Chapter 284
The sky is covered by the ground, and the stars are dotted in the sky and night. Silence and joy just lie defenseless by the bonfire. Although this place is set as a safe area by the system, it is just that there will be no sudden monsters. Players can still Sneak attack.

Miaomiao couldn't help sighing in her heart, even though the heaven has just opened, the chance of players appearing here is very small, his approach is still a bit sloppy.

She squatted down and looked at his sleeping face quietly. As soon as she closed those long narrow but evil eyes, the person in front of her seemed to be a different person, quietly like an angel... Miaomiao didn't know what to say How to describe his beautiful appearance when he is asleep, maybe he looks like a sleeping beauty.

She couldn't help raising the corners of her lips and staring at his long eyelashes. It was hard for her to imagine that she would accidentally watch him undefended.

She stared at it for a while, unable to look away as if confused.

It shouldn't be so easy to forget her original intention. She immediately condemned herself, and immediately looked away and was about to get up and leave, but she still hesitated, then opened the package and found a piece of cloth that she had hit before. quality cloak.

Covering him with the cloak lightly, it should be regarded as the best of benevolence.

Silence and Joy seemed to feel the warmth from the cloak on her body, so she smiled slightly in her sleep, and Miaomiao also looked at him with a funny smile, her eyes became softer, and the sharpness in her eyes melted into softness in an instant. Chun Shui, maybe only in front of him who is sleeping, she can temporarily let go of all her guard.

The footsteps that should have left paused and paused, and finally Miaomiao looked at him again, whispering softly to herself: "I'm sorry, I have a persistence that I can't give up, so I can't respond to your liking now... "

After she finished speaking, there was a hint of sadness in her eyes, with a little regret and sadness, maybe he was the only one who would still like her despite her unreasonable insistence.

She always feels silent and joyful, but why is she not perverted? How can she not be perverted with so much hatred hidden in her heart... Probably, as many players have said, she and him are a perfect match , and they are a pair of perfectly matched perverts!
If such a perfect match is missed, it will be a lifetime, but she still insists on continuing her own path, no matter whether she will regret it in the future!

Blinking her eyes fiercely, she held back the tears that were almost brewing, and then turned around without looking at him again. Soon the magician riding a golden broom appeared on the map that could be seen from the bonfire. disappeared in , and went to a new map that has not yet been marked.

It was the path she chose, and she was about to walk it alone!

Not long after Miao Miao left, Huan Huanxi, who was lying by the bonfire, suddenly opened his eyes, and his face did not show a trace of sleepiness. He sat up holding the cloak on his body, and gently touched the soft texture of the cloak with his hands, as if It was as warm as if it had been touched by someone.

Glancing in the direction of Miaomiao's departure from a distance, his gaze became deeper and deeper, as if there was still a trace of doubt, and finally he retracted his gaze and looked at the cloak in his hand with a happy smile.

It's just that he can't respond now, it's really nothing, it can only mean that he will get a response one day, and he can definitely wait for it!
Miao Miao had no idea that Ji Jing Huan Xi didn't sleep as deeply as she imagined. Not long after, she went offline on another map. She slept all night with a trace of melancholy in her heart, and woke up more than usual the next day. It was a little later, and she didn't particularly care about it, anyway, she had already left the position in the game where An Anxi Huanxi could find it.

While having breakfast, she received a message from Tianlai Game, saying that the video she shot last time gained the highest popularity, and the corresponding rewards have been sent to her in-game mailbox. In addition, the video of the battle with Ji Jinghuanxi was also selected into the club and edited. In the promotional video of the Future Kings Tournament and the opening of the arena, the corresponding rewards will be credited to her account.

Unknowingly, she has already made a lot of money, and the rewards, bonuses, etc. from the game company are enough to support her and the whole family, but she is not as happy as she imagined at the moment, obviously everything has gone according to what she thought Step by step, the family is happy and happy, the whole family has enough food and clothing to live a better life, and the person she wants to completely destroy is also losing power step by step, and it will not be long before they are completely crushed .

Isn't this exactly what she wants?But now she doesn't feel so happy, there is still an indelible loneliness in her heart devouring her happiness and happiness...

Putting down the chopsticks, Miaomiao rubbed her forehead, what was she thinking, could it be that the appearance of silence and joy made her feel so many emotions that she shouldn't have?What is he!Why would you just say something you like and disturb everything about her!
Shaking off these troubles, she picked up the chopsticks again and slowly finished the omelette left by her mother, and then went to the game with a new motivation.

Entering the game, she crosses the war-torn heaven all the way. As for the marking task, only some maps that cannot be advanced without marking can be done. In front of the imperial capital of the heaven, Miaomiao did not enter the imperial capital, but bypassed it. The flames of war in the imperial capital continued to advance northwestward, and it took her all morning to go deep into the coastal beacon line area of ​​65 to [-] levels.

The monsters here have completely surpassed her level. Miao Miao is still wearing a low-level leather armor suit at the moment. In fact, Lucky Guoguo has agreed to make her a [-]th-level leather armor suit that incorporates green steel crystals after returning from the demon world. It’s a pity. She has been so busy running around that she hasn't had time to get it.

At this moment, for these monsters higher than her own level, this equipment will basically kill them if they are beaten by a group, so she has no intention of fighting monsters at all, but keeps moving carefully along the position where there are few monsters, according to her own memory. The route in is moving forward slowly.

For some reason, Miaomiao always felt uneasy, as if someone was following her, but after several times of searching, she couldn't find anything, so she had to blame it because she was too nervous to do the task in a hurry.

Almost without taking any rest along the way, Miaomiao unexpectedly reached the edge of the coast of the Heavenly Realm Continent by herself in the afternoon.

Seeing the vast ocean of heaven, Miaomiao finally stopped. Her hands trembled slightly with excitement, because this was the place where she once fought, and this vast sea of ​​heaven once belonged only to her!

Soon, several huge ships appeared on the edge of the sea, each of which was flying a black pirate flag. Seeing this scene, her heart was in turmoil. Even in the unbearable past, there are still some beautiful things remember!

Pirates of Heaven!Your group leader, Qiao Miaomiao, is back!
(End of this chapter)

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