The cute queen of online games

Chapter 350 Marriage Proposal Crisis

Chapter 350 Marriage Proposal Crisis
There was no more time to check her own changes. After Mia explained everything, Miaomiao went offline before system maintenance.

As soon as he got out of the game cabin, there was a knock on the door.

Miaomiao went to open the door in a bit of bewilderment, but she turned the doorknob and saw Ji Jingqing leaning outside her door, and what was even more amazing...he was still wearing an apron? !
"Chef Ji... Are you planning to take care of our family's three meals?" Miao Miao first looked at him in surprise, then said jokingly, and finally wondered, "Didn't you just maintain it? Why didn't you even put the apron on?" Are you all dressed?"

Ji Jingqing replied very naturally: "As soon as you were taken away by Mia, I went offline and came here. I checked the official information just now and found out about the maintenance. Anyway, I can't play the game anymore. The kindness of our parents is hard to stop, so I simply stay. Let's cook."

Miaomiao looked at him incredulously, is there such a thing as that?As for the irresistible kindness, I am afraid that the father and the mother cannot bear his request, right?

"Our father and mother? You want to be my brother?" She deliberately misinterpreted his meaning, opened the door and walked into the living room.

Ji Jingqing also followed her with a smile: "If you don't mind incest, you can call me brother."

In an instant, Miaomiao felt like she was in a Korean drama, and the weird scene where she called Ji Jingqing Ouba was automatically simulated in her mind... Goosebumps all over her body suddenly felt chilly.

She quickly shook her hand: "Come on, I already have an older brother."

The two chatted, laughed and walked to the living room, Miaomiao sat on the sofa and confessed: "You are beautiful, after the maintenance, you can reach level [-], unfortunately, I was beaten back to my original shape by Mia, so I went back to the furnace and rebuilt directly. "

Ji Jingqing immediately understood, sat next to Miaomiao and asked, "Have you reincarnated?"

"I started a new job as a demon mage, and Mia also gave me the apostle inheritance. In addition to some preferential treatment and privileges enjoyed by the devil world, the inheritance of abilities needs to rely on the equipment of the heart of tears to play." Miao Miao's tone was not very happy. talking.

"Sounds good, should have a strong ability?"

She said helplessly: "The Heart of Tears is the right-slot Sorcerer's Stone equipment that will be unlocked in the 65th version. It can only be worn at level 65, so whether the ability is strong or not, ask me after level [-]..."

Miao Miao suddenly stopped, and she suddenly realized that she had accidentally said something new that she shouldn't have known. Since she was reborn, she didn't want to tell anyone about her painful and strange experience, so she used to pay attention to it, but Nowadays, the relationship between her and Ji Jingqing has become more and more intimate, and she accidentally said that without defense.

Looking up at Ji Jingqing, she saw some doubts in his eyes, Miaomiao knew that he had noticed it, how could he who was shrewd not understand the problem in her words.

After watching Miaomiao for a while, Ji Jingqing asked her incredulously: "The right slot is equipped with a magic stone? Your brother told you all the confidential information? Is there any other inside story? Why didn't you share it with me earlier? You keep it so secret, let me I think it's better to marry you home early and become closer."

In an instant, she breathed a sigh of relief, and Miaomiao lowered her head and gently touched her forehead, really sweating. Fortunately, Ji Jingqing helped her find the most suitable reason.

Seeing Miao Miao's expression, Ji Jingqing's long and narrow eyes narrowed, the corners of the eyes were like a graceful upturned line, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

But this gaze dissipated quickly, and when Miaomiao raised her head, she saw his smiling eyes again.

Just as the two of them were about to continue talking, there was a rustling sound of the door opening. Qiao Nannan ran in without taking off her shoes, and when she saw Ji Jingqing and Miaomiao sitting in the living room, she hurriedly slapped her. Greetings: "The God of Huanxi is here too? You guys are free, and I am busy again. My brother will let his sister be killed sooner or later. God of Huanxi, hurry up and marry this game maniac, and let her do the laundry and cook." Give birth to a baby and play games less, if this continues, I will work overtime until I die!"

This scene is very familiar. During the emergency maintenance last time, Qiao Nannan also rushed home to get things. It seems that this time is the same.

Ji Jingqing appreciated the words of her future brother-in-law very much, nodded and said: "Don't worry about this, but I will definitely do the laundry and cooking, but I can guarantee that she will stop playing games for half a year and you can have a vacation. "

Miaomiao stretched out her hand with black lines and poked Ji Jingqing, what are you talking about!The staff of Tianlai Games didn't work exclusively for her!Could it be that if she doesn't play the game, the game company can have a holiday! ?And why is her brother anxious to let her marry Ji Jingqing!The two of you have discussed it!

"Hmph, Qiao Nannan, believe it or not, I will do a task in a few days to let you upgrade to the [-]-level version?" Miao Miao first said to her brother's back, and then looked at Ji Jingqing, "You who have children or something? Forget it, do I look like a good wife and mother who can take care of children?"

"Well, then you don't mind having one if I take care of the child. Let me think about it. Hurry up this year, and next year I can be promoted to a full-time baby daddy." Ji Jingqing said with a look of longing, with intoxicated eyes Exposes the fact that he has fully absorbed into his fantasy.

When he said this, Miaomiao couldn't help but think of Uncle Xuan, the daddy in the guild, who is now taking care of the children and playing games, thinking of the handsome and elegant Ji Jingqing in the future turning into a nosy and chattering older daddy like Uncle Xuan , The image of this guy's male god suddenly shattered to the ground!
wrong!When did she promise to have a baby!I didn't agree to marry, okay?What are you thinking about ahead of time!
Miaomiao had already roared past ten thousand mud horses, but her expression was still calm, and she showed a fierce smile.

Raising an eyebrow, she stared at Ji Jingqing and said, "Do you want to get married? First beat me in the official competition."

While talking, Qiao Nannan had already brought out the large and small items, just in time to hear Miao Miao's words.

He immediately remembered and announced loudly: "That's right! This maintenance will take a week. In order to comfort the players' emotions, the company has temporarily prepared an all-star exhibition game to warm up for the King of Kings competition. You two will be invited soon."

Miaomiao immediately gave Qiao Nannan a hard look, her brother is just trying to trick your sister!

Ji Jingqing smiled and thanked: "Thank you, it seems that I can marry Miaomiao home soon."

"Really? Do you think you can beat me so easily?"

"Of course not, but in order to marry you home, I must win the championship."

The eyes of the two people who were supposed to be in love quickly ignited into flames of war, but Qiao Nannan, who had set the flames on fire, snickered and ran away with his things... Now there is a good show to watch!

 Three more sent.

(End of this chapter)

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