The cute queen of online games

Chapter 276 Hello, Teacher

Chapter 276 Hello, Teacher
The monsters in the dungeon were exactly as Miaomiao expected. The monsters at the beginning were not very difficult. The team divided the monsters into three groups, divided their ranges, and tried to clear the monsters as quickly as possible.

There are indeed some small monsters hidden in dilapidated houses, hidden very deep, and if they are not cleared, no new wave of monsters will appear, but the road where Miaomiao and Ji Anxixi are located is naturally cleared without omission, so Miaomiao I also used the special collection skills I learned in the Demon World to start collecting materials.

Don't look at these alienated monsters losing their minds one by one, the materials that can be collected are not bad, all kinds of mutant materials are good materials that can be used by major sub-classes, which immediately makes her happily immersed in the material harvest in joy.

However, as waves of monsters were killed, the difficulty gradually increased. When the ninth wave of monsters was killed, the three roads merged into one road to kill monsters together.

The right hand couldn't help sighing: "The difficulty of this monster has increased a bit too fast, right? If this situation continues, if there are [-] waves of monsters, the little monsters behind will be able to fight as bosses."

I can't blame him for finding it difficult, because the ninth wave of monsters can no longer be simply killed. Each one must carefully use fire skills to burn the corpses, otherwise they will be resurrected. When they didn't know it at the beginning, they were counterattacked by monsters Once, a group of people were taken aback. Fortunately, several masters responded quickly to resolve the crisis.

The shapes of these monsters are also quite sturdy. Each of them is a mutant with a huge ax dragging a huge axe. It is twice the size of a normal person. It is a vivid ax madman. It is not fun to swing this axe. Deep poisoning.

Fortunately, the team is full of people who pay attention to moving and dodging, and they are all master players. Qiang Di, who has always been considerate, also carries antidote, otherwise several people may die in this wave.

After the death of the ninth wave of monsters, Miaomiao reminded the team: "It is estimated that the difficulty will increase in the future, everyone should be prepared, and I will also give you the healing potion at Yefen Point. According to this difficulty, it may be less than the boss. There is a plague state, and everyone is prepared."

Jiang Ye immediately distributed healing potions to everyone, and everyone waited for the tenth wave of monsters to appear, but after a while, the situation seemed to be a bit wrong. The streamer flickered past.

"Go and have a look." Miaomiao said as she led the team over, wondering if it's a small boss?
As soon as they arrived at the center of the village, the whole team immediately became surprised, but there were also a few people who looked a little surprised.

There are a few people in the village fighting against a small boss under Plague Regis, and they are fighting hard.

Miaomiao can see the figure of the mage mentor Shalan at a glance, and beside her is naturally the gunner mentor Kelly and the priesthood mentor Galantis. The three beautiful mentors fight side by side like a beautiful landscape. Shalan's gorgeous The magic and Kelly's fierce artillery bombarded the little boss together, and the various auxiliary states of Galantis boosted the damage of the two to the highest level, and the almost impenetrable light shield also tightly protected the three from being attacked. any harm.

The battle seemed to be completely one-sided, and soon the little boss couldn't resist the attacks of the three, and finally fled away invisible.

The few people who were in charge of the awakening task rushed forward to talk to the instructor, for fear that they would catch up and make them miss the opportunity to deliver the task.

Miao Miao and Qiang Di stood in front of Sha Lan at the same time. Before the two could speak, Sha Lan said in surprise, "Huh? Isn't this the most talented student of our Magicians Guild? How did you get here? Very dangerous place."

When she was talking, she looked at Miaomiao, and Qiangdi, who was obviously left out, gave Miaomiao a speechless glance. He had never experienced this kind of differential treatment in front of his mentor, and it was the first time he saw it today, which made him always calm. He couldn't help feeling a little helpless.

Miaomiao immediately put on her signature smile, and talked to Shalan respectfully: "Dear Lord Shalan, I heard that you came to the plague area without fear of hardships, so I followed your footsteps here, sincerely wanting to do my best. I hope to break through the realm of awakening in the baptism of fighting with you."

These words are really high-end and high-end. He flattered the instructor again, and told his own purpose, and even planned to recruit the instructor to be a comrade-in-arms. Then it would be much easier to fight monsters.

Qiang Di was a little admirable, and had to admit that Meng Miaomiao was not only first-rate in technology, but also in leadership and communication skills, and even in flattering skills!All-rounder!

Shalan over there naturally had a satisfied smile on her face when she heard Miaomiao's flattery, she patted Miaomiao's head in relief and said, "You have reached the level of awakening so quickly, you are indeed the most potential magician , I am so touched that you have such an awareness, but the hardships and dangers here are more terrifying than you imagined, and even I can’t guarantee whether I will survive. Are you really willing to comprehend in this war with me? "

"Of course I am willing! Since I am a member of the Magician's Guild, I will be as brave and fearless as Lord Sharon. Besides, it is my heart's desire to help quell the plague. I must help these innocent victims." He said hesitantly, of course Miao Miao has no reason to hesitate, she has come in the dungeon, is it possible to leave?
Shalan showed approval and praised: "Your awakening is really good. Since you have been able to come here, I believe your ability is enough to break through the realm of awakening, but I still want to tell you that we have dealt with it this time. It is not an ordinary monster, but the apostle of the strongest existence in the Three Realms, you must not underestimate the enemy, you must follow my footsteps, and you can pass this test without making any mistakes."

"I will definitely remember what Lord Shalan said!" Miao Miao nodded earnestly.

"Besides, because this battle is too dangerous, there is one more thing I want to tell you." Shalan suddenly lowered her voice, and spoke to Miao Miao very carefully, as if she wanted to tell some secret. Seeing Miao Miao's face Seriously, she said slowly, "The plague incident this time is by no means accidental. In addition to aiding the plague, Kelly, Gloria and I came here to investigate another matter. A similar plague once broke out in the mountains. Later, when someone investigated the black mountain range, they found a large number of broken pages of the occupation book at the source of the plague. There are many, but I believe it should be similar to the plague in the Black Mountains, and members of our professional trade unions just want to investigate the reason for the appearance of the broken pages of the professional book."

After speaking, Shalan also took out five broken pages and handed them to Miao Miao directly, and said: "This is the broken pages I got so far, please take care."

 The typo has been corrected~ It seems that I will add these four words to all future chapters...

(End of this chapter)

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