The cute queen of online games

Chapter 354 No one in the tomb

Chapter 354 No one in the tomb
Miaomiao has always been a person who doesn't like to meddle in other people's business, but the matter about Ji Jingqing is not a nosy one.

"Do you like Li Sha?" Miaomiao asked despite not being able to understand Ji Jingming's heavy taste.

Ji Jingming almost rolled his eyes, and said with a sullen expression: "How is it possible, I just pity her for following Ji Jingqing's way...I didn't expect Mengshen to gossip like this?"

Then he stopped talking, thinking that he seemed to have talked too much with Miao Miao, and it seemed that he didn't want to reveal who he really liked. After all, he and Miao Miao were not at the point where they could talk about this kind of thing. Talking to this point has already crossed the line.

Miaomiao raised her eyebrows. Ji Jingming called her cute, which greatly violated Ji Jingming's previous attitude of always looking down on people. I'm afraid he didn't even realize that when he was playing the game, he had unknowingly put it down. The air of being superior to others, after all, who cares about your family background in the game, even if you are the president, you are still a leader like a dick, and you still maintain the air of treating others as servants, who will play games with you?
"It's always worth asking." With a smile, Miaomiao said casually and stopped asking about Ji Jingming's affairs.

When everything comes to an end, smart people will have their own judgments, and she is not a mediator, but she just thinks that Ji Jingming is not a rotten wood that cannot be carved, so she just inserted a few words.

After she got up and planned to leave, Ji Jingming asked, "Aren't you going to read the results of the game?"

"Do you still need to watch the one-sided game?" Miaomiao said and walked away slowly.

Ji Jingming thinks about it too. Looking at the holographic projection, the element has been beaten and has no power to fight back. All he can do is to dodge and escape, but it is also the last struggle, and he won't jump for too long.

Soon Ji Jingqing easily won the victory. Ji Jingming felt wrong after thinking about it. He obviously wanted to watch the game, but now he almost didn't see it at all. He just talked to Miaomiao...

The games on the first day were going on one after another, and it was over soon. Although the players shouted that it was not enjoyable to watch, most of them were still amateurs to watch the fun. The following games gradually became exciting.

On the second and third days, the competitions that Miaomiao and Ji Jinghuanxi participated in were much more popular than the others. I also know that these two people are the favorite candidates for the championship. Besides, the fans of the two are also extremely hot. Miaomiao later I just realized that I also have a cheerleading team...

In the past three days, Ji Jingming usually showed up to watch every match between the two, and he didn't know what he wanted to see.

By the last day of the All-Star Performance Competition, the top four players had appeared. Miao Miao and Ji Jingqing were naturally on the list. There is no one in the elemental tomb of the forces of the Mar Empire. This person is unknown at all. Although he is a member of the Genesis Elemental Law God Group, he has no outstanding deeds. He is a real dark horse.

It's a bit of a legend for Mr. Dean to enter the semi-finals. This guy is relying on his own immortality and life-saving skills to delay the opponent. In the end, when the battle time is over, the system has to judge Mr. Dean, who is almost full of blood, to win. The method is rogue. extreme.

No one in the tomb really has some strength, and he has performed extremely coquettishly in several games, which perfectly interprets the name of the elemental god.

On the last day of the game, because it was also the last day of game maintenance, both Qiao Nannan and Lin Yuan, who had been busy working overtime before, were finally released. A large number of Tian Lai's internal staff arrived, and everyone was excitedly waiting for the start of the game. The atmosphere in the arena was unprecedented. warm.

Before the start of the game, the host suddenly came to the stage and said: "Dear players, I have received complaints from some players before, thinking that it is not in line with the rules of the exhibition game to divide the championship, second and third place and set high rewards. After unanimous discussion by the organizers of the competition, We decided to implement the original intention of the performance competition, all the top four players will receive the same rewards, instead of selecting the top three, the competition will be changed to draw lots for two performances, so that everyone can fully appreciate the demeanor of our star players."

The four contestants in the backstage immediately had different expressions when they heard the news. The most cheerful one was Mr. Dean, because no matter how you look at him, he was at the bottom, and the finals must not be won by delaying. This time, he is finally rich. !
In addition, Miaomiao also had a happy face, Ji Jingqing had the stinkiest face, she couldn't help but began to grind her teeth, and scolded those who complained about the competition system many times in her heart... Which bastard is meddling in his own business!Can you afford to delay his marriage?
"God's will can't be violated, I think we'll see you next time." Miao Miao patted him on the shoulder, trying to hold back a smile.

Ji Jingqing looked at Miao Miao conceitedly: "It's not certain, we still have half the chance to fight, you can't escape!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the host on stage announced the results of random sorting after the change of the competition system.

"After being randomly matched by the system, in the first round of the semi-finals exhibition match, An Jing Huanxi played against the Dean, and in the second round, no one in the tomb played against Meng Miaomiao."

Miaomiao immediately suppressed her laughter even harder, and softly left Ji Jingqing three words: "Resign yourself to fate."

Sure enough, God's will cannot be violated. Miaomiao decided that this meant that it was not suitable for her to end her single life so early, so Ji Jingqing could only sadly wait for the next opportunity of the Heavenly Kings Competition.

Full of resentment, in the first match, he resolutely abused the dean so inhumanely that even the audience could see a trace of coldness, and always felt that this match was filled with icy chills...

In the second match, Miaomiao played against Nobody in the Tomb. Before entering the game cabin, she looked at her opponent. Nobody in Tomb had been quieter than the other players since the beginning of the match, and looked very withdrawn, wearing a large sweater. Always sit in a corner.

Compared with other people exchanging their real names, no one in this tomb didn't even talk to others, and they kept wearing a hood and keeping a low profile. Speaking of the four days since the competition, Miaomiao even looked like himself. I haven't seen it clearly, and what's even more amazing is that this person's game image is also a bit blurred by various decorations like reality, but occasionally a close-up can be seen with a bland face.

For this opponent, Miao Miao felt a little strange, always felt that this person was deliberately reducing his sense of existence, and such a person who had never heard of it before, how could he be selected as a star player?This person is not weak, but why is he not well-known?Is this guy actually on the list?

She has never paid attention to the list, so this question cannot be verified.

Before he could think carefully, the competition had already entered the preparation stage. The official staff reminded Miaomiao to enter the game cabin. Soon the game cabin of the two was closed, and the images of the two appeared in the holographic projection.

This time, a random map of the Poison Mist Laboratory was randomly selected. This map is one of the few dangerous battle maps.

There are several pools of green venom on the ground. Standing on it will slow down and cause poisoning. Every once in a while, these venoms will produce a certain reaction and spray a large area of ​​toxic mist. The spraying time of several patches of venom is not uniform, so you need to be careful.

When Miaomiao was observing the terrain, the system had already started the countdown to the battle. She didn't feel careless at all because no one in the tomb was unknown. On the contrary, she felt that this was an opponent who needed to pay attention to. Judging from his previous matches, he was one of the few players in the whole department. He is an elemental mage, and it is rare that he is good at melee combat. These fighting characteristics are very similar to Salvation, but this person's temper is completely different from Salvation, and he does not have the feeling of an elegant male god at all.

If it weren't for the game's rule that each player can only play one character, Miaomiao would be very suspicious that this person is the savior... However, there are endless game masters, and it is not impossible for other powerful players to appear.

"Five, four, three, two, one, start!" The system countdown ended, and the two could start moving and using their skills.

No one in the tomb started by throwing two Frost Snowmen's heads over, and immediately began to improve themselves after throwing them.

Miaomiao just moved to a position where the snowman couldn't attack, and also put himself in a state of turmoil. Then he flew short, and didn't get close to the opponent directly, but threw Xiu Lulu from a little distance, even if no one in the tomb was there. In this state, the four series of small spells immediately flew to Miaomiao.

Standing behind Xiu Lulu, all the attacks on Miaomiao fell on Xiu Lulu, she was not idle, she threw the Night Shadow Cat at no one in the tomb, when the opponent jumped up, Miaomiao took With a clear smile, he immediately took a short flight and quickly landed a Sky Strike, hitting the opponent with a broom before throwing a pumpkin fireball in the midst of no one in the tomb.

No one in the tomb was immediately thrown into the air and unable to fight back. When Miaomiao continued to hit upwards with the second combo, the opponent bang and the straw man teleported.

Soon a circular spot of light appeared on the bottom of Miaomiao's feet as a precursor to her skill. As Miaomiao had expected, she had already made a pumpkin fireball in the air when she missed the opponent's second push. The flame shock exploded!Miaomiao just escaped the skill range of this flaming attack, and then landed quickly.

But she didn't have time to hold the position behind her!
The place where no one teleports in the tomb is behind Miaomiao. Although Miaomiao knew that the opponent would definitely choose this place, she had no choice but to move to another direction because of the pumpkin fireball that was pushed back in the air. She had to know that the opponent was waiting behind her. Still landed in this position.

However, she landed quickly so that the opponent could not use the same sky strike to hit herself into the sky, but she couldn't dodge the thunder that struck behind her, so she had to be slashed abruptly.

The opponent's ability to predict is very strong!Miaomiao couldn't help but start to admire her opponent. It's really rare to be able to predict so many steps. Since the start of this all-star exhibition game, this is the strongest opponent she has met!
I thought that the PK with Ji Jingqing was the most challenging thing in this competition, but I didn't expect that after she couldn't play against Ji Jingqing in the competition, she would still be able to come to the game in vain!It is a surprise that there is no one in this tomb!

After the thunder passed, Miaomiao's eyelids twitched, and she found that her blood volume dropped more than expected...

(End of this chapter)

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