Chapter 297

After the darkness ended, although Miao Miao still appeared in the state of suffocation by the resentful spirit, the duration was much shorter, and it took almost three or four seconds to pass, so it would not be possible for her to lie down.

At this time, Kruley was lying on the broken bottle and weeping the rose that turned into flying ash. He was very sad and kept crying. He was silent and happy. No matter how ugly or sad the boss was crying, it was a meal. Skill crazy beating.

Kruley was beaten calmly and didn't make a sound, even though he beat him violently and didn't fight back, Ji Jinghuanxi immediately drank a bottle of weak corrosive potion, attacked Kruly, and drank a bottle of corrosive potion after Miaomiao recovered , Immediately joined the ranks of cruel Kruley.

If the boss doesn't fight back, how long will you wait if you don't use the boss as a sandbag to beat him at this time!
Crule cried foolishly for nearly 30 seconds before he finally stopped crying. He fought back in anger, and immediately turned to the two of them with a roar.

"Hide to the side!" Miaomiao had seen this move before, so she immediately warned and An Jinghuanxi dodged to the edge of the room at the same time.

What is a little troublesome is that the four walls are full of purple resentment. As soon as you get close to the two sides of the room, you will receive a systematic drowning countdown. If you don’t leave the resentment range within ten seconds, the breathing effect of the coral fruit on your body will disappear, and you will be judged dead directly. .

This is more vicious than the suffocated state of the wraith!At least there is still a process of slowly reducing the blood, this one is actually determined to be dead in ten seconds!

Miao Miao was a little nervous, because the boss's next big move was also a second move, which lasted about ten seconds. When she came here before her rebirth, there was no resentment surrounding her, so she could easily escape here. Knowing that getting close to the resentment will have the consequence of drowning for ten seconds, when I entered the range of resentment just now, it was five or six seconds earlier!
Ji Jinghuanxi didn't know what big move the boss was going to make, but seeing Miaomiao's expression, she knew the problem in her heart. Once the ten seconds were up, she had to get out of this range.

At this time, following Kruley's roar, he had frantically used his huge wraith body to sprint and hit in the room. The speed was very fast, the spread was wide, and he was hitting back and forth. Only positions on both sides can be avoided.

Miao Miao, who was thinking about how to solve it, saw the rushing Kruley in front of her and immediately thought of a solution, so she looked at Jing Jing and was happy, and when she was about to tell him what she was thinking, she saw Jing Jing nodded directly and clearly, what she said He already understood what he thought.

Eight, seven, six, five, four...

Seeing the rhythm of Kruley's impact, the two stepped up at the same time, taking advantage of Kruley just rushing in front of them, they quickly dodged out of resentment, and the countdown to drowning suddenly disappeared!
At this time, Kruley, who was rushing fast, had already turned around, and when he was about to hit Miao Miao and Ji Jingxiu, the two of them returned to the range of resentment as soon as they stepped back!
The timing is just right!
The drowning countdown sounded again, but this time before the count reached three, the boss's impact was over, and the two left the range of resentment and continued to attack Krule.

Although Cruleet's counterattack after being beaten without defense is very strong, it is not so difficult after mastering the avoidance method. Solve bosses quickly.

She quickly flew up to the second floor and grabbed a few bottles. She was about to put them in the package but was told that she couldn't carry them in the combat state, so she wanted to smash them, but was caught by Klure below.

It seems that this setting requires throwing the bottle in the dark to activate this state, and it must go to the second floor to throw the bottle every time.

Miao Miao suddenly smiled slyly, and with some bad intentions, she took the bottle and said happily to Jing Jing on the team channel: "After the shock wave, throw the big skills vigorously, let's enjoy the captain's crying more when we are tired."

Looking at her dotingly, she smiled, Ji Jingxiu really loved her trickery.

He immediately acted according to Miaomiao's thinking, when Kruley released the shock wave of his big skills again, he vigorously used his big skills such as airdrop to retaliate, the boss quickly sank into the floor, and the chandelier suddenly went dark.

Miaomiao was already prepared, she dropped a bottle of roses in the corridor on the second floor, and then the boss cried wildly at the broken bottle, and the 30-second time for being beaten up and not fighting back was up, which was enough for the two of them to take turns to fight back. The skills blasted in a circle!
Quiet Joy and Miaomiao greeted the boss with the awakening skills they had learned before. The machine gunner's awakened Gagabo fist is bigger than the boss, and he suddenly hits the boss in a straight line from the void. Eight times, the astonishing damage burst out, coupled with the full state and the effect of the corrosive potion, the damage close to six figures is amazing!

Although Miaomiao's awakening skills don't have such a terrifying high damage alone, they are not inferior when added together. Moreover, the damage of her epic weapon, the sun's rays, can be described as terrifying, and it also has a very crazy damage value when hitting the boss.

Taking turns using the rose vase to abuse Kruley, the boss's blood volume dropped to less than [-]% in less than [-] minutes.

After using this trick again to get out of the dark state, the resentment state on Miaomiao’s body was already at the last level. After the chandelier went dark, she smashed the bottle again, and the light came on. Miaomiao just finished the suffocation state, and rode a broom Flying down and Ji Jing Huanxi immediately took their positions and began to attack the boss.

"Hateful! Cute meow! I'm going to devour you with resentment!" This time the boss suddenly changed. He didn't cry immediately after seeing the broken bottle, but suddenly pointed at Miaomiao and got angry.

The big thing is bad!

There are not many bosses who can call names, and any skills that call names must be life-threatening!This is almost a routine in this game!

Miaomiao was trying to avoid the boss, but the chandelier that had just been turned on went dark again without warning. She immediately wanted to fly up to the second floor to throw the bottle, but when she wanted to fly short, she found that she couldn't move her hands and feet.

The feeling of tightness in the chest came at the same time, and the suffocation was wrapped around her body in the dark!

Miao Miao is done thinking, Kruley is really ruthless this time, I am afraid this time her life will be lost, this may be the first time she died in the game since her rebirth, her undefeated record is about to come to an end, This task may also directly declare failure...

However, she is not so regretful anymore, she has gained a lot, partners, friends, teams, guilds, love and friendship have found her inadvertently, even if it fails, it is nothing.

The chandelier was on, her suffocation continued, her blood volume was getting lower and lower, she didn't say a word, and waited for the first game death after rebirth with uncomfortable chest tightness.

Restrained in place, she saw Ji Jing Huanxi immediately reacted to her situation. At this time, the boss was no longer polite, and appeared in front of Miao Miao, with a haze on his face, about to punch her.

Quiet and joyful, he used a disguise in desperation, but he couldn't make Miaomiao's figure who was bleeding out disappear. He suddenly did a rare and irrational behavior, and suddenly hugged Miaomiao to block her.

Seeing that she was struggling to breathe, she took a deep breath, and without any hesitation, she leaned over and pressed her lips deeply on Miao Miao's lips, and the air in her mouth was pressed into Miao Miao's mouth, pressing against her lips and tongue to death Lingering, while giving Miao Miao the air in his mouth.

Miaomiao didn't close her eyes cooperatively, but instantly widened her eyes and looked at his magnified eyebrows and eyes, even his eyelashes could almost be counted!
But her heart was roaring... Is this life-saving or indecent assault?
This is a game, right?I have never heard that this method is applicable in the game, this is obviously looking for an opportunity to take advantage of her!
Soon her face turned red, no matter how much she roared in her heart at the beginning, but this level of hot kiss always made her blush and her heart beat. The miracle is that after the silence and joy, her chest tightness disappeared instantly, and the suffocation state unexpectedly really stopped.

Which designer designed this method also works?

After recovering, Miaomiao calmly pulled away Ji Jingxiu, she still had her senses, she knew very well that the boss was still there at this moment, not when she still had time to kiss passionately.

Ji Jing Huanxi just wanted to complain that her attitude was not correct and serious when she kissed, but unfortunately the attack from behind had already struck, and the fierce big fist smashed down, and the two had no chance of surviving.

The big fist moved away slowly, Ji Jing Huanxi was already lying on the ground, but there was only a scarecrow in an awkward posture left in Miaomiao's position...

Miao Miao used the stand-in straw man to teleport to a new location. Seeing that the profile picture of Ji Jing Huan Xi had turned gray, this should have been bad news, but she just felt angry and funny, and sighed in the team channel while swallowing the HP potion to fill up the blood One sentence: "Although I'm a little moved by your sacrifice to save me, your reckless sacrifice really hurts the prestige of the God of Killing, and... the next time you save someone, don't just eat tofu!"

If he kissed less for a while, he would have a chance to dodge the move just now!

Silence and Joy, who was unable to speak after lying in the dead body, was happily lying on the ground and typing. After a while, a speech bubble popped up above his head, which read: "I will never allow you to die in front of me. If I can't protect you, I will I would rather die before you than die under the peony flowers..."

This man's logic is always a little perverted, but he is perverted and cute. Miao Miao gave a blank look, looked at his elegant dead body and stepped on it maliciously before fighting the boss alone.

Unexplored maps do not allow the use of resurrection items that cost money, so Ji Jinghuanxi can only lie there until the time for lying dead is over, and then he will be forced to be taken to the resurrection point.

At this moment, the battle has become a one-on-one confrontation between Miaomiao and Kruley. With silent and joyful regrets, Miaomiao launched a crazy offensive. She immediately used her contract power to sin against Faru, and her attack power increased greatly after her black transformation. .

Quietly and joyfully lying on the ground and seeing her full fighting power, she was a little relieved, at least his death was worth it, seeing Miaomiao fighting with all her strength for herself, my heart was full of love!

(End of this chapter)

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