The cute queen of online games

Chapter 271 The Dean Is Here

Chapter 271 The Dean Is Here
Miaomiao, Silence and Joy, and Qiangdi don't particularly mind, because they are not players of the Landis faction, and they don't know the deeds of Mr. Dean's madness at all, so they don't care about it at all.

Just when he felt that things were hopeless, the right hand unexpectedly received a private chat from the left hand soon, and this time the expression on the right hand was even worse.

After finishing the private chat, the right hand lowered his head and reported to everyone with a look of imminent disaster: "There is a piece of unfortunate news. The left hand has negotiated the terms with the dean, that is, the dean will join our team and take us to that place personally. place, and then brush up the dungeon together..."


"Where is God..."

"I voluntarily ask to quit the team and change to Master Dean!"

"Don't grab me, let me go let me go!"

"Stop arguing! I'll quit!"

"Get out! If anyone says to quit the team, I will break off with him. It must be me!"

A group of people suddenly went crazy, their faces were full of fear at first, and then they scrambled to grab the quota to withdraw from the team. Those who didn't know thought they were grabbing some kind of artifact equipment, how could they be so active in quitting the team!

This made Miao Miao and the others, who had originally disapproved of the dean's arrival, panic inexplicably. Could it be that the dean's lethality is really so great?
In the end, the right hand decided to let Yan Yi, an assassin ID in the team, withdraw from the team. This guy immediately jumped three feet high, swished away with his aerial skills, and was afraid that he would be left behind again if he was too slow. .

Miao Miao couldn't help being a little puzzled, and asked her right hand: "What kind of monster is that dean? You are afraid of this. I remember that when I went to record the event last time, he was also there. It seems quite normal."

She still had some memories of Mr. Dean. He was indeed selected to participate in the video recording last time. In his impression, he was a handsome guy who was a little silent and withdrawn. He didn't seem to have any problems.

"Normal? Mengshen, don't be fooled by superficial phenomena. That guy is really a psycho! The neurosis is second to none. Mr. Dean's nonsense is really not ordinary. Although Landis has many fans of him, but that You can only watch him from a distance and not be obscene. It’s funny to see him suffering from a neurosis from a distance, but to experience his neurosis in person, it’s definitely too long to live..." Speaking of the dean, his right hand immediately babbled. Absolutely, full of resentment, obviously exposed to this psychosis.

As he was talking, he suddenly saw a player jogging all the way approaching them from the direction Yan Yi left just now.

The eyes of the right hand froze, the eyeball almost fell out, and pointed at the player with a trembling hand: "The courtyard, the dean is here..."

Most of the players in God's Right Hand wanted to run almost subconsciously, but they were immediately stopped by Jiang Ye's voice in the team, and they all had to wait on the spot with pained faces.

"Hi! Xiaoyouyou! Your left hand is calling me! Am I moving fast? Is it fast? Didn't expect me to be so fast? Haha, guess why I am so fast? I know you can't guess, because Sprinkle the custom potion at home, hey, envy me, the local tyrant, I use the wind speed potion for casual running, which shows how rich I am. By the way, I just heard that one of our teams was killed by your people? Look at Xiao Zuo For Zuo’s sake, I won’t argue with you, but this time I must take me to the dungeon, if you don’t take me, I will sue Xiao Zuo Zuo to see you go home..."

The person was still a hundred meters away, and the dean began to talk non-stop, and the speed of speech was very fast. He had already spoken a thousand-word essay in front of everyone, and he was very happy with himself. There is no need for any response, you can ask yourself and answer for others, and you can speak in one breath.

It's hard for Miaomiao to imagine how the left hand communicated with the dean just now. With this way of speaking, can ordinary people communicate with him?

The people on the right hand of the god were all nervous and tried their best to pretend that they couldn't hear the nonsense of the dean. While twitching their right hands, they gave the dean an invitation to form a team.

"Ah! Isn't this the God of Meng? Ah! And the God of Joy? Ah! And... what kind of God is this? I don't think I've seen it before. Anyway, the one invited by the right hand must be a very powerful God. It’s here, so I’m relieved! I was afraid that this piece of trash on my right hand wouldn’t be able to pass the level, but with you guys, I’m sure I’ll be able to pass the level, ahaha! My awakening mission can finally be done..." The dean is still insisting Unremitting nonsense, I was surprised after seeing Miaomiao and the others, but I also cheered up without responding at all.

I didn't expect that Master Dean also came by the way for awakening...

Seeing this situation, Miao Miao saved the politeness with him, and looked at the dean directly, and found that he was carrying a cross and was a paladin by profession. He seemed to have heard of the cowardice of the dean when he fought Landis last time He helped Roulan's forces a lot during the battle. It seems that the dean is indeed a life-saving person, and it is suitable for him to play the most life-saving nanny.

Although everyone didn't want to talk to Mr. Li, the right hand still had to say to him: "Lead the way."

"Oh! Xiaoyouyou, you finally paid attention to me? I thought you hated me and ignored me all the time..." The dean excitedly started talking again.

The feeling guy is even crazier after someone talks to him...

Miao Miao turned on the personal PK mode, swiped the sky strike and knocked the dean into the air, and then after he landed, the little leather shoe stepped on his chest, and the head of the mushroom umbrella broom was on the hospital director's neck.

With a devilishly sweet smile, she asked: "Master Dean? Can we set off to our destination? My little mushroom is a bit malnourished and needs the blood of monsters to nourish it, but if you don't mind, human blood is too." OK."

She threatened with a very calm smile, and Jing Huanxi next to her couldn't help but chuckle, and said in a low voice: "Even threatening people are so cute, she really is my favorite cute god."

Miaomiao, who was busy threatening the dean, shot a squint at Ji Jinghuanxi, and he innocently made a gesture of locking his mouth, but the words have been spoken, no return, and the others have completely listened to it.

The right hand suddenly looked uneasy, he already knew the ambiguity between the two great gods, and he didn't care how affectionate he was, but the dean is currently an important guide, what if this guy dies and leads the way for others?This is very troublesome.

He immediately persuaded: "Meng God, can we be a little more polite? The dean didn't make any big mistakes..."

The dean who was lying on the ground spoke at this moment: "Is it okay for me to lead the way? Don't kill me. I finally reached level 55. I was wrong, I must talk less and lead the way more. Let me go!" "

 The typo has been corrected, and I am checking the typo in the next chapter
(End of this chapter)

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