The cute queen of online games

Chapter 351 The Opening of the All-Star Game

Chapter 351 The Opening of the All-Star Game

The [-]th version of "Field of Origin" was upgraded with great fanfare. During the week-long maintenance period, the overwhelming publicity surpassed the complaints of the players, and the luxury of the new content added this time has made the players change from complaints to expectations. .

The official promotional video for the new version reveals that in addition to the [-]th version, the fair competition system of the arena will be fully opened this time, as well as the reincarnation profession opened in hidden mode. Each profession will correspondingly open a new profession, but it is not completely Overthrow the already proficient original occupations, but add new skill trees and strengthen the original skills on the basis of the original occupations, etc., since only the professional books of the mage system are completely repaired, so for the time being, only mage players can explore how to To achieve this hidden condition and reincarnate in a new profession.

Players who have no way to explore new professions are not too embarrassed this time, because the new version finally reduces the difficulty of the awakening task, and opens the second awakening mission at level [-]. In order to balance the player's ability, reincarnate into a new profession temporarily The second awakening is not activated.

In addition, the official announced the existence of legendary equipment. In addition to its quality being better than epic equipment, legendary equipment is also unique. Each piece is unique in the game, and legendary equipment must have a legend The general origin, in addition to the tyranny of the attributes, must also come with some privileges in the game world, but the official did not disclose the method, and players still need to explore by themselves.

In addition to these major updates, there are some other new content, a new series of missions and a new main line. In addition, the mercenary system has been opened. The amount of updated content has completely subverted the game's usual dilatory nature, which is an eye-opener for all players. At the same time However, other game companies were hit hard. A large wave of players began to sell equipment and run away, and all of them made appointments and defected to the embrace of "The Field of Origin".

The employees of Tianlai Games finally did not work overtime for nothing this time, and it was worth living in the company for a week!

Taking advantage of the enthusiasm of the promotional video, the all-star exhibition game that Qiao Nannan said was a warm-up for the Tianwang competition was also promoted as the biggest gimmick of the promotional activities during the maintenance period.

Because the players are all star players who are directly invited from the current major rankings, there is no preliminaries. The competition lasts for four days, which happens to be the last four days of game maintenance. Tianlai Company has specially contracted a well-known large-scale exhibition venue in the Imperial Capital to hold it. The location of the venue is still in the largest game theme park in the imperial capital, and events can be held both inside and outside the venue.

Teana Game Company also invited players from the major guilds in the game to participate in a series of promotional activities, and the official website also launched a number of activities to grab tickets to watch the game, which ignited a series of upsurges online and offline.

Looking at this posture, there is a lot of enthusiasm for WCG competitions in the era of keyboard online games. Unknowingly, Teana Games has become the real leader of holographic online games.

Miao Miao and Ji Jing Huanxi didn't know until they received the invitation letter that there are many exhibitions and visits in addition to the competition, not only food, accommodation, travel expenses, but also money, but they live in the imperial capital, and the travel expenses are saved for Tian Lai.

Taking a closer look at the competition, the prize money is even more expensive. It feels like they are throwing money away to play. The local tyrants are in a mess. This is basically going on a group tour and vacation. Wouldn’t it be cheaper not to participate?

On the fourth day of the game's maintenance, the All-Star Exhibition Competition and a series of publicity exhibitions for Tianlai Games were grandly opened. On the first day, the entire game theme park was overcrowded.

The competition schedule is basically set in the afternoon. After the opening in the morning, the venue will mainly focus on cosplay and other activities. People from several large guilds will directly take this opportunity to get together in reality.

Naturally, the Mengsha faction also joined in the fun. A group of people met in the backstage room of the venue. They got together and talked and laughed to connect with each other. Miaomiao, Fenghuang Weiyang, Uncle Xuan, Wu Xiaoxiao and others participated in the recording last time I’ve seen the video event before. This time, Mengsha sent more than 50 people at the official invitation. Miao Miao really couldn’t recognize them all.

Miaomiao and Ji Jingqing were planning to go out, a man and a woman arrived late, the woman was petite and cute, panting for breath, and the tall man followed behind with a wary face.

When the girl saw Miao Miao, she waved happily: "Meow! I'm sorry, I'm late, ah, are you all gone?"

The expression suddenly became disappointed, and she looked at the man behind her unhappily: "It's all your fault! Brother smelly! You told me to wake up earlier, but you didn't call me! I'm so late!"

The man who was called brother folded his arms and said reluctantly: "What's the point of attending a meeting of a broken guild? What if you meet a bad guy? It's just right if you don't meet, brother will watch the show with you."

Miaomiao looked at the pair of brothers and sisters. The two siblings were too busy talking to introduce themselves, but Miaomiao quickly recognized the cute-looking younger sister and asked with a smile, "You are Mengzi, aren't you?"

Before rebirth, Miaomiao never met Moezi in real life. At that time, she never participated in the meeting in Sihai Pavilion, and she rarely went to game activities. However, Moeko’s face in reality and in the game has not changed, so Miaomiao is very easy. I recognized it.

"Hahaha! I forgot to say it, right! I am Mengzi, and my real name is Xue Lingshang, you can just call me Mengzi, and this guy with a stinky face is my brother Xue Linyuan, and he also He plays games, but he's not in our guild, his game name is Breaking the World, and his game level is of course far worse than mine, hehe." Xue Lingshang said happily, seeing Miaomiao seemed very excited.

Xue Linyuan was hurt by her sister and didn't argue. She still stood behind with a stern face, and didn't say hello to Miaomiao and Ji Jingqing, completely ignoring their existence, but looking at Miaomiao's side, Ji Jingqing was also the boss. Standing next to Miaomiao, he treated the Xue family brothers and sisters as air, the two men seemed to ignore their answers, and the two girls seemed to be used to it, regardless of their self-centered chatting.

"My name is Qiao Miaomiao. Just call me Miaomiao. Your surname is very rare. I didn't expect the surname Xue to exist in reality." Miaomiao looked at the expressive Xue Lingshang, and found that she seemed to be more beautiful than the game in real life. The inside is more lively, but without the huge hand cannon, it is more delicate and less domineering.

"My family is an ethnic minority, and this surname is quite common in our family."

Miaomiao nodded knowingly. Before rebirth, she and Mengzi had known each other for a short time. She didn't know these things, and she didn't even know that she had an older brother. She didn't expect to meet her only a few days after rebirth. Instead, she learned more. many.

Just as he was talking to Xue Lingshang, the guild meeting in the next room happened to be over. A group of people came out one by one, and they looked up. Miao Miao suddenly saw a few familiar faces, and couldn't help squinting her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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