The cute queen of online games

Chapter 299 Coincidence

Chapter 299 Coincidence
When Meng Shen's feat of crossing the [-]th level to open up maps caused a sensation in the whole server again, Ji Jing Huanxi had already been resurrected at a resurrection point called a mechanical ant nest map near the imperial capital of the heavens. map, the system automatically revived him to the nearest place.

This resurrection point was set up in a semi-underground mechanical ant nest. The map in front of it sometimes went around the ground, and sometimes it was buried underground. Various types of mechanical ants stationed here became a cordon for the imperial capital of the heavens.

After the resurrection, An Anxi and Huanxi didn't move at all, and just stood there waiting for Miaomiao's message. Looking at the content of the system announcement, he smiled unconsciously, and Miaomiao finally got rid of Captain Crule.

Just about to have a private chat with Miao Miao, suddenly the light of the teleportation array near the resurrection point lit up a few times, and three people walked out from it.

Ji Jinghuanxi stopped the action of calling up the system panel, it was really a narrow road to Yuanjia, he did not expect to meet these three people here by such a coincidence.

The three people who appeared just took two steps and noticed Ji Jingxiu, and immediately stopped and looked at him with different expressions.

Among these three people, walking in the middle is a tall female wandering gunman in white, Mo Lisa, and next to her is a man in blue leather armor roaming quietly and happily. I have seen it before, but he has been having an affair with Mo Lisa recently. Sihai, the chairman of Sihai Pavilion, is making a lot of noise!

As for the other side of Ma Lisa, there is a male machine gunner with the same profession as Ji Jing Huanxi. He has the badge of the Platinum Temple on his body like Ma Lisa. After seeing An Jing Huanxi, he was immediately filled with gloom, staring at Jing Jing Huanxi very displeasedly.

This combination is really intriguing...

"Happy! Why are you here? I haven't seen you for a long time, do you know how much I miss you?" Ma Lisa was the first to speak out, and even took two steps forward in surprise, as if she wanted to hug him.

Quietly and happily dodged away unhappily, the shadowy man saved him from trouble, immediately grabbed Mo Lisa's arm, and pulled her back with a twist of his displeased wrist, with great force, Moli Sarah was nearly dragged to the ground.

The shadowy man didn't show any pity at all. He cast a gloomy glance at Marisa, then turned his eyes back to silence and joy, and greeted in a neutral way: "I heard that you are called the god of death here? It seems that you are doing well. "

Silence and Joy didn't have much reaction. She still kept her own way of ruffian smile. She shrugged and asked, "Listen to this tone, do I know you very well? May I ask who are you?"

The shadowy man's complexion immediately became worse. Just as he was about to refute, he suddenly looked at Sihai, who was like a passerby, and said, "President Sihai, what a coincidence, you don't have any hidden missions here alone. Do you want to do it?"

One sentence immediately ignored both Mo Lisa and Yin Yinan, as if they were just Sihai's little followers.

Si Hai didn't want to speak at first, and almost ran away quietly.

It would not be a fair thing for him to appear with two people from the Platinum Temple. Of course, he can be fooled if he can. After all, Shapai and Platinum are friendly, quiet and happy. If something goes wrong and one of them talks about this situation with Zero Gunpowder, it will definitely cause a commotion.

If he hadn't seen the entanglement between Mo Lisa and Ji Anxi, he couldn't help but want to see the excitement, he would have already left.

It's a pity that if he didn't leave, he must be caught in the fire.

Four Seas looked at Yinying Man and Mo Lisa, and then looked at Ji Jing and Joy, and immediately didn't know how to answer. After a while, he felt that he couldn't lose his president demeanor, so he puffed up his chest and lit up the equipment that exudes the light of the pink artifact on his body. Then he lowered his head slightly, and replied pretending to be profound: "The God of Joy is joking."

The president didn't see the aura of this gesture, but it was full of pretentiousness.

"So I'm guessing right?" Ji Jing Huanxi raised his eyes to look at him, and smiled sarcastically. Although there was no obvious expression, it made people feel full of contempt.

For some reason, Sihai felt a little lack of confidence. He clearly felt that he was quiet and happy, but he was just a great god who was promoted by others. From the look of the other party, a thin layer of sweat was secretly pinched on the palm of his hand.

On the other side, Mo Lisa and Yin Yinman were not as discerning as Sihai. Mo Lisa was dragged to the back by Yin Yin Man, and at first she held back, but soon she couldn't bear it anymore and talked to Jing Jinghuanxi: "Huanxi, I have already I apologize for my mistake. For you, I went back to the Platinum Temple regardless of past suspicions. I don’t care if I don’t have any job. Don’t be deceived by that cute meow. She is just using your fame to make herself famous and using you Help her establish a guild, and now she looks like she is the number one god of the game, she already wants to step on you, look at what map she has developed, she is not willing to bring you to win honor Such a selfish and shameless woman, stop being used by her, come back to Platinum! I and Wuhuan will help you together!"

Mo Lisa seemed very concerned. The Wuhuan she was talking about was the shady man. This guy obviously had a different idea from hers.

He said coldly: "Ma Lisa? Are you brain-dead? Do you still remember whose woman you are now? Give me a little peace of mind!"

When Mo Lisa was told by him, she looked like she was about to cry, but she looked pitifully at Ji Jingxiu, as if she was trying to show that she and Wuhuan were not voluntary, and she also showed her eyes asking for help.

"Huanxi, Wuhuan and I are not the kind of relationship you think, it's only because he is your brother and me... Don't get me wrong..." Mo Lisa still defended like a madman.

The shadowy man became furious immediately, and mercilessly slapped Mo Lisa on the face with his backhand!

Although the pain in the game is very low, and the two of them are teammates and cannot cause harm, such behavior still hurts Ma Lisha's self-esteem, and she looks at Ji Jingxi more helplessly, and shed tears silently.

Jing Jinghuan watched the farce with folded arms, and really couldn't figure out how these people could be so noisy.

After seeing it wonderfully, he suddenly looked at Sihai again and asked, "President Sihai, haven't you been pursuing Mo Lisa? The goddess has been beaten, why are you indifferent?"

Si Hai stood there in embarrassment, thinking what does it matter to him?Let him just make soy sauce in silence, why keep asking him questions!
Four Seas' pursuit of Lisa is completely based on his father's wishes to have a relationship with Bai Fumei, and he is not interested in such a boring and difficult woman who is as crazy as Bai Fumei!
Fortunately, this Wuhuan came out later, and he was finally able to deal with the end of the matter, pretending to regret the failure of the pursuit.

"It's hard for an upright official to break up housework, and besides, I've already passed with Mo Lisa." After Si Hai pretended to say it, he felt that he was completely suppressed by Silence and Joy, and was a little unconvinced. Seeing Silence and Joy, he immediately straightened his back Hehe smiled, "And with the God of Huanxi here, how could I have the nerve to rush to save the beauty from the hero."

After speaking, Sihai felt that he had finally breathed out this time, and easily pushed the matter to Ji Jinghuanxi. This Wuhuan is the mysterious master brought by Mo Lisa to Platinum. This person, of course, cannot be his enemy.

Just as Si Hai finished speaking, suddenly the full server announcement popped up again.

[full server announcement]: "The ghost ship that sank on the bottom of the sea came out against the current, and the members of the pirate team sensed the call of the captain of the ghost, and responded one after another. Inheritance, the Celestial Sea has fallen into the paradise of the Reversing Scale Pirates, and warriors who want to cross the ocean must be careful."

[Full Server Announcement]: "Congratulations to the player Meng Miaomiao for inheriting the will of Captain Crule, gaining the leadership of the Celestial Pirates, and becoming the new captain of the Reverse Scale Pirates."

"Fuck, cute meow is still human!" Si Hai could not restrain his fists and let out a sigh of envy and hatred.

This is the first power that can command NPCs since the game was launched!Even the players didn't know that such a terrible right existed in the game, and it was already acquired by Miaomiao!

Mo Lisha and Wu Huan, who were noisy at first, also had a bad expression on their faces. They gritted their teeth when they saw the two announcements.

Only An Jing looked happy, and then he looked at the three men and shook his head contemptuously: "I don't object to beating women. Some women really deserve to be beaten, but it's really not a good thing to slap a woman. Since others told me to kill God Well, things like heroes saving beauty are naturally not suitable for me, but I haven't been famous for a long time..."

As he said that, he glanced at the three of them, moved his fingers, his hands were completely itchy, and quickly turned the automatic pistol in his hand flexibly, aiming at Mo Lisa with a long-range Gatling machine gun.

A row of cannonballs flew out and directly hit the unprepared Marisa, but she is now a higher level, and she cannot be killed with a row of bullets, but the quiet and joyful muzzle of the gun pointed at her, which immediately made her feel better. It hurts to be killed.

Si Hai and Wu Huan had already reacted at this time, and when they were about to fight back, they saw Ji Jing Huanxi snapped his fingers and disappeared out of thin air.

Wu Huan's level was much stronger, and he immediately put on a disguise for himself, and also disappeared in place, so that Sihai and Mo Lisa immediately became living targets, and Sihai was still running in a little panic, trying to find Silence and Joy I just looked at the footprints for a long time and found nothing.

But Mo Lisa was still standing there stupidly, stomping her feet slightly and shouting in shock and fear: "Huanxi, don't do this, okay? Don't kill people easily, we have something to talk about."

Si Hai couldn't help but look at this psychotic woman again, feeling lucky that he didn't catch her, she was more troublesome than that Qingchun baby who was caught!
Marisa, who was standing still, naturally became the first target to be killed by the God of Death. Quiet and Joyful soon appeared behind her, aiming at her and throwing the explosive robot, which was a vital attack plus a critical strike!

As soon as the quiet and happy figure appeared, Wu Huan, who was also disguised, approached with a sneer!

 Well, I heard that monthly tickets have been doubled recently. If you want to vote for Mengshen, please feel free to throw it in my face!
(End of this chapter)

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