The cute queen of online games

Chapter 275 A Copy Appears

Chapter 275 A Copy Appears
The dean didn't know where to get a beautiful little white flower for Liz, and the little Lolita stopped crying when she saw that the handsome man gave her the flower.

"Thank you. You are so beautiful. You are as beautiful as us white-eared foxes. You must be the one who saved me just now, right? You are also very kind in your heart. You are such a good person." Lisi's face brightened suddenly.

This might be too subjective...

The right hand was particularly speechless: "I'll go! Are you keeping pets or falling in love with monsters?"

Miaomiao found that it was difficult enough for her to deal with this weird female creature, so she simply handed over the matter of asking for clues to the mission to the dean.

Soon after being mediated by the dean, Liz explained everything frankly, and even agreed to be the dean's pet.

The eyeballs of the people on the right are about to fall off!It really made a blind cat bump into a dead mouse!But this kind of neurotic pet is probably only a neuropathy to control!
After Lisi confessed, because the king of the white-eared fox family refused to get married, the abdicated old king, that is, the father of the foodie, ordered Lise to go out to find the foodie who had been missing for many years and go back to help the royal family spread its branches and leaves, that is, carry on the family...

Liz, who came out alone to look for food, naturally found it difficult to find the trace of the former prince. When passing through the Mar Empire, she met a group of handsome men. After hearing that Liz was looking for the prince, these people said that they knew the whereabouts of the prince and agreed to take her to find it.

As a result, Liz followed them stupidly and naively, and was quickly taken to a secret base where she was locked up with many strange creatures. In the end, she became an experimental product and was given strange potions. As for the mutation She had no memory of what happened after that, and she didn't regain her sanity until she was cured today.

Judging from Lisi's experience, first of all, this little lolita is a full-fledged beauty control, she judges people completely by appearance, her taste seems to be a bit special, and she never carefully analyzes the truth of the matter, so she deserves to be arrested.

In addition, some clues of the plague can be found from her experience. It is very likely that Liz is the real source of the outbreak of the plague, and the group of people who put Liz in it sounds like a secret organization of the Mar Empire, even It is the underground army of the empire.

It seems that the crime of Plague Regis can be cleared, but whoever brought Plague Regis here is also a very strange thing. Ordinary people must not be able to move an apostle, which means that the person who did this is probably someone else. An apostle, this apostle who was doing bad things is also unpredictable enough, and why would an apostle help the people of the Mar Empire to do evil?This is really strange.

In the hearts of Miao Miao and Ji An Huanxi, the first person to suspect is naturally Mia. Maybe her disappearance is to cover up people's eyes and ears to do these evil deeds, but the benefits she can get from it are really incomprehensible.

As for Liz's desire to let the foodie go back to spread the branches and leaves, the foodie has long been reluctant to leave, his foodie career has not yet been completed, and the throne has nothing to do with him, so why go back, so he refused to agree to it even if he died.

Liz said with tears in her eyes: "My lord, the old king has entrusted me with such an important matter. You should go back and see the old king and queen at least once. Liz has lived up to the entrustment."

"You don't even want to go back yourself, so let me go?" The foodie stared at her, thinking that this Liz was really out of her mind, she was going to stay here as a pet, why did you let him go back?

"Liz is an insignificant person, and I don't have any relatives in the clan anymore, but my lord prince is different. Your relatives are still thinking about you, even worrying about your safety even after you haven't heard from me for many years." Liz Said pitifully, his eyes were extremely emotional.

The foodie finally has a bit of human nature. After listening to it, he thought about it, and then said with a flattened mouth, "Okay, okay, I'll take a look when I have time."

After speaking, he quickly hugged Miaomiao's thigh, and asked actively: "Master, quickly take me back to the pet space! I'm going to be annoyed to death by this woman!"

A group of players giggled, despite the fact that the two villains are miniature, there are so many troubles.

Miao Miao obeyed the foodie's wishes and put him away, and then saw a pet-related task added to the task bar, reminding her to take the foodie to visit the secret territory of the tremella fox clan.

However, the task didn't mention the specific location, so I guess I have to spit it out on my own. Anyway, it's not an urgent task, so I'll do it when I have time.

After solving this inexplicable plot, the time is almost at dusk. Everyone looked at the sky, the sun has slowly slanted away, and the sky is slowly being rendered golden yellow by the afterglow of the sun. The changes actually produced some changes.

There were no special abandoned houses and dilapidated roads before, and a faint purple air began to flow slowly. It felt like a chemical reaction was produced by the light of dusk. As the sky became more and more hazy, these purples also surged. is getting stronger and stronger.

The eyes of the whole team were attracted by these strange purple air, and then they saw that the purple air merged and converged after rising into the air, and slowly condensed into a semicircle like a magic barrier. Condensation under the ground occupies about one-tenth of the area of ​​the village.

Noticing this change, the right hand immediately began to organize the team, and the whole team immediately approached the position of the semicircle, and soon before the semicircle was completely covered, everyone got into the range of the purple semicircle.

As soon as he entered here, the condensation of purple air accelerated, and soon the ground slowly began to collapse downwards, sinking with a purple semicircle. Everyone stood in a circle to maintain balance, waiting for the end of the collapse.

During the process of sinking, the purple color on the top of the head became darker and darker, and soon there was no light at all, and the surrounding environment could only be distinguished by the faint glow set by the game itself. Added some.

Everyone looked around, and found that the underground somehow looked like a village, which was somewhat similar to the village above, except that the whole village was filled with weird black and purple, completely dark.

A translucent magic portal appeared in front of everyone. Miaomiao, currently the captain, touched the portal and immediately received a reminder.

[System]: Are you sure you have entered the realm of pain?There are 58 minutes and 33 seconds left before the instance entrance disappears.

She checked the detailed introduction information of the dungeon again, and finally nodded: "It seems that we have found the dungeon this time."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and finally found this dungeon after digging three feet into the ground!
"Don't rush to be happy, the difficulty level of the dungeon is LV58 to LV61, and the boss is marked as epic quality." She told everyone about the dungeon information.

This group of people suddenly had mixed feelings, the dungeon level is definitely the highest level dungeon currently, and the epic level boss... that is also the highest level boss!Such horrible things usually appear in team battles or wild bosses, and they can only be killed after thousands of players rush to the street one after another. Isn't it deliberately embarrassing to have an epic boss in the team book!
However, the epic boss means that it will drop epic equipment!This thing is the most rare thing!In addition to hell mode, only epic bosses have a chance to drop epic equipment!

This is simply tangled to death!
Miaomiao recalled the epic boss Ice Wind Cat that she met before level [-]. That time she directly launched a defensive battle, but this time the epic boss came directly in the dungeon.

"Who cares about the boss! Anyway, in the dungeon, the dead don't lose experience! And there are three chances to be resurrected! Go in and fight! At worst, you're dead!" The dean was the first to speak. Anyway, it wasn't the dungeon issued by him, he didn't care if he passed it or not.

However, the right hand still agreed with him once: "Well, we are all standing here, so naturally there is no reason to go back, we will try it whether we live or die, let Meng Shen be the conductor, your level is trustworthy."

Having seen Mengshen fight the apostle Fengzhiyuan Fengming at Miller Whale last time, his right hand has already been completely subdued, and this time he is paying a lot of money to invite Miaomiao to come over, so naturally he has already planned to let her take command.

"The right-hand man has a good eye." Jing Jing said happily and satisfied, as if he was the one who praised him...

Assuming the commanding role, Miaomiao also promised: "Don't worry, you won't lose your salary."

Jing Jing added joyfully and jokingly: "Yes, it's worth the money, if you can't get through, we buy two get one free, so you don't have to pay for Qiangdi."

The run-off Qiangdi stood aside indifferently, and he didn't come here for money.

A group of people assigned duties, this time with two paladins, the milk is quite sufficient, but as the famous nurse, the dean is very honored to express that he only adds blood to the three great gods Miao Miao, Ji Jing Huan Xi and Qiang Di... Ju won the contempt of everyone on the right side, and then Miaomiao led everyone into the dungeon in a weird atmosphere.

The teleportation halo flashed, and everyone entered the purple village, which is called the Realm of Pain. According to the literal understanding, it seems to be an illusion created by the pain of Plague Regis.

Just entering, everyone was a little confused. The road here is similar to the village above. It seems that there is no difference between the rooms, so where should we go?
Miaomiao glanced at it, and soon had a solid idea, and said, "Clear all the monsters in the village, and there should be new rooms or new monsters."

She is the one who has had the most experience in brushing this game, so she can understand the mode of this dungeon at a glance. This may be a dungeon where monsters appear in batches. It needs to be cleaned up one by one. Most of these dungeons still have some very small Hard-to-find monsters, specially used to deceive people...

 The typo has been checked~
(End of this chapter)

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