The cute queen of online games

Chapter 323 Cross-Influence Alliance

Chapter 323 Cross-Influence Alliance

After what Polaris said, the image of An An Huanxi's troublemaker when he was in school suddenly came to life. It turns out that he was not a fuel-efficient lamp when he was in school. He did a lot of things against teachers and black school leaders. .

And since college, he has deepened this horrible behavior from the behavioral level to the spiritual level, and tortured people without anyone noticing, completely rising to the boss level.

According to Polaris, she and Anhe Huanxi only met because of the friendship between the two families. Later, they happened to be in the same school, and for some reason became An Anxi's accomplice, often helping him to deceive others and smooth things over. It's similar to what Zero Smoke does in the game...

After graduating, Polaris didn't like to contact Ji Anhuanxi, the troublemaker. Unfortunately, last time Jiji Huanxi had a conflict with Genesis when he went to the Mar Empire to do a mission, Polaris happened to meet him and recognized him to help out. The detailed information about the Mar empire obtained by Ji Jinghuanxi later was provided by Polaris, which allowed Ji Jinghuanxi to complete a series of tasks easily, so the two met in the game.

After helping the God of Huanxi to do bad things for many years, Polaris learned a little better this time, and agreed to repay her favor quietly and joyfully, which is why he was later asked to help deal with Genesis.

As for the misunderstanding in the morning, Polaris was quick to say that he had recognized Miaomiao, but he immediately admitted his mistake on the spot, and declared that he was just looking for Ji Jing Huanxi to help her hack the Genesis guild forum to relieve her hatred.

Miao Miao was just listening casually, but after listening too much, she couldn't help feeling sympathetic, and she cried when she said too much, Ji Jinghuanxi, this guy is actually the best friend of Polaris and Zero Smoke!Hei Yisheng, who made a bad friend by mistake!

"Don't be too sad. It doesn't matter if this kind of friend breaks up with you. In fact, you just want him to help you deal with saving the world. It's better to ask me to help you." Miao Miao persuaded after nodding frequently.

Polaris looked at Miaomiao uncertainly, wondering what is the difference between the two of you?

"I want to deal with Salvation, but I'm afraid it's inappropriate from your standpoint..." She was thinking of Miao Miao, knowing that Genesis loves to suppress other guilds, and the survival rate of guilds that are openly hostile to Genesis is zero...

"You don't have to worry about me. The consequences of dealing with Genesis will naturally be borne by me. Besides, if I am not hostile to him, I am already hostile. As long as your position is okay, I will be fine. Silence and Joy can help you." Not much, how much trauma can he bring to Genesis by being a lone family? After all, I have a not weak Mengsha faction, and with the help of a few alliance guilds, I can do a lot more." Miao Miao to Polaris With that said, she firmly relaxed her heart.

Polaris was immediately impressed, and nodded repeatedly to decide to form an alliance. As long as they deal with Genesis, they are all her allies, and there is no one who disagrees.

The dean stood on the side and raised his hand weakly to speak: "Can you discuss such a secret matter in front of my face? Don't be afraid that I will slip up, I can easily accidentally say it... ahhhhh! I can't help but tell the people in the guild! What to do, what to do!"

Seeing that the dean showed signs of going crazy and chattering, Miao Miao immediately made a stop gesture: "You can say whatever you want, we are not afraid."

So as soon as Miaomiao and Polaris shook hands, Xingchen Wushuang and Mengsha faction casually decided to form an alliance across forces. Poor Polaris didn't know that the person who killed her guild trumpet was her new ally...

After the matter was finished, everyone began to study the meteor crater on the ground and prepared to continue the mission. Ji Jing Huanxi walked over slowly and took advantage of the chaos to hold Miao Miao's hand.

"Is it okay to use me so cleanly? Don't you need to make up for it?" Jing Jing rejoiced as if asking for an explanation.

Miaomiao smiled slightly: "It was agreed just now, I want you to help me negotiate cooperation with Polaris, so this is what you have agreed to, there is nothing wrong with it?"

So this is what the help you mentioned just now refers to?Ji Jinghuanxi knew very clearly at this moment that she was really screwed up by Miaomiao.

"Then there's nothing wrong with it." Ji Jinghuan nodded calmly, then pointed to Miaomiao's heart, "Then are you comfortable here?"

After a pause, Miaomiao rubbed her heart: "It seems to be a little more comfortable, but I promised to take good care of you, so I won't break my promise."

"Then I'll let you take care of me." Saying that, the hand pointing at her chest with joy and joy suddenly flattened and pressed on Miaomiao's hand rubbing her heart...

He squinted his eyes and looked at the big hand covering his chest. Even though it was separated from his own hand, this was still a very outrageous gesture, okay? !And it's okay to take advantage of the game's loopholes like this? !Isn't it considered obscene female players with one hand?
Ji Jinghuanxi said in a serious manner first: "Rub it for you, won't it make you feel more comfortable?"

Miao Miao glared at him, grabbed his hairy hand, and then turned her head to hide the faint redness on her face: "Hurry up and do the task."

"Yes, my Majesty the Queen." Ji Jinghuan happily agreed with the corners of her mouth curled.

Seeing the two people turn around, the four people on the other side quickly squatted down and pretended to be studying the crater seriously, as if they didn't know what happened...

In fact, the mechanism door exposed in the crater did not set any mechanism that was particularly difficult to crack. After a careful inspection, the key to the mechanism was found. In the middle of the mechanism door was the incomplete lion logo of the Mar Empire army. The familiar Polaris of the Mar Empire went up to complete the lines of the logo, and the trap door opened immediately.

The entire crater opened with a whoosh, and six people fell under their feet at the same time. Of course, Miaomiao was prepared to fall slowly with a broom in her arms. Fall together.

Miaomiao didn't even bother to talk about him anymore, compared to the last time when she silently and joyfully grabbed her ankles and fell down in the Fallen Temple, this time at least she didn't peek at the scenery under her skirt, which is considered an improvement.

The depth below is not very scary, and soon the six of them landed separately, the other four fell to the ground to varying degrees, while Miaomiao and Ji Jinghuanxi landed particularly steadily, making the others envious and jealous.

It was expected that the secret laboratory of the Mar Empire should be under the crater. However, the scene after landing was a little different. It was indeed a large laboratory below, and it was still well preserved. There were even weird experimental instruments in operation, but in the On the easternmost side of the laboratory, a strange seam connects the laboratory with another space.

The space connected to the laboratory is a long passage, with huge wooden bookshelves on both sides of the passage...

(End of this chapter)

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