Chapter 353
Miao Miao listened carefully, but actually these were not very different from what she thought. With the relationship between Xiao Yan and Ji Jingqing, I knew that Ji Jingqing's family background was not ordinary, so I was reluctant to accept him at first because I felt that he was a dude who liked to play with him. Women's feelings are like that scum in the world.

But later I found out that Ji Jingqing was not that kind of person, he was like a clean freak when it came to feelings, and he absolutely ruthlessly rejected those who didn’t like it. After a long time, Miao Miao found that Ji Jingqing would not die after affirming her as he himself said. Letting go, even made her feel a little entangled.

Ji Jingqing briefly talked about his family background, and even revealed about the underground munitions group Xiao Yan belonged to, as well as his own uncles and even cousins ​​who were basically either military officers or politicians, or they were placed in The arms group pretended to be a businessman.

From his narration, Miao Miao found that the size of Ji Jingqing's family was beyond her imagination. In ancient times, it was simply a feat and a domination of the whole world!
After spending some saliva, Ji Jingqing finished talking about his family background in disgust, and finally he couldn't help asking Miaomiao nervously: "You...don't mind?"

He knew that Miaomiao didn't care about her family background, but she hated trouble, but his huge family represented trouble, so he was really nervous.

These family backgrounds, which are coveted by others, are simply unspeakable dark history for Ji Jingqing. He wished that he could face Miao Miao with a background from an ordinary family.

After thinking for a while, Miao Miao looked at him solemnly: "I don't mind, let me ask you a question, if your house is found out one day? Will you be arrested together?"

Blinking her eyes a few times quickly, Ji Jingqing immediately laughed: "This is the only thing you care about?"

Miao Miao smiled recklessly, and said jokingly: "Well, if you are arrested and sentenced to life or something, I won't waste time with you."

Ji Jingqing quickly grabbed her hand, eyes flickering, and said to her very seriously: "It's too late to regret it! I promise, in this life, I will only be captured by you for the rest of my life!"

His words seem to be domineering, but in fact they are full of meaning, permeated with a trace of affection. Miaomiao looked at his serious expression, and put the other hand in his palm, solemnly as if giving her whole heart to him. gave him.

"Then, when you beat me, I will officially sentence you to a sentence that will never end."

"A word is settled!"

After talking about Ji Jingqing, he immediately hated the people who made the schedule, and he didn't know how they were divided into groups this time. He and Miao Miao were not in the same group. If they wanted to play against each other, they would at least have to go to the draw for the quarter-finals. This wouldn't delay him. Is it time to order the ring?

After the two finished talking, the All-Star Exhibition Game officially kicked off after the host gave an introduction.

Almost all the master players from the [-]th version of the competition gathered. Of course, the saviors who never participated in the competition were absent as usual. The players this time were selected according to the rankings of the strength list, popularity list, and PK list. , even if the players are not necessarily the strongest and best PK players in this profession, these players are all star players who are beyond reproach.

Since it is an exhibition match, although the top three in this competition will be awarded bonuses, the specific rankings will not be counted, and the active atmosphere will be the main focus.

There is no Miaomiao match in today's group, so she is only here to watch the match, but Ji Jingqing will play in the third round. In this match, he will face an elemental mage from the Mar Empire.

The first two games were a bit dull, and it was only when Ji Jingqing was playing that the players watching from the field became excited. Miaomiao came out of the player area to take a look when the game entered the preparation time, and she was shocked when she found that Ji Jingqing And a dedicated fan club? !A group of female players were sitting below holding a banner, all of them looked excited, as if they had been beaten to death, what a crime...

Looking around, she saw that Ji Jingming, who had asked about the game time, had really come. She sat down in a hidden corner and watched very intently. Miaomiao walked over quietly and sat down very calmly. beside.

Ji Jingming frowned and glanced at her, very puzzled what Miaomiao meant by sitting over, so he asked in a low voice, "You have something to tell me?"

"Since I may have a relationship with you in the future, let's get to know your character." Miaomiao said calmly and frankly.

"You'd better save yourself. With your background, you won't have anything to do with our family. If Ji Jingqing is with you, the old man will definitely sever ties with him. You don't need to know anything about me." Ji Jingming He still thinks he is superior to others, and speaks with infinite contempt.

"If you cut off the relationship, you really don't think of him as a brother? Let's put it this way, if you don't think of him as a brother, even if you don't cut off the relationship, you will still be like a stranger." Miao Miao said lightly, not caring about Ji Jingming He looks down on people from the bottom of his heart, and whether he is inferior or not is not his decision.

"You're right, I never had such a younger brother." Ji Jingming simply followed Miaomiao's words and admitted.

"Then you still want to watch his game?"

Ji Jingming choked for a moment, then said disdainfully: "I just want to see his style of play, so that I can completely defeat him."

"It seems that you still care about this younger brother very much." Miaomiao leaned back on the back and said firmly.

"As I said, it was just to defeat him. In the past, the old man thought that he was better than me in everything. I just wanted to prove to the old man that I am not inferior to him in any aspect. I don't care about anything." Ji Jingming said stiffly , I don't even look at Miao Miao.

"If you want to beat him, don't you care about it? There are so many people in the world, why do you only consider him as your opponent?" Miaomiao asked again.

He said angrily, "Because someone else's surname is not Ji!"

"Because he is your younger brother." Miaomiao whispered, nodding her head knowingly.

Ji Jingming was speechless for a moment. That’s right. After all, it was because Ji Jingqing was his younger brother. This was an indelible fact. Clean it up completely.

The game had already started during the conversation between the two. In the holographic projection, Ji Jingqing's handsome figure appeared. As soon as the countdown ended, he quickly showed his precise operations, BBQ, instant kick, small robot... a few low-level skills were easily suppressed He stopped the opponent and immediately won a round of applause from the audience.

After a long silence, Ji Jingming finally spoke again: "I don't need a younger brother who I fight for the inheritance and wins the favor of the people I like frequently."

Miaomiao got the point right away, it seems that the struggle for inheritance rights and family status is secondary, Ji Jingming cares most about the fact that his sweetheart likes his younger brother, right?
(End of this chapter)

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