The cute queen of online games

Chapter 269 The Apostles Are Subverted

Chapter 269 The Apostles Are Subverted

The purple substance quickly poured into the well along the cracks of the bricks, and then the purple substance condensed into a somewhat distorted human figure. A skinny and somewhat old demon man transformed from the purple substance.

This person was full of decadence and sluggishness. Although he looked very old, he didn't look very old, but his hair and eyebrows were a little gray, and his whole body was filled with the aura of illness and death.

But this still can't conceal his own powerful apostle aura, this person is the Plague Regis among the apostles of the devil world!

He is also the one closest to death among all the apostles. He is always suffering from endless diseases, and his whole body is covered with the source of plague that can spread any disease quickly. However, because he has an immortal body, these plagues cannot harm himself. But it can still bring endless pain, so the plague Regis is also a very sad apostle while being terrifying.

Normal humans and even demons can't get close to Regis, and once they get close, they will be infected with the plague. Therefore, the plague Regis is in the most desolate and barren position in the demon world, just like exiled prisoners, almost no one lives there. Even if there are, they are far away from the center of the territory where St. Regis is located, and only dare to stay at the very edge.

As for the center of the plague territory, it is not completely empty. It is full of terrifying creatures that have mutated after being infected by the plague. Even the other apostles are unwilling to step into this weird and twisted place...

It is really hard to imagine why such a lonely and weird apostle would suddenly appear on the continent of Alans, and why a plague broke out in the Principality of Landis.

"Lord Ruiji!" The voodoo mage saw Ruiji appearing, and immediately turned into a prototype and knelt down to welcome him.

Ruiji just nodded lightly, as if it would take a lot of effort to do one more movement, he asked in a hoarse whisper: "Is the potion effective?"

The voodoo mage shook his head in trepidation and said, "The effect is not ideal..."

"Find a good cure as soon as possible." Without any intention of blaming, Plague Regis just ordered flatly.

The voodoo mage agreed, but asked a bit unwillingly: "Sir, shouldn't we return to the Demon Realm quickly? I heard that the passage to the Demon Realm has been opened now, so why should we stay here to study the healing potion? They are just The races on the mainland have absolutely nothing to do with us, and it is impossible for anyone to understand your actions, and everyone wants to exterminate you with hatred in their hearts! You are not worth it!"

His words were filled with righteous indignation, and he felt worthless for St. Regis. Even he was unwilling to accept such silent good deeds and was misunderstood, let alone the great Mr. St. Regis.

With drooping eyelids, Regis slowly untied the voodoo mage: "Although I did not bring this plague, it was my existence that caused the plague to spread so quickly, and this place is too far away from the entrance of the Demon Realm." , My movement will only make the plague spread farther and faster, if the plague cannot be cured, I will not leave."

After speaking, he let out a long breath silently, and sighed in a very soft voice: "If it can really be wiped out, it would be great, this is a good opportunity..."

When he said this, Regis slightly opened his tired eyes and even showed a strong hope, as if death was the most beautiful gift in this world to him.

In the Demon Realm, the apostles are the strongest existence, their bodies and strength are too strong, and there is almost no possibility of being wiped out, and even the apostles can only be seriously injured and absolutely unable to kill each other. Only outside the Demon Realm, The strength and body of the apostles were extremely weak, so that they had the chance to be wiped out.

Regis obviously wants to die here, but even if he has been extremely weakened, it is difficult to kill, because if he gets close to him, he will be infected with the plague, and very few people can kill him in this situation , so this is still an extremely slim chance.

"Master Ruiji, no one will understand your compassion and guilt. For so many years, you have lived in seclusion in the plague territory and endured these pains alone, trying not to spread the plague. Isn't it because no one has ever remembered you? There are still so many Many people have tried every means to get rid of you. This time, the sudden transfer to the continent of Alans must be a conspiracy of some people. They just want to use this to destroy you. If you are willing to wait for death, let these guys Your trick has succeeded!" The voodoo mage said earnestly, looking really loyal.

It's a pity that Ruiji didn't listen to his persuasion at all. For a person who longs for death more than survival, how could he care about the way of death? The only thing he cares about is whether death is coming or not. Can it be faster...

Miaomiao and the others who stayed on the side of the cave entrance were completely confused by the sudden reversal of the plot. The notorious demon apostle Plague Regis turned out to be such a compassionate and benevolent person?All his notoriety is just because of the terrible physique he was born with?So if the false rumors continue, no one will know whether the real St. Regis is good or evil...

I am afraid that no one wants to care about the good and evil of Plague Regis. Whoever avoids such a terrible guy can only blame him for his kindness born on the plague body. This is completely incompatible. Both!
Miaomiao thinks it's the scariest thing. Ever since she was reborn, she has gone deep into the various plot lines of the game, and the game has been subverting the stories she knows. Numerous notorious big bosses have been proved to be not so bad, and many famous bosses are not so bad. The broadcasters are wearing hypocritical masks and doing some shady deeds.

This made her extremely suspicious of the writer of the game plot. It's fun to constantly subvert the plot, isn't it? !Whoever wrote the main story must be a freak!Maybe it is because I am often deceived by others and feel too insecure that I wrote this kind of plot that is constantly subverted and reversed!
However, these subversive plots also made her deeply understand a truth, nothing can be seen on the surface, and rumors and so on really cannot be believed.

When the hearts of every player present were turbulent, at this time, Plague Regis looked in the direction they were standing.

"It seems that someone from outside has come in?" Regis said to the voodoo master, then shook his head and sighed, "I'd better leave as soon as possible, otherwise I will hurt these innocent people again."

Speaking of Ruiji, it turned into the real body, and a beast like a purple coyote appeared in Ruiji's original position. The long mane on the back was replaced by purple waves, and the eyes also showed purple halos.

However, his figure is a little fuzzy, as if he is about to melt, probably because of the weakening here, so that his prototype cannot be completely solid.

Now that she has been discovered, and seeing that Ruiji is about to leave, Miaomiao suddenly steps into the well.

She said quickly without hesitation: "I can give you a chance to die! Master St. Regis!"

These words sounded arrogant and impolite, but it was no different in Ruiji's ears. He took a faint look at Miaomiao who appeared with his purple animal eyes.

When he saw such a thin and small demon mage speaking, Ruiji showed a little disappointment, and without saying a word, he was about to leave immediately along the crack when he came.

"It seems that you don't really desire death, do you? It's just talking." Ji Jinghuanxi also came out, mocking Ruiji with his unruly tone.

Regis' body paused for a moment, but he still didn't turn around.

Miaomiao saw that Ruiji was moved, and immediately followed the silent and joyful words and said: "If you really want to die, you will not let it go even if it is a small chance. I think what you just said is just Looking for a little comfort for your horrible actions, it seems that you only have a false sense of guilt for the horrible disasters you caused by spreading the plague!"

The members of the Right Hand of God are all stupid, you guys are too brave!Taunting the apostle so hard, is this the rhythm of wanting to be killed in seconds? !
Seeing Miaomiao and Jijing Huanxi's aggressive tactics against Ruiji so boldly, Jiang Ye couldn't help feeling moved and stood up.

He is different from Miaomiao and the silent and joyful sarcastic generals, but he said calmly: "Master Ruiji, the healing potion you are looking for has actually made a breakthrough, and the mildly infected can temporarily control the disease." , There are signs of cure, but the source of transmission hidden deep in the infected person's body still cannot be completely eliminated, only your death can truly make the plague disappear, and your demise is the beginning of all cures."

Plague Regis finally stopped in front of the gap, he turned his head slowly, and everyone saw wet traces of suspected tears in the corners of his eyes.

"If you can really kill me, go to the place where the plague first occurred at dusk and attack me. As long as you have the power...this life is waiting for your harvest!"

After speaking, St. Regis turned into a purple substance again, melted into it along the gap, and left here soon.

Seeing all this, the voodoo mage immediately looked at these intruders viciously. He waved the voodoo staff in his hand and shouted angrily: "You hateful bastards, I will never allow you to touch Mr. Regis! No one Leave!"

The boss battle was started in an instant, and the voodoo mage immediately entered a berserk state, and released all the infected people to turn them into highly mutated elite monsters. The stats of the voodoo mage were higher than when they first played this instance many.

However, the suppression of levels cannot be overcome, and Miaomiao and the others still killed the voodoo mage without too much effort.

In the end, the voodoo mage died, and the clearance time was displayed as 38 minutes and [-] seconds...

The right hand couldn't help but curse in a depressed voice: "I'm going! Why is it like hanging up! My money..."

Even though he said so, he was actually quite happy, because the clue of the third dungeon successfully appeared.

But he still gave Jiang Ye a very speechless look: "When did you do the task of healing the potion?"

 Try to code another chapter, I will go out for a meal later, it is estimated that it will be offered in the evening~
(End of this chapter)

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