the Miller Whale could indeed allow the two of them to quickly enter the Landis Principality, but it was too ostentatious, in fact, it was also very fast on the airship.

"I refuse, it's just a low-level dungeon, it's of no use to you."

"Actually, it's also related to my mission. I still have a collection of mission items before I look for a mentor. This map has the highest yield rate of monster mission items. Although there are other places, it will take at least a week or two to complete the collection." After finishing speaking, he emphasized again, "Dear President, you are the one who asked everyone to work hard to overcome the awakening mission, so you can't just ignore death, right?"

The help of the God of Joy is indispensable. If he can complete the awakening task, he will naturally bring more combat power to the cute killing group.

For the sake of the cute killing group, it seems that she has to help this favor.

"Okay, then I will give you a chance to help each other." Miao Miao also imitated his general expression of reluctance, and then quickly told him, "Come to Leeds City immediately, and set off now."

After finishing speaking, she directly hung up the private chat and did not give him any chance to express his opinion. Afterwards, Miaomiao bought sufficient supplies and headed to Leeds City. After thinking about going to Landis this time, in order not to cause trouble In panic, he pulled out the secret language channel and sent the secret language to the right hand.

"I want to use the Miller Whale. If there are any of your members in it, it's best to clear the place immediately. I'm going to take the Miller Whale to the plague area of ​​Landis."

The right hand immediately replied with trepidation: "Clear the field immediately, please use it casually, are you here to help us solve the stuck plague mission?"

"It can also be solved by the way."

"Thank you so much Mengshen!"

"How much thank you money?"


Phoenix never falls into a land without treasure, and Meng Miaomiao has never helped in vain, so after chatting with the right hand, they immediately agreed on the reward after solving the problem.

Finally, she asked where the task on the right hand was stuck, and he frankly told Miaomiao that there was an apostle from the devil world, Ruiji, the source of the plague, in the mission of the plague. In the state of plague, the right hand of God has finally found the final serial dungeon of the plague area through the plot. In the first dungeon, one of Ruiji’s subordinates was overthrown. After a quick look at Ruiji’s appearance, the second ring was also opened. Then got stuck...

But the copy of the third ring, which should be the final ring, disappeared strangely!Can't find the entrance to the dungeon!In order to find this entrance, the right hand of God, the members have re-launched the second ring many times. I am afraid that there is some key plot hidden in it that has not been discovered, but there is still no gain.

Such a dungeon about the apostles is definitely a major plot development after it is opened. How can the right hand of God let it go? After thinking about it, the master who is best at capturing hidden missions and dungeons is none other than Miao Miao, so I had to ask her for help on the sidelines.

Miao Miao's active appearance this time is really what the right hand could not wish for, so it is only natural to hire a lot of money, even if it fails to help break through the dungeon, it will still be paid for hard work.

After discussing this cooperation matter, Miaomiao teleported to Leeds City, and soon met Ji Jinghuanxi directly at the teleportation point. As soon as they met, they saw this guy holding a packaged gift box sold in the game and looking at it with a smile. looking at her.

She walked over and pointed at the gift box and said doubtfully, "You don't think this is for me, right? It's not a holiday, so what kind of gift is it? It's not a good style to bribe your superiors. Be careful not to be caught by the ICAC. "

"If you want something from someone, of course you have to express it. If I have nothing, you will definitely think I'm too stingy." Ji Jinghuan happily handed the gift box to Miaomiao, "Besides, it's not a big gift, it's just a token of affection. "

This is true, when did she help in vain, he almost forgot to ask him for a reward if he didn't mention Miaomiao.

Taking it casually, Miaomiao joked, "Just discount it next time."

After speaking, she opened the gift box and found that it contained a plate of spaghetti bolognese. The sweet aroma immediately made her salivate and was a little surprised.

"I've never heard that pasta can be given as a gift..." Miaomiao said, swallowing her saliva, and then pretending to say reluctantly, "But it looks delicious, so let's take it."

After talking about Miaomiao, she was a little embarrassed, she must have been infected by foodies!To think that a plate of pasta can buy her off!
"I made it myself. I saw that you liked it last time. I bought this recipe specially for you to try. If you like it, I can make it for you often in the future." He said it very naturally, looking at Miaomiao He looks a bit tangled and has a particularly bright smile, but his scope of practice is wider. Apart from the game, he also silently added in his heart that it is the same in reality...

Miaomiao ignored the "often" in his words, and only thought that he was a god of killing, and at the same time he also had the advantages of being a good male cook at home. Isn't it so contradictory.

Putting the pasta in the package, Miaomiao pointed to the road on the outskirts of the city and said, "Let's go."

The two soon arrived at the outskirts of the city. Miaomiao had already designated the route for Miller Whale on the map, and soon saw a black spot floating slowly from the highest point in the sky.

After seeing that the distance was almost the same, she activated the teleportation array, and the two entered the map of Miller Whale.

After arriving at Yukou, Miaomiao decided on the navigation route, and then asked An Jingxie's mission in detail: "What kind of monsters do you want to fight in the mission? I know the distribution of monsters relatively well."

"To fight monsters, if my guess is correct, these generals should also come from the Middle Ancient Continent, right?"

"You're right, maybe this has something to do with the opening of the Middle Ancient Continent, but I don't think the authorities will let us find a way to open the New Continent so early."

 In the morning, I came to a community health questionnaire survey, but it turned out that I was so busy late...

(End of this chapter)

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