The cute queen of online games

Chapter 270 The Problem of Face

Chapter 270 The Problem of Face
Although it was Miao Miao and Ji Jing Huanxi who stopped Plague Ruiji first in the dungeon, Jiang Ye's mission seemed to be the key to successfully unlocking the clues, but this kid never said that he had done such a mission? !
Facing the question about his right hand, Jiang Ye replied calmly: "Two days ago."

His right hand stared: "Why didn't you tell me!"

Jiang Ye glanced at him: "Tell you, you will definitely know that it is related to the clue of this dungeon?"

The right hand suddenly became speechless, and murmured: "Not necessarily..."

Miaomiao was still making jokes, she patted her right shoulder on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "En! Of course, I definitely won't know that it's related to the clues, right?"

The whole team laughed immediately, their right hand froze in embarrassment, and complained softly, "Can you save me some face?"

"You get your own face, so you can't blame others for not giving it to you." Quietly, joyfully and mercilessly chuckled.

The right hand is even more disastrous, it's fine to be run over by the great gods, but it's hard to let people live if they are run on by so many great gods!
In the end, he silently looked at the kindest Qiangdi who didn't speak or smile, looked at him affectionately and said, "The master Qiangdi is the best, only you can save me face."

Qiang Di said with a serious face: "I'm not interested in you..."

His right hand instantly petrified, did Qiang Di think he was crooked? !
This immediately gave Miaomiao an opportunity to add insult to injury, and she spoke sympathetically, "Did you break up in love so soon? It doesn't matter, you still have your left hand."

The men silently rubbed their foreheads and blushed. This joke seems to have double meanings. Mengshen, are you sure you understand what you are talking about?

Of course, Miaomiao didn't notice that she accidentally said some great joke, but after seeing the expressions of these people, she finally felt that something was wrong, so she quickly changed the subject and asked about the mission of the healing potion.

Jiang Ye immediately talked about the mission of the healing potion. The reason why he didn't follow the elite team to complete the triple copy of the plot progress was actually because he received the mission of the healing potion.

What's more amazing is that this mission happened to be his awakening mission. The Night Herald's mentor, Minette, didn't disappear directly, but she had been in charge of providing assistance in the plagued area, and she was actually infected by the plague.

Jiang Ye, who came to pick up the awakening task, found Minette who was struggling in the infected area, and learned that an excellent doctor in the rescue team led by Minette had initially tested a cure, but the doctor wanted to extract more samples. The risk went deep into the alienated place that has been seriously polluted, and now he has lost contact, so Minette entrusted Jiang Ye to find the doctor.

Jiang Ye has already finished the task of finding a doctor, and the formula of the initial healing potion is not yet complete. The doctor is using the new samples obtained to optimize the formula. Minette's infection has been temporarily controlled and he is recuperating. She gave Jiang Ye some treatment. Pharmacy, entrusted him to help investigate the source of the plague.

As soon as several missions are connected, almost all the key points are connected in the third level dungeon. It seems that the official seems to want to use this hard-to-find third level dungeon to stop the players from completing their awakening!
The official is really insidious!
It's a pity that they have already found clues to the mission!Sure enough, there is nothing difficult in the world, such intricate tasks are all connected by coincidence by them!
The joy of a breakthrough in the mission quickly made everyone smile. Although the super apostle boss was about to be conquered, everyone went to the source of the plague without fear.

However, there is still a problem that has not been completely resolved. Although the plague Reggie gave a clue, it is not clear where the plague he said first occurred, and he said that it was at dusk, so the opening time of this dungeon There must be limits.

No wonder I couldn’t find the location of the third dungeon before. Plague Regis was hiding on purpose because he was afraid of causing more damage. Now that he has clues, he can’t find them all at once, let alone without giving any clues. Time for a clue.

"What should we do now? Who knows where the plague first occurred?" After reaching the source of the plague, his right hand hurriedly asked anxiously.

After he asked in the team, no one paid any attention to him. Miao Miao and the others came from other forces. Of course, it is impossible to know such details. As for the right hand of God, they have been doing dungeons with the right hand all the time. Just as much as he...

Finally, he stared at Jiang Ye with his right hand, as if he felt that he was hiding the mission again.

Jiang Ye was speechless, and said frankly: "I only have that one task, you see I'm useless."

Fearing that he would be discovered by other guilds if he said it directly, he thought about it and quickly reported the clues to the left hand, entrusting the always careful left hand to find the clues.

After the report, the team had no choice but to hunt monsters and search in the area of ​​the source of the plague to see if they could find any clues. Arrived, missed the opportunity to enter the copy today.

Naturally, the sooner this kind of thing is discovered, the better, otherwise who knows if other guilds will find out their actions tomorrow, so follow the clues to find the location of the dungeon first, then it will be a big loss...

The right hand was anxious while beating, and soon he received a private chat from the left hand. The two talked for a while, and the expression on the right hand changed from happy to sad, and the changes were ridiculously fast.

After finishing the private chat, he said to the team with a bitter face, "There is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"Announce the good news and not the bad news, let's talk about the good news first." Hua Hualuo, the undead flower in the team, spoke first.

"The good news is that we have found someone who knows where the plague first occurred." The right hand said unhappy at all, then immediately changed his face and gritted his teeth and said the bad news, "The bad news is, this The person is actually the crazy director of the madhouse!"

The team members of God's Right Hand were ashamed immediately. The dean has a very good reputation in Landis. Of course, the main reason is that the dean is a talkative, timid and neurotic. They have always wondered why the neurotics are allowed to play games. Stay well. Isn't it good to cultivate in a mental hospital!
The depression was not over yet, the right hand continued to announce: "The left hand is already in contact with him, and they are discussing the terms of exchange, hoping to reach an agreement."

Everyone didn't report any hope of a quick deal. Who didn't know that the dean's madness couldn't be stopped at all, and the dean's lunatic asylum guild and fashion war spirit were still united fronts, how could it be possible to unite with the right hand of God.

Instead of hoping to negotiate with the dean, it is better to slowly find clues by yourself.

 Adding more is coming~ Thank you Cang Lan for the two monthly tickets, and thank you Shui Hanxiao for your reward~ There are really a lot of monthly tickets today, is it because you want me to add more changes tomorrow?
(End of this chapter)

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