The cute queen of online games

Chapter 361 Seeing the old rival again

Chapter 361 Seeing the old rival again

This seems to be different from the expected trigger plot...

"She's gone." Jing Jing happily stated this fact, and he actually had a chance to complain about Miao Miao, life really needs to be exposed.

Miaomiao was still extremely calm, looking at the direction Cuihua was leaving: "But you didn't notice that the direction she was leaving wasn't right?"

Glancing at the receding figure, Ji Jing nodded happily: "Well, I noticed that she went in the opposite direction, but even if this is a plot, how can I chase after her to see what she is going to do?"

After Cuihua locked the two of them up in person, the direction of her departure was obviously not the entrance of the prison. The ugly girl was clearly going deeper into the prison, as if she still had something to do.

Obviously there is something inside this, so Miaomiao still insists on her point of view, this must have triggered the mission plot!
But the question Ji Jinghuanxi said is also very important. The two of them have been locked up, how can they chase after them?
"Well, there is still a way." Miaomiao stretched out her hand and shook him, the rings on her hand were all shining.

Although armor and weapons cannot be worn due to level restrictions, jewelry levels can also be worn on the body, but it will not work if the level is not enough.

"The ring is good, but there is still a wedding ring missing." Ji Jinghuanxi grabbed her shaking hand, kissed it, and then said with a playful smile.

Especially when he saw the pair of couple rings that matched him, his smile deepened. As expected, he had foreseen it long ago and tied her tightly.

Letting him hold his hand, Miaomiao moved her little finger, reminding him to pay attention to the important points: "Look at this one."

Ji Jinghuanxi finally focused on the beautiful ring on her little finger with a large white crystal inlaid. Just as she was about to study it carefully, Miaomiao withdrew her hand with a sly smile, and twisted the other hand around. A white crystal ring.

Then, like magic, her body blurred like a fog, and she turned into a prison guard with a key in an instant.

Ji Jinghuan was stunned for a moment, and saw Miaomiao send the equipment information to the team channel.

It turned out that she was using the white crystal ring she obtained in Crystal City last time, which can be disguised as other players or NPCs, and because this ring has no basic attributes, there is no level limit!

After seeing it clearly, Ji Jinghuan couldn't help asking: "Since it's a random disguise, aren't you afraid of pretending to be other characters?"

Miaomiao spoke in a gruff male voice: "You can choose to pretend to be an NPC or a player. This kind of camouflage items are usually only randomized to nearby NPCs. When you come, there are no other NPCs near the prison except the guards."

That's right, there are no prisoners in this prison, which really caught Miaomiao...

Ji Jinghuan was really convinced, she kept nodding her head and watched from the side, Miao Miao, who was disguised as a guard, had already started to try to open the cell door with a key, just after trying the first one, the cell door opened with a click.

The guards in this prison are really loose, probably because there have been no prisoners for a long time. The two walked out of the prison in the direction that Cuihua left just now, and soon found that there is a downward underground in the depths of the prison. After the two descended to the second floor, they saw an open cell door after walking for a long time. When they walked in, they saw that there was an underground secret door with a gap in the cell.

Walking over to open the door, there was actually a hole full of lantern fruits below. The two went down lightly, and after entering it, they found that it was a mine, and the sporadic ores exposed on both sides of the mine were silvery white, with a faint translucent streamer .

"This is the refined steel mine!" Miao Miao immediately recognized it.

Ji Jinghuanxi checked the information of the ore, and it was exactly as Miaomiao said.

Nowadays, the existence of fine steel ore is no longer a secret in the game, but this kind of ore is too scarce to be widely used, so it is very precious.

He was about to say something when suddenly a human voice came from a fork in front of the mine.

The two glanced at each other, then walked carefully to the corner and looked over quietly.

On the other side of the corner, Cuihua, the ugly girl who imprisoned the two people before, was standing there. Opposite her was another person who was blocked by Cuihua's figure and couldn't see clearly, but the figure seemed a little blurry, which felt a little weird.

The two were talking, and from their voices, it was a man opposite Cuihua.

"Have you seen that, the refined steel ore I promised is everywhere here." Cuihua raised his finger and pointed to the refined steel ore exposed beside him.

Miaomiao felt that Cuihua's voice was a little different, and the scene suddenly became even weirder.

The man said: "Well, there are indeed a lot, but where are these ores?"

"According to our agreement, you must first help me kill Battle Cass, Uheimna and Sinful Faru before I can tell you the location of this mine. Now I can tell you that this mine is in the city of Zell in the Demon Realm at most. " Cuihua said calmly, her aura was much stronger than before.

"Zell City?" The other party repeated in doubt, and then continued after a pause, "Okay, I understand, I will do as you ordered, but these two apostles are really difficult to get close to..."

"You don't need to worry about this, you just need to do what I said first, and I will transfer them to the mainland one by one in the next step, and then you can continue to follow my prompts."

Then Cuihua gave some detailed instructions to the other party, and the two talked for a long time before finishing.

Finally, the man said respectfully: "Thank you for your guidance, sir."

"Okay, you go first, I will naturally continue to give you pointers after completing this step."

As Cuihua said, she moved away, and at the moment when she turned her back, Miaomiao and Ji Jinghuanxi saw the man opposite her, and to be precise, it should be the image of that man.

The appearance of the other party was a bit unexpected, it turned out to be a familiar person, neither of them thought that the one who was talking to Cuihua turned out to be the savior in the form of image, after Cuihua moved away, she moved her hand on the image , the image of salvation disappeared.

Cuihua turned around, Miaomiao and Ji Jinghuanxi were even more surprised, they couldn't help but took a step back... This is not the Cuihua with the cow face at all, this woman is clearly the demon envoy under Mia Silos!

"Come out, I knew that the small cell couldn't hold you." Silos looked at the corner and said directly.

Miaomiao and Ji Jinghuanxi had already been surprised twice, and after being discovered by Silos, they couldn't be more surprised, and they walked out without any struggle.

At this moment, the time for Miaomiao’s disguise has passed, and when she regained her original face, she tilted her head and smiled at Silos, looking at her with a scheming look: "Master Silos, long time no see, we are both Mia now." Your lord's confidant, isn't it very kind to meet you?"

Silos greeted Miao Miao with his usual holy and kind smile: "Miao Miao, I really didn't expect you to become the heir of the adult in the end. Do you still think that the adult is such a sinister person?"

 Happy Chinese New Year everyone~ It’s a big Chinese New Year, although I’m still writing, I don’t know if you have the time to read it...

(End of this chapter)

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