Chapter 362
"Lord Mia may not be a vicious person, but you are indeed not a good person." Miaomiao looked at Silos bluntly.

Ji Jinghuanxi said to Miao Miao from the side: "Is this guy still playing the game of multi-faceted spies? This doesn't seem like a friendly colleague relationship."

Miaomiao also turned her head to the side: "Obviously she was cheating me, otherwise why would you pretend to be an ugly girl and send us to jail, I doubt if she betrayed Lord Mia."

The two openly talked about Silos on a nearby channel, and the other party was not annoyed, and still looked at the two with a smile like a spring breeze, but the smile seemed a little creepy for some reason.

"It's normal for you to think so. After all, Lord Mia wants to entrust me with some more important things. You can't understand." Silos said with a smile.

Why does the implication seem to be a bit of a show-off? Does this mean that Mia values ​​her more?Or are you saying that Miao Miao can't get Mia's full trust?
It is obviously unnecessary to compete with an NPC, Miaomiao asked Silos directly: "Is it true that Master Mia ordered you to deal with people from the Mar Empire?"

"That's natural." Silos affirmed without guilt.

Miaomiao nodded slowly: "Okay, even if you obeyed Lord Mia's order, then what do you mean by revealing it to me in this way?"

"I'm afraid that what the adventurers of the Martian Empire want is also what you want?" Silos looked around intentionally or unintentionally at the steel ore mines exposed around him.

That's right, these fine steel quarries are indeed what Miaomiao wanted.

She generously admitted: "Yes, I think everyone knows the value of fine steel stone."

Silos finally stated his purpose generously: "So as long as you complete the same task as them, this mine vein can also belong to you. This is also the meaning of Lord Mia. You should already know the reason for what the Lord did. "

The temptation of this reward is really great, and at the same time, a mission was issued for the Salvation World, which is clearly a competition pressure for Miao Miao, so as to urge her to complete all these things quickly, it is really a good plan!

Miaomiao couldn't help laughing, holding the broom and said disdainfully: "Now that I know the location of the mine, do you think I still need your permission?"

"This is the city of Zell, even if you know the location of the vein, do you think you can mine as you please?" Silos seemed to have thought of this a long time ago, and said fox-like words in a holy voice, "But I will help you. It’s the same, I can use my identity in Zell City to give you the right to mine this mine, and I can also cover it up as a Shimmer Stone Mine, and no one will question it.”

Silos's proposal was really good, but the task she asked for made Miao Miao a little embarrassed. She didn't mind killing the apostle, but she couldn't do it with the evil Faru. Although the other party was just an NPC, the almost fatal friendship had long been It made her forget that the other party was just data. Even in the game, she couldn't accept such a betrayal of a friend.

Ji Jinghuanxi seemed to see what was going on in Miaomiao's mind, and said to Miaomiao on the team channel: "If killing the evil Faro is difficult for you, I will help you complete this part."

In fact, he has long disliked the sinful Faro, and an NPC is always taking advantage of Miaomiao!Just kill it!
Miao Miao is not an indecisive person, nor is she very kind, but no matter before and after rebirth, loyalty is always what she values. Although Faro is notorious in the game, he is always Miao Miao's friend. Go kill him , she couldn't do it.

"Even if you make the move, I can't do it." Shaking her head, she directly refused.

Then she looked at Silos and said, "If you kill the three apostles, I think other candidates should be fine."

"Of course, as long as you get rid of three more, you can finish everything, but the remaining apostles will take a lot of effort to kill. If you can't kill You En, you can kill him with the power of immortality." Die?" Silos nodded first, then looked at Miaomiao with doubts, his eyes still full of uncertainty.

"You might as well try it." Miaomiao said, already drawing up the apostle candidates to kill in her mind.

There are only nine apostles known so far. Among them, Plague Regis, Fengzhi Fengming, and Dragon King Baal are dead, and Mia of Tears died once. There are only five apostles still alive. Lu she won't kill her, and Uheimna also got rid of it by the way, so there are only three people left, and there is no choice on the list... Undead Eun, Battle Cass, and Prophet Wei Lai.

Combat Cass, who was originally on the list mentioned by Silos, is the most aggressive of the apostles, but relatively speaking, he is still easy to kill.The prophet Wei Lai is actually fragile. The reason why he is more difficult to deal with is that he can predict. How can it be easy to deal with a guy who can fully know what will happen.As for Undead Eun... the strongest existence among the apostles, there is really no solution for the time being, so we can only watch it when the time comes.

"Okay, just as you said, after the completion, this vein will belong to you completely, but you'd better grow up quickly, Lord Mia can't wait for you indefinitely." Silos said, but Obviously not very optimistic about Miu Miao being able to accomplish all this.

"No problem, but for the problem of growing up quickly, please also ask Silos to take good care of me in Zell City, and don't abuse my power." Miao Miao accepted this almost impossible task, and finally did not forget A reminder of what Silos did before.

Seeing Miaomiao's cunning appearance, Silos immediately smiled like a fox: "Okay, I'll let you out now and clear your name, but the previous accident was indeed caused by you, so you can't blame me, as for making things difficult for you You broke all my beloved weapons, so I can't do too much."

This is true, the lantern fruit on the top of Zell City fell, these two people are indeed the culprits, and the top-quality three-stringed zither weapon from Silos...

Miaomiao was instantly happy, that thing was almost repaired into a legendary weapon by her, thinking that she had made a lot of money, it was not a loss to embarrass Silos.

The matter has been settled, so there is no need to entangle in these matters, Silos walked directly towards the two of them, wiped his face, and instantly turned into the ugly girl Cuihua with the face of a cow.

She was about to lead the two of them out of the mine, when An Jinghuan suddenly had another situation here, suddenly a faint light jumped out of his package, and a shady figure appeared in the blink of an eye.

"What's going on?" Silos looked at the shadow in surprise.

Ji Jinghuanxi didn't answer Silos, but said to Miao Miao in the team channel with a look of watching the show: "The muse Monia I'm carrying has come out, I guess she has some deep hatred with Silos, today If I saw it, I would probably beat you to death."

He has always looked at Silos not very pleasing to the eye. This NPC like a thousand-faced spy has tossed him and Miao Miao several times during the mission. The ancient gods fought with Silos, and he must help the ancient gods beat her hard!
Monia, who was only a human figure, started to speak as soon as she came out. She looked at Silos and said excitedly: "Silos?! Why are you here! Haven't you died? I thought you had disappeared during that war! That's great, you didn't die, and our sisters finally meet again!"

As soon as Monia said the words, Miaomiao and Jingjing looked at each other happily and strangely. This is obviously not because the enemies are jealous when they meet each other!Why did they become sisters for no reason?And Monia kept calling Silos, the name was absolutely correct.

According to this meaning... Silos is also one of the nine muses? !It's not logical, is it? !Will the ancient gods serve as subordinates to the apostles?Still so loyal?
Although it sounds like that is what it means, both Miaomiao and An Jinghuan have expressions of disbelief. This is even more incredible than the previous reversals, and it is really hard to accept.

"What nonsense are you talking about? What the hell are you?" Silos frowned and took two steps back.

She also finds it inconceivable that this guy who came out to recognize his relatives out of nowhere, looked at Monia's shadow as if she was insane.

"What? You don't recognize me?" Monia was still very excited, wishing to pounce on Silos and cry, but seeing Silos' disgusted look, Monia was very sad and worried ask.

"What the hell are you? Why do I need to recognize you? I am the dispatcher of the Lantern Fruit Management Office in Zell City. There are people above me. Don't mistake relatives." Silos is used to being a spy, what is he pretending to be? Say what you look like.

"No, no, I can see your face under the disguise, I see, are you too injured and amnesia? I guarantee you are Silos, you are one of the nine muses like me, we are all The ancient gods, the wounded and wounded we died in the battle, I have been asleep for an unknown period of time, and after waking up, I have been eagerly looking for the lost sisters, how could I have misunderstood you." Monia said sincerely, without the slightest It's not like being fake.

Silos immediately frowned, stretched out his hand, and a magic wand appeared in his hand, which immediately condensed magical light in his hand: "What?! You are an ancient god! How did you get into the demon world? What are your plans for coming here? !"

The ancient gods and the apostles are not in the right place. They are two people who do not see the king at all. It is not necessary to think about it. Once the ancient gods make a move, they will definitely take back the strongest position in the Three Realms from the apostles.

Silos, who is Mia's subordinate, is naturally very vigilant.

"Siros, what's wrong with you? Why do you want to do something to me?" Monia still didn't understand anything, seeing that Silos had condensed the magic light, it was very inexplicable to do something to him.

Ji Jinghuanxi explained kindly: "Master Monia, you still don't know that your compatriot Silos is now the subordinate of the apostle Mia, and even the emissary of the demon world. He is completely opposite to you. .Are you sure she's really your sister?"

 New Year greetings again~ The family is busy during the Chinese New Year, so today's update will be a little later.

(End of this chapter)

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