The cute queen of online games

Chapter 298 The Captain's Will

Chapter 298 The Captain's Will

The blackened loli with the dark element symbol flashing in the center of her forehead leaped high in the air, her blackened dark purple pupils had a icy smile, she slapped the golden broom in her hand, and there was a little black flying beside her. Leopard's demon pet, she looks down on everything like a king!
Although the silent and joyful sight was black and white, he was very happy to see such a beautiful scenery. Soon his body was forced to be refreshed by the system and brought to the resurrection point, which made him extremely regretful that he could not continue to enjoy this beautiful scene.

Here, Miaomiao has no time to be distracted, scruples, silence and joy. Dealing with a boss that is [-] levels higher than her is simply hellish difficulty. The power tower and awakening skills are constantly being used. This is a rare skill that can suppress this boss. , Seeing that Kruley's blood volume dropped rapidly, and after she had no resentment on her body, she no longer had any scruples, and frequently smashed the bottle containing roses, making the boss half-dead from sadness and anger.

The boss's blood volume is less than [-]%, victory is in sight!

The time was also approaching the violent limit of 10 minutes, Miao Miao launched another round of crazy attacks, suddenly Kruley beat the ground unwillingly, and a protective barrier suddenly appeared around it.

Crule enters an invincible state!
Miao Miao narrowed her eyes, this skill should have appeared after the boss went berserk!This guy is actually playing invincible in advance?This is simply a malicious delay to go into a frenzy!

Where is the morals of the boss? !What about the system settings?
There seemed to be ten thousand mud horses roaring past in my heart, Miao Miao had already scolded the system in her heart for this boss's frequent unreasonable playing of cards, but the weapon in her hand still couldn't stop, the fight had to continue!You can't live up to An Huanxi who sacrificed her life for her!

Crule seemed to think that he wasn't playing tricks enough, and roared while being invincible, which foreshadowed the release of the shock wave skill.

Miaomiao gritted her teeth and got ruthless. Now she has scored 29 points and there is 1 minute left!Absolutely don't let this boss go berserk!

Raising her hand, she drank the invincible potion and the corrosive potion at the same time. She immediately ignored the boss's big skills, and threw Shu Lulu directly in front of Krule, and then frantically hit the four magic symbols around the protective barrier. Drop the symbol and the invincibility will end!
During the 30-second invincibility time, the boss released a shock wave in less than ten seconds, and kept pounding the ground to attack. Miao Miao finally broke the protective barrier before the end of her invincibility time, and then unceremoniously repaired Lulu, Lava , Acid Rain, Pumpkin Stove Quartet, just hit the boss.

At the same time as the pumpkin stove started to explode, the 30-second invincibility ended, the boss gave a roar as if he had timed it right, and the shock wave followed. The sheriff had already been killed in the fierce attack.

She didn't have time to go to the corridor on the second floor, so a straw dummy flew behind the boss and a big fly swatter slapped him on top of his head!
One percent of blood left! The boss's berserk state has also entered a 20-second countdown!
Kruley roared again, sending out shock waves continuously, Miaomiao's hands kept moving, and when the shock wave appeared under her feet, she disappeared without a trace...

This is the time and space reset effect given by the secret title of time and space!

The next second, she appeared on top of the boss with full blood. Seeing that she had randomly landed in such a magical position, Miaomiao slightly raised the corners of her lips, hugged the broom and hit Krule with a spinning broom attack.

The damage of the multi-stage attack of the rotating broom continued, and with a series of damage values, Kruley suddenly exploded with a bang, and the green ghost body exploded directly, causing crazy explosion damage while dying!
If you die, you have to lie, can this boss be tricked again?What's up with the one who's dying!

Miaomiao has already seen the dropped objects thrown by Krullie when it exploded, so she can see the quest item she always wanted at a glance, but she can't stop Krullie's unexpected suicide bombing from affecting her, and her blood volume At the end of the moment, although the stand-in straw man CD has arrived, but the explosion is in the whole range, she will still die after teleporting!
Miao Miao, who was spinning, suddenly fell to the ground, her body fell straight on the floor, and fell together with a bunch of boss's dropped items.

The captain's room was instantly utterly empty, and the resentment, green light, and flickering ghost fire all dissipated with the death of the boss. Everything seemed to have just fallen to the ground, and the previous efforts were in vain at the last moment...

However, a golden ray of light slowly appeared on Miaomiao's lying down body, and this ray of light quickly slid across her body, and after flashing three times, she sat up abruptly, like a dead body.

Confused for a while, she looked at her blood volume and information, but she didn't understand why she suddenly resurrected automatically.

After thinking about it for a while, she suddenly raised her wrist, looked at the bracelet with the imprint of a sickle on her hand, couldn't help laughing, and murmured to the bracelet: "I almost forgot that you were still there, this time I helped a lot."

This is the absolution of the epic bracelet obtained in the Burial of Sin. Its additional effect is to sacrifice half of the current MP in exchange for the source of life when the blood volume is less than [-]%, which is the resurrection skill. This is passively triggered. It's like Miao Miao has an extra life, because this effect has never been used, she almost forgot that there is this baby to save her life, but she will definitely not forget after this time!

The system announcement for the successful development of the Ghost Sea has been issued, and all the rewards belong to Miao Miao. Ji Jingxiu, who just lay his body back, has no rewards. In addition, the Mengsha faction has also received bonus rewards from the Ghost Sea. Wai Miaomiao has been awarded the title Ghost Captain, which can control the ghost ship's resentment within a certain range.

These are not very important to her. She quietly picked up the dropped items of Krule in the system announcement. In addition to three pieces of seventy-level pink equipment and some precious materials, there is also a warrior skill book. It is quite valuable.

All these items were put into the package after a hasty glance. There was only one huge old gold coin that she held in her hand for a long time. This was her quest item... Captain Crule's behest!
Carefully putting away the mission items, Miaomiao found that the wraith of Kruley left behind a floating green light after the explosion. Remembering the promise made by Kruley, she flew to the second floor and took a rose The vase was opened and the green light was put into the bottle, preparing to hand over the soul to Kruley's lover in the future.

After putting away the things, she went back to the captain's room and took off the treasure map pasted on the door. The green light flickered, and the ship suddenly shook violently. All the wraiths in the ghost ship roared amidst the shaking!
(End of this chapter)

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