The cute queen of online games

Chapter 324 The Lost Library

Chapter 324 The Lost Library

Wu Qinghan got up from the ground and sighed in surprise: "Fuck! Where is this place?"

"It's so weird. It doesn't seem to be the same space as this side." Polaris was also puzzled. She looked around and saw something more than Wu Qinghan. "The laboratory here is still there. Operation, why is there no one? It should have something to do with the passage over there."

"After the plague plan of the Imperial Army was discovered, it should have been disguised as giving up the experiment here, so the upper floor was completely abandoned. The lower part should be the real laboratory. As for this passage, it may have just appeared. It’s not too long, so the laboratory is still working, it seems that part of the laboratory has been swallowed by that passage, and I guess the people here may also have been swallowed by that passage.” Jiang Ye also made his own guess, and it sounded quite Very reliable.

Miao Miao and Ji Jinghuanxi are the people who have the most confidence after seeing the situation here, and they also feel that Jiang Ye's guess is almost the same, but both of them have the same guess about the passage.

This is a place related to professional tasks. Now there is such a place full of bookshelves. According to the experience in the Fallen Temple last time, I know that the Book of Jobs is easily attracted by powerful forces. The Fallen Temple is full of the power of faith. , then there should be the power of the plague that attracts the Occupation Book, and at the same time attracts the more mysterious existence... that ancient library that wandered for too long after the fire and lost the world!
"Go in?" Wu Qinghan hurriedly asked Miao Miao who had no idea.

Miaomiao looked up at him: "What do you think?"

When the question was thrown back, Wu Qinghan rubbed his hands hesitantly and said, "Go in... shall we?"

"You didn't finish your mission?" Miaomiao asked him again.

"Uh... do it."

"This is the only place left in the laboratory. Are you going to leave if you don't find your mission clue?" Miaomiao finally kindly pointed him out.

Wu Qinghan patted his forehead, and finally realized: "Yes! Yes! My mission!"

It is not easy to bring such a pig-like teammate to the present. What is even more speechless is why he can still play like Xiaobai after reaching the full level. The strange thing is that this guy made the guild not disbanded and made a mess. ? !What a miracle!

At this time, Jiang Ye spoke to Wu Qinghan silently and said: "My mission should be the same as yours, let's find it together."

The missions of the pair of professional books that are keys and locks are the same. Miao Miao and Ji Huanxi have already reached a consensus on this point. Wu Qinghan and Jiang Ye seem to be the reasons for the change in looking for the mutant Berserker girl. , I don’t know what the missions of Lord Dean and Polaris are.

Wu Qinghan hurriedly followed Jiang Ye to search for mission clues in the remaining half of the laboratory, and Miaomiao and Ji Jinghuanxi also helped to explore here.

The dean hurried to Miaomiao and took the initiative to explain: "Cute God! Help me with the task too. Instructor Galantis asked me to help him find out why his brother rebelled."

Miaomiao twitched her lips, "Do your own thing."

She's not obligated to help everyone with professional tasks, is she?It's not her task, and she doesn't know anything about Glentis's brother at all, okay, she has never been in touch with the plot line of the Black Jihad at all!
The dean looked at Miaomiao pitifully together with Liz in his arms: "Then why are you helping Wu Qinghan..."

Miaomiao told him patiently: "He paid me, I'm his foreign aid, understand? My friend, there are not so many kind-hearted people in this world, especially me, definitely not."

After saying that the dean was fine, Liz burst into tears: "It's terrible! It's terrible! The old witch!"

Quickly put Liz in the pet pen, the dean apologized with a little shame: "Ahem, Tong Yanwuji, Mengshen, don't bother with her, I understand, I can solve my own tasks, Mengshen, don't be angry .”

While talking, the dean quietly stepped back and walked away. Although he is crazy, he still knows how to read his face, especially the face of a top master.

"Oh? Tongyan Wuji? I think Liz can be your grandma at Liz's age." Ji Jinghuanxi quietly stood beside the dean at some point, and he glanced at the dean with a trace of cold.

The dean shivered, and suddenly felt a little cold, and then felt that his words seemed a little inappropriate.

"That... that... Actually, I can also pay Mengshen, and there is also an apology fee! Is that good?" Weakly speaking, the dean was very scared.

Quiet and joyful, as if suddenly remembering, touched his chin and said, "It seems that I brought you here for the mission, and I'm also your foreign aid."

After being reminded by the God of Huanxi, the dean immediately blamed himself while assuring: "Yes, I paid the same as Wu Qinghan, I didn't expect this, I am so ignorant, it should not be!"

Jing Jing nodded happily: "Just send it to Miao Miao's mailbox together with the apology fee later."

Miao Miao couldn't laugh or cry, this guy actually took the opportunity to steal money, but he knew how to hand it in, so he did a good job.

While smiling, Jiang Yeye suddenly asked quietly in the team channel: "Should I also pay you foreign aid fees?"

Wu Qinghan and Polaris burst out laughing, and the dean wanted to laugh too, but he couldn't laugh when he thought of the money he was cheated of, so he hurriedly said loudly unwillingly: "Yes! You have to pay too! No With the gods of Mengxi and Huanxi, you will definitely not be able to pass this mission, I think you should pay obediently!"

Several people couldn't stop laughing, teasing each other about who should pay.

"There seems to be some clues here." Jiang Ye, who laughed the least, was quite serious, and was the first to discover something.

Everyone immediately gathered around and saw that Jiang Ye found a broken lion logo in a machine similar to that on the trap door. Polaris immediately went over to finish drawing the logo just like opening and closing the door before.

After the mechanism was cracked, a platform on the machine was opened, and a delicate small medicine bottle filled with several red liquids was held up from it, and a scroll was placed beside it.

Jiang Ye stepped forward to pick up the scroll and looked at it, and quickly confirmed: "This is the drug that the mutated Berserker girl was injected during the experiment. It seems that Wu Qinghan and I have found the task item."

Jiang Ye and Wu Qinghan each took part of the potion, and their mission clues were considered obtained.

"Then are you going to move on?" The dean suddenly asked a little worried, looking at the two of them very nervously.

He was just afraid that there would be some hard-to-fight boss behind the small number of people, and the dean was very afraid of death, and he was indeed the well-known life-hating psychopath...

Miaomiao didn't expect to solve the tasks of the two of them so quickly. If the two completed it first, wouldn't the difficulty settings of the professional tasks be a bit unequal?

At this time, Jiang Ye had already taken out the job book and was trying to deliver the task. Soon he shook his head: "The task has not been completed. It seems that this is only a part of the task. It should still be possible to clear the entire map to complete this level of task."

Wu Qinghan also put away her career book, and immediately nodded in agreement: "I can't deliver the task either, so let's move on."

The six people immediately turned their attention to the passage leading to the laboratory. Since they wanted to go in together, Miaomiao finally decided to reveal the mission information she knew.

"As far as I know, that channel is probably connected to the ancient library that was once famous in the devil world. Because of the attraction of some kind of energy, the ancient library stayed in this place temporarily. The mission hinted that some kind of deep dark meeting Released, I suspect that it should exist here, and the ancient library should have been moving for a long time, there may be many strange monsters in it, and there may also be many unimaginable treasures.”

No one knows what exists in the ancient library. This place is much more mysterious than this forbidden biochemical laboratory. What's more, during the long-term movement, the library has taken away many things, and there is no telling what evil is hidden inside. The big boss.

Wu Qinghan and the others were quite surprised. Although they didn't know the legend about the ancient library, they had heard about it. It was really surprising that the once glorious place was right in front of them.

"Let's go, or the bastard who will save the world in a while may bring people here again, let them find that the ancient library is a big treasure house, and they will definitely go in and rob it." Polaris became nervous when he heard it, and hurriedly waved his hands to leave. Not having treasures is not the key, the key is not to be snatched away by the savior!
Miaomiao nodded, and the six of them walked towards the passage. The connecting place fluctuated like the surface of water, surrounded by strange streamers connecting the two spaces.

Miao Miao walked in the front. She tentatively wiped the surface of the water with her hand, and found that her hand could easily pass through. Then she stepped forward and submerged herself in it.

Six people submerged into the water wave-like connection one after another. As soon as they all entered, the space shook violently. Soon the water wave-like connection flickered again and again, and after a few rustling sounds like a TV with no signal, the interface suddenly disappeared. , the laboratory and the passage are separated abruptly.

Standing on the aisle full of bookshelves, the six people clearly saw that the scene of the laboratory at the other end of the interface turned into nothingness black.

"Now I don't worry about the Salvation coming in..." The dean was the first to say with a mournful face, and then squatted down and muttered in a crying voice, "I just don't know how to go back! What should I do, will I not be able to go back?" What the hell is going on here? If you can’t get through the map, will you be locked up here and not allowed to go out? Ah, even if you can go out, I don’t know if the mission can’t be completed anymore. What should I do? What should I do... "

The dean finally couldn't help but turn on the long-winded mode.

Miao Miao yawned, and seeing that it was late, she was very happy and even said happily, "Since the Salvation can't come in, there is nothing to worry about. Everyone go offline and rest, and we will fight again tomorrow morning!"

(End of this chapter)

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