Chapter 322

Everyone was silent... God of Joy, even if you only have cuteness in your eyes, you don't have to belittle other people's IQ.

At this time, Miaomiao took a bottle of healing potion from Jiang Ye's hand, turned around and threw it far away at the three queens Kershe, and saw that the potion bottle drew a beautiful arc parabola, and it was accurately thrown into Kershe's body. In front of a worm's head, Kersher was not very intelligent. When he saw a projectile, he subconsciously opened his mouth and bit it, and swallowed it directly.

The others looked at this scene in amazement, they really did not expect the healing potion to be used in this way, and this potion really works on the boss? !
Under the gaze of the six people, Kershe seemed to have some reactions after swallowing the potion.

The size of the boss is obviously shrinking, and the remaining two insect heads are closing and shrinking, and the speed of change is getting faster and faster. Soon the two insect heads merge into one, and the boss that was originally a towering tree shrank to an ordinary tree. The size of its body is also fading.

Miao Miao picked up another bottle of healing potion and threw it into the boss's mouth. The queen's changes intensified, and finally the three terrifying queens turned into queen bugs that were only twice the size of other alien bugs...

Looking at the boss's information again, the blood volume that had already reached 500 million shrank to one-tenth, leaving only 50 HP, but after shrinking, the queen's lower body that was originally buried in the ground was pulled out easily, A huge crater was left on the ground, as if hit by a meteorite, and an obvious trap door could be vaguely seen in the huge crater.

After the queen shrunk, the decorative wings on her back played a role. It suddenly flew into the air and rushed towards the six people. The six people no longer neglected, and immediately concentrated on attacking the queen under Miaomiao's command.

After the mutation state is cleared, the queen is only equivalent to the combat power and defense power of the dungeon boss. The six of them didn't have much trouble. They directly used the invincible big bra for Polaris, and the dean and Liz gave everyone the buff status. It took less than 10 minutes to push down the queen without any pressure, and everyone began to pick things up happily.

"This trick is really unexpected. The wisdom of the cute god is really beyond my reach!" The dean got a pink shirt exclusive to the paladins, and immediately hugged Liz and praised Miaomiao vigorously. Asked curiously, "How did Mengshen think that this medicine would work on the boss?"

Miao Miao smiled and said nothing, would she tell others that she made a judgment because she had played the game for eight years and knew too much about the game’s piss? Paired with a humanized cracking method, since this place is going to be cracked by players who are doing professional quests, it is unreasonable to have a boss that is difficult for a team to break through. Besides, this quest can be done if it is less than level [-]. If it is done, the system is too difficult for people to reach such an insurmountable level.

This made Miao Miao feel that there must be another way to push the boss from the moment he saw the boss, so he just asked the people from Genesis to try it for them, and a few people maliciously made Ji Jingxiu hide behind the boss in a disguised state. People didn't expect to search for such a special location, and then Miaomiao secretly watched Genesis fight the boss, and she saw the clue.

The six people are from different guilds and different factions, so Miaomiao didn't have a hard time distributing items, everyone negotiated and got them.

Taking advantage of other people sharing things, Ji Jinghuanxi went to Miao Miao's side and whispered. As soon as she came up, she looked at Miao Miao's cute clothes and asked her with satisfaction: "How about this armor?"

"It's none of your business how my armor is?" Miao Miao picked up her beloved local tyrant's golden broom, and began to wipe the dust on the broom with her hands, making the golden color of the broom more brilliant and shinier. Eyes, it's best to just take out the broom in the future and kill one in seconds!
Jing Jinghuan looked at her earnestly wiping the broom and could not help but frown, looked at her cute appearance a little dotingly, and said frankly: "Lucky Guoguo didn't accidentally reveal it to you, did I collect the drawings? "

Putting on an unclear look, Miaomiao frowned slightly: "Really? Thank you then."

"You're so polite, I immediately had a premonition that you were going to clean up badly." I quietly put my hand on the handle of the local tyrant's golden broom, silently joyful and falsely sad, but my eyes were full of anticipation...

"It's good that you know." Miaomiao raised an eyebrow and snorted softly, "But there are probably things you don't know."

"Then can you let me know?"

Miaomiao nodded: "Of course, but there is a price to pay."

Seeing her sophisticated appearance, Ji Jinghuanxi knows that Miao Miao is going to set him up, but he is a very willing fish to take the bait, as long as the bait is Miao Miao, he will be happy no matter how many times he is caught.

He asked cooperatively, "What price?"

"Help me discuss cooperation with Polaris."

Jing Jinghuan's eyeballs slowly rolled around, and he finally understood why he made Miao Miao unhappy. It seemed that it was because of Polaris in the final analysis.

He didn't pretend to be confused anymore, and nodded in response: "Okay, no problem."

This was an indirect admission that he knew Polaris.

Miao Miao put down the broom and put it beside her, biting her lower lip slightly, she was a little upset to see him so calm, but seeing the atmosphere between Polaris and Salvation before, she also felt that most Silent Joy and Polaris were not too much Ambiguous relationship.

"Very good, then let me tell you what you don't know." Miao Miao took a deep breath, and finally planned to explain clearly.

She doesn't like things about chasing after wind and shadows the most, but when it comes to her, she is too lenient to ignore it. Moreover, she has experienced a terrible betrayal, and she is really very sensitive to such things. In this regard, the resistance is actually very low, and it is extremely fragile.

"You didn't go online in the morning. I knocked on your door at noon. The door was opened for me by a black silk lady. It should be the Polaris. Now you know." Miaomiao was completely stating, not questioning. The tone, but the flickering eyes revealed a trace of tension in her heart.

Seeing Miaomiao's appearance, Ji Jing nodded happily: "I see, so you are the one who urged the utility bills."

Miaomiao's tense reaction made him a little distressed, but at the same time, he was also secretly happy. It seemed that his weight in Miaomiao's heart was getting heavier and heavier, and finally he could let her worry about her heart carefully, although the reason for this worry was not very good. ...

He said very frankly: "Polaris is my former senior sister. She asked me for a favor in the morning. If she makes you have any bad misunderstandings, I will break up with her immediately."

Originally, she was a little bit angry, but when she saw Ji Jing Huan Xi's friendship was as thin as paper again, Miao Miao suddenly felt a little funny.

She looked up at the sky immediately: "Are you breaking up with your good friends so casually? I don't want you to break up all your friendships because of me."

"It's just friends. True love is for life. It's no big deal to break up with the whole world for you." Ji Jinghuan looked at Miao Miao with deep eyes, and took the opportunity to hold her hand. Although his expression was still somewhat cynical, his eyes were Couldn't be more serious.

Miaomiao realizes that bickering with him is usually all kinds of thorns, but she really wants to quarrel with him but can't quarrel at all. It was supposed to be a groundbreaking quarrel, but somehow she becomes a little inexplicably moved.

But how can it be so casual!Realizing that her defense line was about to collapse, Miaomiao raised her head and squinted her eyes and said, "Don't think that you can pass the test just by talking about it, it's not unusual for you to hide a black silk Yujie at home, I think You should break up the relationship and express your determination."

As soon as Miao Miao finished speaking, Ji Jing Huanxi immediately said in the team channel: "Polaris, I solemnly declare that I am breaking up with you. From now on, don't make trouble for me in the game or in reality. I will ignore it."

So decisive!

Over there, Polaris had just snatched a precious boss material from Wu Qinghan, and heard the sad news before he was finished.

Dazed for a moment, Polaris immediately put the materials into the package, pointed at Ji Jingxi and cursed angrily: "Fuck, you ungrateful bastard! Whoever helped you fool the school leaders didn't punish you! You only agreed to help me yesterday, so turn your face away." You were bought by that bastard who saved the world, didn’t you?! You are so disrespectful! If I’m blind, I shouldn’t have helped you..."

When Polaris got angry, he immediately cursed out of control and couldn't stop at all. This girl is as hot as she looks, and she is very smooth when she curses. .

Miaomiao understood something at this point, she couldn't help but shook her head and said, "Is this also considered a friend? I think you are too ungrateful, such a good senior, you actually say you want to break up the friendship, aren't you human?"

He took a pitiful look at Miaomiao, Ji Jinghuanxi felt that he was a little wronged, wasn't it Miaomiao who asked him to break up with him just now, how could he turn around and follow Polaris to denounce him.

After Miaomiao finished speaking, she immediately walked to Polaris, and said with some righteous indignation, "That's right, it's too ungrateful to help save that scumbag. I really can't stand it anymore. I must help you clean up the silence and be happy!"

Wu Qinghan, who is well aware of the relationship between the god of cuteness and the god of joy, is most ashamed to stand aside, which one is this acting on?Could it be that the two gods reconciled and completely fell out? !
Polaris didn't think so much, whoever helps her is a benefactor!She immediately looked at Miaomiao with emotion, grabbed Miaomiao's hand and said excitedly, "Miaomiao is the one who understands the most. I think I helped this bastard back then..."

With this excitement, Polaris uttered all the things about An Anxi and Huanxi's troubles in school and how she helped An Anxi. He really couldn't hold back anything as soon as he uttered it. Say it all.

Quietly and joyfully standing aside with an ugly expression on his face, he felt as if he had been manipulated...

(End of this chapter)

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