Chapter 385
Miaomiao doesn't care what Wuhuan is thinking, she has already faced the wooden man Uxi alone, and with the dual effects of reducing magic resistance and ice resistance, she immediately releases the big skill Ice Slurry Pumpkin Furnace, and the crazy ice slurry splashes on Ussi , I saw five figures of crazy damage popping up.

On the other side, Wu Huan couldn’t help but feel a little startled, besides being jealous, Miaomiao is only at level 68 at present, while the wooden Ussi has already reached LV[-], there are many penalties for jumping over level [-], she can still be so amazing s damage!

No, this is simply impossible!
No matter what Wu Huan thought, there was no such possibility. Suddenly, he suddenly saw Miaomiao's level in the team information, and was surprised and dazed for a moment.

On Miaomiao's team profile picture, Meng Miaomiao's level is clearly LV70!

"This is impossible..." Wu Huan couldn't help expressing the wonder in his heart.

He rubbed his eyes hard and looked again, it was indeed LV70!

If his memory is correct, he clearly remembered that Miaomiao's level was still LV60 before entering the stone pile, why did it increase so much all of a sudden? !

I couldn't help but read it several times to confirm. In the blink of an eye, the level of the cute meow on the team portrait suddenly showed as LV71!

"Why is it going up again..." Wu Huan quickly took a look at Miao Miao, and found that an upgrade aura really appeared on her body.

This Wuhuan was stunned and almost forgot to fight the monster. After he was hit twice by the little rock monster, he quickly reacted and fought back. After fighting the monster, he discovered something miraculous again!

Wu Huan regained consciousness and looked at the little rock monsters in front of him, and found that some of these thick-skinned monsters suddenly lost nearly [-]% of their HP!
What's the situation?He stared at the monster's health bar with wide eyes, completely confused about the situation, but he was sure that it was definitely not him who hit it.

Then... it can only be played by Meng Miaomiao.

But this conclusion is also quite strange. Wu Huan saw Miaomiao who was fighting Wu Xi, she was clearly fighting the boss, and had no chance to touch the little rock monsters here, except for the ice lava and ice bomb repairs thrown by Miaomiao. Lulu also attacked the little rock monster in a range, but these two skills definitely didn't do such high damage.

Wu Huan simply couldn't figure out the answer to this question. In just such a short time, Miao Miao had already filled his head with exclamation points, the level had soared, and the monster's blood had dropped dramatically. Could it be that she is really a magician!

With a mind full of question marks to clean up the small rock monsters in front of him, Wu Huan stood aside and observed carefully, and found that the weapon in Miao Miao's hand was no longer the gold broom of the local tyrant before, but a strange broom that looked like a guqin with mechanical gears.

The damage of this weapon is terrible, and even a critical strike directly reduces the boss's HP by nearly [-]!Such a terrifying injury is simply beyond the reach of human beings!Only God can do it...

Just now I was surprised by this terrible blood loss, and then after Miaomiao hit the shadow cloak, Uxi entered a state of blindness. Miaomiao immediately provoked Uxi to a series of combos, and there was a blood reduction 18 The terrible value of ten thousand.

Wu Huan's eyeballs are about to fall out, this is just a normal attack, do you want to be so fierce? !
He was surprised and finally found something strange. Apart from the soaring level of Miaomiao and the perfect coordination of skills, this terrifying value also has her weapon, which must have some heaven-defying attributes!Just like the last time Miaomiao led the team to fight the mechanical ant queen, she used the weapon's sky-defying attributes!
Although Wu Huan guessed this way, if he could see the terrifying attribute on Miaomiao's space-time sanxian weapon that directly wiped out a percentage of blood volume, as well as other sky-defying attributes, he would definitely be stunned.

Miao Miao's level is still rising, and finally stopped at LV72. Many players who got up early to play the game have already found a terrible change in the level rankings. Standing at the top of the leaderboard, and shaking off the tail behind, it is fully higher than the seventh level of No.2's salvation!
This is simply an insurmountable gap!This kind of upgrade speed is simply off the hook!
In addition to regaining the top spot on the rating list, Meng Miaomiao’s name quickly occupied the first place on other major lists. It can be said that it is not only a re-entry, but also stronger than before, so that the people behind can’t even touch the tail .

This is the adorable god that everyone is looking forward to, and countless fans of the cute god are excitedly cheering and discussing in the world. No matter how this miraculous phenomenon happened, they all want to applaud the unrivaled god in their hearts!
Of course, in addition to this big news, many interested players have discovered that the official announcement of the reincarnation of the Gunner profession can be explored, which means that the Gunner profession's career book has been completed.

It's no secret to the players who owns the gunslinger job book, so many people in the world are lamenting that the two gods have a difference of 72 levels in an instant, and some people YY say this is the most The cute level is poor, the cutest love level in history. In short, all kinds of magical topics have been discussed. On the contrary, the construction of the Platinum Temple has not been exposed for a while, and the guild is still doing the task of building the city steadily.

It’s just that these stability are only on the surface. The current few players on the map of Como Heights does not mean that no one will come. It didn’t take long for the defense team at the entrance to find some players. However, after seeing several people in the Platinum Temple Then scared away.

Not long after, a few players could be seen approaching sneakily outside the entrance of the highland from a distance, obviously wanting to find out.

Zero Gunpowder knew that something as big as the construction of the city could never be completely silent, and he chose such a place where players were not absolutely rare, so he was mentally prepared, knowing that when players appeared, he would only let the defense team stand still.

In fact, he and Miao Miao have already prepared countermeasures in this regard.

There will soon be new discussions in the world.

[World] [Duo Lai Mi]: "I just saw a lot of people in Platinum gathered together, and they even brought a catapult! It doesn't look like pushing a boss. Could it be that they are doing a city building task!?"

[World] [Ma Po Tofu]: "Yes, yes! I saw it too! It's in Manlong Blue Valley!"

[World] [Duo Lai Mi]: "Huh? It's different from the place I saw. Could it be that Platinum built the city in two places?"

Immediately afterwards, several people came out and said that they saw the appearance of the city built by Platinum. Some talked about the blue valley of the savage dragon, some talked about the Como Heights, and even sincerely joined in the fun. His position instantly became ambiguous.

Genesis naturally noticed this at the first time. At the same time, Meng Miaomiao's level rise also makes people feel that it has some connection with Platinum Jiancheng, but it is a bit confusing to have multiple doubts at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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