Chapter 363
An Jing rejoiced at this explanation, and Monia looked at Silos in surprise and covered her mouth in panic: "How could this be?"

Although it is a phantom, Monia's expression is still very real,

"You ancient gods, don't think about causing trouble in the devil world. Be quiet and happy. What do you mean by bringing this guy? I advise you to stop thinking about it, and I will tell the adults what you have done truthfully!" Although Ross didn't really do anything, his words were very sharp with a wand in his hand.

Monia quickly said sadly: "I don't know why you became like this, but the fact that you are a muse cannot be changed. You have a muse mark on the left side of your neck that belongs to a muse. You still have a The sighing three-stringed piano that never leaves your hand, you used to play it and sing epic movements, have you forgotten the days when we sisters sang heartily together?"

These words immediately made everyone present puzzled, because the sanxian did exist, and although it has been destroyed now, it was indeed once owned by Xiluosi.

Miao Miao suddenly understood why the sanxian was likely to be repaired as a legendary weapon. The weapon belonging to the ancient gods is of course a legendary existence, which made her feel that she should speed up the repair of this weapon!
"I don't know how you found out about the existence of the sanxian." Silos put away his wand in doubt, brushed away the long hair on the left side, and gently put it behind his shoulder, holding her like a swan. The white neck was exposed, "But I definitely don't have the mark of the muse."

Silos' neck is like flawless suet jade, without any traces, and it is even more impossible to have the muse mark that Monia said.

"This..." Monia was stunned. Her words could not be verified, but she was still sure that she would not admit her mistake. "It may be something that dusted your mark. In short, you are my good sister Silos! You If you don't believe me, our sister Clio has also been liberated, and she can prove that you are as much a muse as we are."

Ke Liou was the muse brought by Qiang Di when he opened up the Demon World. Qiang Di didn't seem to continue the mission assigned by Ke Liou after being dismissed from the world of salvation. It's impossible to say that he would discover Silos' special identity later on.

In fact, Miaomiao and Ji Jinghuanxi listened to Monia's words and already believed them. Monia has no reason to grab a stranger and insist that she is a muse. It is more likely that Mia abducted her somehow. Seeing that Silos used forbidden techniques to control her to become his subordinate, it seemed like something Mia would really do.

But no matter what Miao Miao and Ji Jinghuanxi think, Xi Luosi is obviously very firm in his identity as an envoy of the Demon World, and it seems that he can't talk about her at all.

Miao Miao seemed to feel that there was something hidden in this mission, so she said to smooth things over: "Master Silos, this Monia is just an ancient god with only consciousness left. She is probably looking for sisters and looking crazy. You really don't have to worry too much about it." Mind, besides, she wants to eliminate other apostles, which does not conflict with our purpose, and can also help us a lot, isn't this the best of both worlds?"

After hesitating for a while, Silos lowered his head and thought for a while, and seemed to think that what Miaomiao said made sense, and finally nodded slowly.

"That's right, as long as this ghost thing doesn't destroy the lord's mission, just be careful, and don't let her say nonsense that I am an ancient god. I have followed Lord Mia for so many years, how could I get involved with the ancient gods?" relation!"

In the end, Silos let Monia go, and An Anxi happily took Monia away, but both Miao Miao and Ji Anxi could see that there was already doubt in Silos' eyes, and it seemed that he had no superficial understanding of this matter. So firm.

This probably has a lot to do with the follow-up of the ancient gods mission line!

Soon Silos, who was disguised as Cuihua, took the two out of the prison, and told the people in Zell City that they had recognized the wrong person, and the matter was left alone.

After the two were released, Miao Miao continued to do tasks and level up until the Shimmer Stone Forest had no more experience, and it happened that there were monsters in the direction of Yanhu Lake with levels ranging from forty to sixty, so they continued to receive needs in the Rock Forest. The task of leveling the lake, the monsters here also have a chance to drop fine steel stones.

As for Silence and Joy, he explored the follow-up of the professional mission in Zell City, and soon found the follow-up of the mission from the underground organization, asked him to challenge the professional masters of several organizations one by one, and gave him the follow-up mission after passing all of them. He had left behind some technological products from the heyday of the Titan star in the Rock Lake area. As long as he explored carefully, he would definitely be able to break through the boundaries of his profession.

So he swaggered around the strange area of ​​Yanhu Lake with Miaomiao all day long, fighting monsters and doing tasks, while looking for lost technological products, and even fishing in the lake if he had nothing to do, the two of them had a picnic happily.

The days in Zell City somehow turned out to be happy and carefree, and it felt like a paradise.

However, it is still impossible for these two masters to get rid of the turmoil of the game world just like that, and the zero-degree gunpowder reminds Miao Miao to come out and help build the city from time to time.

The guild channel is even more amazing. The people of the Mengsha faction talk about the two secretly going on their honeymoon when they have nothing to do. Yi Xiaotiao also chats privately from time to time and asks if the two great gods plan to settle down in Zell City and have a baby. People like Mengzi, Wu Xiaoxiao, and Duwu came to greet them all the time, and after Qiang Di was informed by Miaomiao of the follow-up clues of the ancient gods, they somehow got nervous and chatted privately, and the two told cold jokes to refresh themselves.

The quiet days were completely disrupted by these people in just three to five days...

In the end, Fenghuang Weiyang couldn't help but erupted. For the two of them, the president and the famous god, he shouted that he couldn't bear it alone, and told them to get back quickly.

Who is the president of the Moe Killing faction?Phoenix Weiyang can work hard without complaint, but that doesn't mean that some people can just let go and do nothing? !
Looking at this posture, it seems that if Miaomiao and Jijing Huanxi don't hurry back, Fenghuang Weiyang will lead everyone to break up together!

Amidst the complaints from this group of people, Miaomiao promised to come back within two weeks, but unknowingly, these two weeks are almost here, and Miaomiao's level has risen back to level 58 extremely quickly. In a wonderful leveling area, the experience bar doubles after level 61, so he is only level [-] at present.

At present, the number one on the level list is already level 65, which belongs to the salvation of the world, and the people behind are biting very tightly. As for Silence and Joy, they are no longer on the level list.

 Thank you Ji Yulan for voting for the monthly ticket, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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