The cute queen of online games

Chapter 296 Do Your Best

Chapter 296 Do Your Best
In the darkness, Miao Miao and Ji An Huanxi were a little surprised. There are very few scenes in the game that are completely dark. This must be some kind of tactic by Captain Crule.

Miaomiao quickly sprinkled a handful of fluorescent powder in the dark, but it lost its effect after lighting it up for a moment, but the moment the fluorescent powder was sprinkled, she saw the purple resentment in the room surge like it was boiling.

Suddenly Captain Crule's voice sounded low and deep: "Don't wake up the wraith in the darkness, or you will stay in this dark seabed forever."

Generally speaking, what the boss said when sending out the big move may have some kind of hint. Miaomiao immediately caught the word "awakening". What conditions should trigger the awakening of the wraith, but what is this condition?
Thinking of this, Miaomiao felt cold, she thought of the state of resentment in her body!
While thinking about it, the chandelier suddenly lit up, and Miaomiao found that although she was moving and jumping, a layer of purple resentment had already attached to her body, her body was completely unable to move, and she also felt a little tight in the chest.

At this time, Kruley had already jumped out, and suddenly emerged from the floor. It was not Miaomiao who was unable to move because of the attack while taking advantage of the danger, but was chasing the unscathed Silence and Joy. So this trick didn't hurt him at all.

After the light was turned on, Ji Jinghuanxi saw that Miaomiao was in a state of resentment and suffocation. At the same time, Miaomiao's HP was gradually decreasing rapidly. He asked Miaomiao nervously on the team channel while flying the kite: "Your status Can you solve it?"

Miaomiao said sullenly: "I feel chest tightness in this suffocation state, I can't move, I can't increase my blood..."

Just finished speaking, the purple qi on her body dissipated, and the immobility state was finally lifted, and the suffocation state was lifted after two seconds. Miaomiao clutched her chest to take a quick breath, and then immediately began to drink medicine to replenish blood. When the state was lifted, she His blood volume is already less than a thousand points, and if it lasts for two or three seconds, he will probably die.

After recovering, Miao Miao immediately joined the battle of the kite Krule. The attack frequency of this Krule is not very high, but the big moves are all hits and are likely to be instantly killed. Move and predict Awareness is extremely important.

"My resentment has dropped a level, but it doesn't feel very good. It feels like being forced to hold my breath. I really should complain to the game company and make this state." Miao Miao jumped up and pushed back with a pumpkin fireball, said loudly.

Ji Jinghuanxi frowned, and was also very dissatisfied with the appearance of this state. He thought about the situation just now, and immediately said to Miaomiao: "It is estimated that the attack just now will be triggered after the shock wave is used. Fill up your HP first, and then don't amplify your skills."

Nodding her head, Miao Miao actually has a similar judgment, and it is really reassuring to have a close teammate who is as keen as herself.

Next, when Kruley launched the shock wave again, Miao Miao immediately replenished her blood. After the shock wave, she didn't even hit Kruley to be on the safe side. Sure enough, the chandelier did not go dark again.

Ji Jinghuan breathed a sigh of relief. Just now seeing Miao Miao's suffocated face and blood loss, he was so nervous that his heart was in his throat, but he couldn't help him. It felt really uncomfortable, even if he understood It's just a game, and I still can't help but worry when I see this situation.

After a while, seeing that there was no problem, Miao Miao finally made a move with confidence, but the good times didn't last long. The state where the chandelier went dark was not entirely triggered by a big skill, but it would appear at regular intervals, and the chance of occurrence seemed to be very frequent.

After being entangled and suffocated by the wraith again, Miao Miao and Ji Jing's joyful expressions were a little dignified. If they were kept under the control of this big move, they might be dead one time!
While cautiously continuing to attack, Ji Huanxi increased the firepower, just wanting to kill the boss quickly so that Miao Miao will not be tortured. When he exploded, Miao Miao was surprised and surprised at the same time. I saw him crazily surrounding With the boss attacking, all the high-attack skill CD time was almost controlled by zero error, and the output that could be achieved was raised to a extreme.

Just when he felt that his approach was a bit crazy, and wanted to persuade him, Ji Jinghuanxi raised his head and drank a bottle of purple potion that was different from other supplies. In exchange for the reduction of attribute resistance in exchange for crazy high attack, it would be terrible if he was hit once after drinking this medicine, not to mention that Quiet Joy's machine gunner class is set as a cloth armor class, and his defense is even lower than Miaomiao.

After the effect of one bottle of medicine passed, Ji Jinghuan wanted to fill another bottle immediately, Miao Miao stopped the action of releasing the skill, reached out to press down his medicine bottle, she shook her head and stopped in a somewhat teasing tone: "Don't fight like this, I It’s okay, even if you fail to fight the boss, it doesn’t matter, anyway, if I die, you will definitely come to accompany me, and I’m sure I won’t be as lonely as Krule when I die, won’t you?”

Before, she really came to kill the boss Krule with the idea that it was inevitable. It wasn't until she blurted out this sentence that she suddenly realized that she was no longer so persistent. So what if the world is completely ruined?She still has her own life, her lovely family, and him...a man who loves her deeply.

Hatred may have changed her character and even her entire life, but love can also change her mind and make her try to open her heart to accept her new life.

Seeing Miaomiao say this with a calm face, Ji Jingxiu found that she really didn't seem to be so obsessed with this unspeakable task, so he put away the potion bottle, while pulling Miaomiao back to avoid the boss The attack, while relieved: "Okay, then we will do our best."

The two nodded at each other, Miaomiao was about to turn around and throw the provocative doll, when suddenly the chandelier went dark again, this time she reacted very quickly and slid up on a broom, and arrived at the corridor on the second floor according to the distance in memory , trying to avoid the grievance that quietly enveloped her in the darkness like a shock wave.

After jumping to the corridor on the second floor, Miaomiao felt something stepped on under her feet, squatted down and touched the cold oval object, and then remembered that there were many rose vases here.

The cold touch gave her a flash of inspiration in an instant. Since setting a rose vase that Kruley valued is here, it can't be completely useless, right? !
She was so blessed that she picked up the bottle in her hand and threw it according to the first floor!
In an instant, the chandelier was turned on ahead of time, and Kruley flashed directly at the position where the rose bottle was about to fall, and went to pick it up in a panic, yelling in panic: "No, no! My deep sea rose!"

However, the bottle slid directly past Kruley and fell straight to the floor. The crisp cracking sound reminded me that the beautiful roses instantly withered and turned into fly ash when the bottle was broken...

(End of this chapter)

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