Chapter 268
Miaomiao showed a cute smile a little proudly, rolled her eyes and teased in a good mood: "Why don't you call me Mengshen, this is the gap between gods and humans."

Wiping the sweat with his right hand, could it be that a creature like the Great God exists just to humiliate him!

However, he still echoed with a bit of a dog's leg: "Yes, yes, I am still far behind, and I must learn more from Mengshen in the future! Please tell me how you found out?"

The dog-legged appearance of the president of his own family really makes the right hand of God feel ashamed. What is the dignity of being the number one president!

Quiet and happy beside him also taunted his right hand: "President of the right hand, didn't you notice something wrong with the runes on the wall?"

There were no monsters in the passage, so Miaomiao immediately led the team forward quickly, and the right-hand side also hurriedly listened to the mystery of it while there was no need to fight monsters.

The right hand immediately said: "Of course there is! But we also tried to hit the wall at that time, but there was no response? And there are more than one runes, almost all over the wall. How can we see that there is a passage only here? ?”

The people from God's Right Hand all echoed in the team. It was indeed the case. It was hard for them to understand why Meng Miaomiao could see the passage right away.

"This rune is exactly the same as the rune in the teleportation array, didn't you see it?" Miao Miao finally revealed the problem, and she also noticed the same rune on a wall in a quarter of the dungeon, After finishing speaking, he struck his right hand again, "I didn't see this, the four colors above represent the four skills of light, fire, ice and darkness, you should be able to distinguish them, right?"

The implication is that the right hand will never be colorblind...

These runes are different in addition to the runes, and the colors are also different, which clearly represent the four-line skills of light, fire and ice.

According to this prompt, it is obvious that these two places should be connected to a similar teleportation array. Miaomiao was the first to notice this. Teleportation, so she can see it at a glance after entering the copy.

As for Qiangdi and Silent Joy, it seems that after seeing more and more confusing runes, they discovered something similar to the runes of the teleportation array, so they found exactly the same runes as the teleportation runes under observation.

However, what the two of them discovered was another passage located about one-half to three-quarters of the dungeon, so their estimated time was much longer than Miaomiao.

"Mengshen... how could I remember what the runes of the teleportation array look like..." the right hand said almost helplessly.

Ordinary players would not memorize such partial content. It would be good to be able to roughly see the difference between various formations. How is it possible to remember them all? These masters can’t play a game and memorize all the formations. up? !

Sure enough, the right hand knows the difference between God and man, the details determine success or failure!He couldn't help but glanced at Jiang Ye who had been silent all the time. It seemed that Jiang Ye was still a little different from the top gods, and he was still an idol school...

After walking for a short time, it was soon verified that this passage was indeed a shortcut similar to teleportation, except that a few traps had been set up, and under Miaomiao's vigilance, they managed to avoid them one by one, and a guard passage appeared after a short journey The elite infected people arrived at the exit of the passage immediately after being eliminated.

Miaomiao remembered that the rune of this exit was blue, so a frost snowman was thrown out, and the exit opened!

A quarter of the distance is just a perfect spike!

The person on the right hand of the god has been completely convinced, the exit is in a very long passage, so there is another round of camouflage and the breath of the wind, and he rushed directly to another hidden passage without any blame.

In less than 5 minutes, the whole team has reached three-quarters of the dungeon!

This parkour-like experience is really cool to the extreme. A copy that was originally so lengthy broke through three-quarters like this. No one would think that such a gameplay still exists!

Miaomiao looked at the time, and it was shorter than she expected. If she had considered the improvement effect of Silence and Joy's camouflage in advance, she would have estimated the time to be 10 minutes.

There are no shortcuts in the last three-quarters, but there are not many rooms left. Miaomiao led the team and finally started to kill monsters steadily. The four god-level players Miaomiao, Silent Joy, Qiangdi, and Jiangye made a move. Infected monsters are almost in the rhythm of instant kills, and the elite infected can't hold up a few times before falling down.

The whole team is advancing almost without stopping, there is still a gap between the master team and the elite team after all!

It took less than 2 minutes for the team to come to the sacrificial well where the boss is located. From the entrance of the cave, it can be seen that the voodoo mage has not yet revealed its prototype.

Miao Miao suddenly smiled, it seems that she guessed right, the time will affect the final plot!
"Everyone, keep quiet and watch the plot quietly." She said in the team, and then led the team to stand on the side of the cave entrance and quietly waited for the plot to unfold.

At the moment, there are several semi-conscious infected dark elves lying on the simple mats in the burrow. The voodoo mage disguised as a witch doctor is checking these infected one by one. He picked up the clay pot next to him and seemed to be concocting some kind of medicine , and then fed a few spoonfuls to several of the infected people.

Soon these infected people responded to the medicine, and the corrupted and infected places on their bodies actually began to bubble up with cloudy bubbles, as if they were boiling.

The semi-comatose infected person immediately struggled and screamed like a beast. After a burst of wailing and pain, the infected person mutated to varying degrees, looking a lot more ferocious, and gradually mutated into an elite-level infected person.

All of this seems to be the reason for the mutation, but Miaomiao quickly noticed that the ordinary infected people beside him had actually shown signs of mutation to varying degrees, but the mutation speed was obviously much slower.

Are voodoo mage's drugs just to speed up the mutation or make the mutation worse?
At this time, the voodoo mage was silently looking at the mutated infected, his eyes were extremely gloomy, and he seemed dissatisfied with the result.

"What's wrong, fighting poison with poison can't cure this plague?" He muttered to himself.

The mutated infected people quickly stood up, and the voodoo mage stretched out his hand to cast a spell. A green light appeared on these mutated infected people, and soon several vines tied them up, making the mutated infected people unable to get up and move. So one by one with green eyes lying on the ground writhing ferociously.

The whole team has seen the mutation process a lot, so there is nothing to be particularly afraid of, but it is a little surprising that the voodoo mage's words fell into his ears.

The voodoo mage actually wanted to cure these infected people?And no one was there, so he shouldn't be lying...

Just wondering what was going on, the voodoo mage remixed the potion again and continued to test it on other infected people, but this time the potion didn't seem to have any effect.

At this moment, a purple crack suddenly appeared on the side of the burrow, and some kind of strange purple substance gushed out along the crack.

 Thank you Ji Ran, ╰︶ぃ Mengmianren, and Ji Yulan for your monthly votes~ There are so many votes today, so excited!Well, try to add a new chapter tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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