The cute queen of online games

Chapter 321 Delicate Relationship

Chapter 321 Delicate Relationship
A suction black hole with a little bit of starlight appeared in front of Miao Miao, and her decisive straw man teleported away.

However, after teleporting, Miaomiao stood on the spot and did not move forward to save the world, and looked at him with interest while holding a broom in one hand.

This was even more frightening to save the world, and when he looked around, he realized that he had come very close to the boss during the movement, and when he looked back, he saw the two remaining insect heads of the three Queen Kerscher biting at the same time!

Surprised that he didn't pay enough attention to his position when walking around, but it's a pity that Salvation can't dodge at this moment, the insect head has closed its jaws fiercely, and bites hard on his waist. Fortunately, the CD of his stand-in straw man arrived, and Immediately used the stand-in straw man to teleport.

When he moved out of the attack range of the boss, Salvation's face was not very good. Although he escaped from the attack of the boss, the stand-in was one step too late. He had already been sprayed with venom and turned purple all over his body. His blood volume seemed to melt under the blazing sun. The icicles are generally swift.

He escaped by drinking the expensive Angel Healing Potion directly. At this time, Miao Miao had already slid over and planned to launch a second attack.

In the response room, the rescuer took a look at the team he had brought, and found that his elite elemental team had only dead leaves and seven or eight elements left, but it seemed that they would die soon. The tide is gone...

Salvation lowered his eyelids, and he immediately decided to save himself and leave here. After all, the Mar Empire is still his territory. The inability to solve Ji Jing Huanxi and Meng Miaomiao at this moment is entirely a problem with the team configuration this time. As long as he reorganizes the team and comes again Can turn things around!
Just as he was ready to call Dead Leaf to retreat together, Polaris suddenly ran towards him with his qigong acceleration skills, and shouted angrily, "Save the world! You bastard! Today I finally have a chance to deal with you!"

Seeing Polaris and looking at the cute Miaomiao who seemed to be slowing down, Salvation immediately said to the team: "Get out!"

Afterwards, the only people left in Genesis drank the wind speed potion, and quickly gave up the fight and fled with all their strength, as if the wind was blowing under their feet. Doubled, definitely the panacea for escape.

Seeing this scene, Polaris immediately stared at Salvation and chased after him, lamenting that she, a qigong master with acceleration skills, couldn't catch up with a few short-legged mages, and immediately shouted angrily: "Salvation, you bastard! Kill us! Knowing the trumpet and running away?! If you have the ability, fight me!"

Originally, he didn't intend to talk any more nonsense, but Salvation still looked back at Polaris while running.

He raised a still elegant smile, even though he was running away, he didn't look embarrassed, slightly flicked his bangs and said to Polaris a little teasingly: "Believe it or not, Genesis never killed your trumpet, Polaris, you like to entangle I'll come anyway, but I'll find a better reason next time."

Miaomiao originally wanted to catch up with the arrogance of killing Genesis with a shadow cloak, but she couldn't help but pause when she heard the words of Polaris and Salvation. Everyone ran away.

Didn't expect that the iron-fisted brutal yet high-profile and elegant savior would have such a side?The relationship between him and Polaris doesn't seem to be very simple, and things are suddenly a little subtle.

Miao Miao couldn't help looking at Polaris, who stopped halfway and stopped at the same place with a face of embarrassment, and was even more sure that there was some connection between the two. She immediately felt a little wicked that Polaris might be a gap to break through the powerful hostility of salvation.

After Salvation ran away, the others didn't seem to want to chase it very much. After all, chasing at that speed is also very tricky. Besides, everyone is not blind. The Polaris and Salvation have a subtle atmosphere. This group of people can feel it, so most of them chased it. They stopped after a few steps, and all of them looked at Polaris with somewhat gossipy and probing eyes.

"There is still a boss to fight, if we don't fight, we will leave the battle, everyone come here first." Miao Miao was quite understanding, and the team greeted Polaris slightly to resolve the embarrassment of Polaris.

The six of them quickly approached the boss again. It's just that such a boss is difficult for a team to deal with. It's a bit of a fantasy for the six of them to overthrow it. Siege them, then the matter will not be as easy to solve as it is now.

"Meng God, is it really fighting? How did you fight this boss?" Wu Qinghan was the first to express that he couldn't do what he wanted, and looked at those two terrifying big worm heads. He fought a hair in melee, and was immediately gnawed!

Miaomiao was very calm, while using small skills to tease the distant boss from time to time to avoid leaving the battle, while looking up at Jiang Ye who was coming at the end.

She asked directly: "Have you brought the healing potion?"

Dazed for a moment, Jiang Ye then immediately looked through the package. Under everyone's gaze, he actually found a few bottles.

"That's all, what's the use of this?" Jiang Ye asked while grabbing a few bottles of potion.

"The whole body of Genesis people turned purple after being sprayed with green venom, have you noticed?" Miaomiao said unhurriedly without taking the healing potion immediately.

Ji Jinghuanxi's eyes lit up, and she was the first to understand Miaomiao's meaning, she nodded clearly and said, "It's a plague state!"

Although she got the right answer, Miao Miao just glanced at him, she still remembered that she didn't plan to spare him easily, so there was no reward for the right answer.

"When I was fighting Salvation, I noticed the status icon on him. It is indeed a plague." Miaomiao announced the answer by herself.

A few people immediately admired them. They could indeed see the opponent's status information during the battle. However, during tense battles, most people can notice the detailed value of the opponent's HP, even if the operation is relatively stable. Being able to notice the opponent's MP at the same time is probably only a master. Consciousness, and Miaomiao is even clear about the opponent's state, and also carefully sees the difference between the plague state and the poisoned state. How many people can do such a detailed observation in PK.

"So, as long as we use the healing potion, we don't have to worry about being sprayed with venom." Jiang Ye nodded, but he was still a little worried, "But this still can't solve the problem of insufficient output."

The others nodded first, then agreed with Jiang Ye's statement and shook their heads in distress.

Only An Jing Huanxi stood next to Miao Miao, and seemed to have understood what Miao Miao was thinking, but he didn't say anything, and smiled lightly: "With your wisdom, you can only think of healing potions. It worked."

(End of this chapter)

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