Chapter 285 Tracking
Behind Miao Miao, who is full of excitement, Ji Jing Huanxi has been quietly following her footsteps from a long distance. In fact, the improved camouflage skills are actually not only the double speed and the second entry camouflage that Miao Miao already knows, but also improved from the past. The faint footprints that will appear, the improved camouflage is almost the same as stealth, and with his perfect positioning, he finally escaped Miaomiao's sharp line of sight.

In fact, Miao Miao almost found him several times along the way. Fortunately, the level of monsters here is too high, and she dared not act rashly, which made him follow him successfully.

Following behind Miaomiao, he felt more and more that something was wrong. At the beginning, when Miaomiao proposed to Fenghuang Weiyang to do the labeling task, he felt that something was wrong. After following her all the way, he found that Miaomiao was just there. Doing labeling tasks, and her way forward is too clear, it doesn't look like she is exploring a new map at all.

All kinds of clues told Ji Jinghuanxi that Miaomiao must have come here to do a special mission, but he still couldn't figure out what mission made her refuse to reveal the slightest bit, and had to complete it alone...

With great doubts, An Anxi followed her to the coastline of the heavenly realm, hiding behind a big coconut tree and silently watching Miaomiao's every move.

Her behavior was very strange. First, she stood quietly by the sea for a long time. When several large ships appeared on the sea, she waved silently at them for no reason. Finally, when the large ships disappeared from sight again, she finally continued on her way. .

Silence and Joy followed her into a small town on the coast, which was far away from the flames of war in the imperial capital, and it was relatively peaceful for the time being, because the apostle Barr who ruled here in the past prohibited the use of magic in the heaven, so the technological civilization of the entire heaven was quite developed. However, wherever the Celestials live, there are many products close to modern civilization. Just this seaside town already exudes a strong taste of medieval European countries. Clocks, generators, and even modern vehicles that have begun to take shape Walk around town.

Because of the perennial wars in the heavens, the development of arms technology is far better than that of life technology. He passed near the imperial capital before and even saw that the use of improved airships is completely close to the posture of fighter jets. These new types of airships are still in the air. Military inspections, and some occasional humanoid soldier monsters will even use munitions equipment that can fly a certain distance to play air strikes.

Compared with this, this small town is already considered a very backward corner in the heaven.

He saw Miaomiao walking on the street seemingly idly after entering the town, and she walked near the harbor pier of the town after a short while, and she chatted with a weird NPC uncle with a big beard and a bunch of keys in his hand, Not long after that, the bearded NPC shook his head in embarrassment, chatted with Miaomiao for a while, and finally gesticulated and said something to Miaomiao before leaving.

Quiet and joyful heart moved, what kind of mission did this seem to be going on?Seeing Miaomiao's familiarity, he felt more and more strange, how did she know that she was going here before the map of the heavens was fully marked?Could it be that she has obtained the map of the heavens through some mission?Just like the map of the Middle Ages continent that Burton gave them before?
This task became more and more mysterious in An An Huanxi's heart, so he continued to chase Miao Miao's footsteps, followed her to the outside of the town, and soon Miao Miao walked into a dense coconut grove, dangling around. After a long time, it flipped over two huge leaves and disappeared.

Ji Jinghuanxi hurriedly followed, afraid of being discovered by Miaomiao, he opened the two leaves after a while and dodged in. As soon as he entered, he found that this place turned out to be a small secret coconut forest market. There were many people and it was quite lively. Yes, the most amazing thing is that the things sold in the small market and the NPCs selling things are weird, obviously not a normal market.

Mermaids, little sea monsters, big turtles, and water elves are all selling things behind the stalls. There are also humans, but not necessarily celestial people. There are some strange races that are silent and joyful and can’t be named at all, and some are like natives. Like dwarves, and some even have terrible one-eyed.

These strange guys are very harmoniously selling items in the small market. What they sell seem to be weird specialties from their location. Of course, these things are not available for players to buy. They are silent and happy and have no intention of buying anything. He She searched the market with her eyes, and soon caught Miaomiao's figure. She was standing in front of a little mermaid stall and was talking to the red-haired mermaid stall owner. Short of gold coins, the little mermaid borrowed the money with bright eyes, then handed a few bottles to Miaomiao, and happily started counting the money.

Then Miaomiao went to a kraken's stall to negotiate, and then exchanged a bracelet from the kraken's booth for an exquisite old pocket watch.

Then she walked out from the other end of the market, Ji Jing Huanxi followed again, out of the market and out of the coconut grove, Miao Miao even went to the beach to fight hermit crab monsters, these hermit crabs have reached level seven Level ten, not small in size, each half as tall as a person, I saw her lightly jump directly onto a hermit crab, stand on the shell of the hermit crab, and start killing these hermit crabs with ease.

Pity the claws of these hermit crabs, no matter how big they are, they can't reach Miao Miao, who is high above. When the hermit crab below is running restlessly, she is actually standing firmly on the calm killing monster, which can be said to be motionless. Such as pine.

The hermit crabs can only swing their teeth and claws at Miaomiao on the shell, but they can't hit her. If they don't pay attention, they will accidentally get entangled with their companion's pliers, and even more so, they hit Miaomiao's arms directly. The monsters killed together, a large wave of menacing hermit crabs were brutally abused in this way.

Ji Jing Huanxi hid in the distance and couldn't help but want to applaud Miao Miao. Such a bullying style of play is so in line with his aesthetics!Just looking at it makes me feel better physically and mentally!
After killing a wave of monsters, Miaomiao jumped down to collect items. Some hermit crabs would drop conch shells when they died. Collect these shells.

After fighting a dozen or so waves of monsters, she left the strange area contentedly, silently and joyfully seeing her walk away, and curiously killed a few hermit crabs and picked up a shell.

He picked up the shell and looked at the item information, and found that it was actually a throwing item, but it didn't specify what effect it would have when thrown out.

Putting away the shell, he continued to catch up with Miaomiao, and soon found that she had returned to the previous town to find the bearded NPC.

Miaomiao gave the bearded NPC the old pocket watch she bought in the market, so the bearded man generously gave Miaomiao a key, and then Miaomiao said goodbye to the NPC and walked to the other end of the pier.

Ji Jinghuanxi was thinking about what kind of lock she was going to open with the key, when suddenly she saw Miaomiao jumping headfirst into the sea.

He was stunned immediately, and rushed to the side of the pier as soon as his heart tightened, and looked into the sea, and saw Miaomiao in the shallow sea swimming forward like a mermaid, and her body seemed to be wrapped in a layer of air bubbles, completely No choking hazard.

He should have known that she would not go into the water to seek death without incident, he must have been prepared, Ji Jinghuan was relieved, he knew Miaomiao's ability well, but seeing her jumping into the water for no reason, he still couldn't help feeling flustered.

He clearly knew that Miaomiao never made fun of himself, but at that moment, no matter how much he believed in her ability, he still couldn't help being frightened for her, even though it was just a game, even though death in the game was just a loss of experience What, it's all a gut reaction.

After he calmed down, he quietly and joyfully smiled helplessly, this time she ran into the sea, how could he continue to chase her?
Immediately, he rummaged through the package. He had a good memory. He remembered that there was a kind of coral fruit that could allow people to breathe in water when he was building the Lighthouse. It was distributed to him by Miaomiao. He always carried the things she gave with him. In the package, whether it is needed or not, it is carefully put away, just like he always carries a lot of kitchen utensils, tableware and even fishing rods with him...

It really came in handy this time!

After eating the coral fruit, Ji Jinghuanxi also jumped into the sea, but the sight in the water is not as clear as that on land, so he had to chase closer to catch Miaomiao's figure at all times.

Miao Miao walked in the water for a while, then groped for a while in a pile of underwater coral reefs, and soon found a door, then took out the key given to her by the bearded NPC to open the door, and then disappeared from the door figure.

Ji Jinghuanxi followed after groping for a while to find the concealed door, and then followed in.

Behind the door was a hole-like passage. He walked in along the slippery coral. After walking for a while, there was no sea water in the hole, and the hole became bigger and bigger, and decent bricks appeared on the wall of the hole. Shi, suddenly another door appeared in front of him, the door was also ajar, he hesitated for a moment and walked in.

As soon as he stepped into the door, he saw Miaomiao standing at the door with folded arms and squinting at him.

"Is stalking fun?" Miao Miao seemed to have understood his stalking, and looked at him with a clear look.

In fact, when she said this, she only discovered Ji Jinghuanxi after she went into the sea, because Ji Jing Huanxi immediately rushed over anxiously after jumping into the water, and she was too close to be discovered by her, but she had already set the task After a few steps, it didn't make sense to stop this task because of his appearance, and suddenly waited for him here with some anger.

Jing Jing nodded happily, and replied a little cynically: "It's quite fun."

(End of this chapter)

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