Chapter 386
Genesis has not said anything yet, and the World Channel has already launched a heated discussion. Although there are different opinions, it is still believed that the Platinum Temple is building a city in the Como Heights or the Savage Dragon Blue Valley. It is difficult to defend and attack. After defending the entrance, it is more difficult for other players to attack.

The other players guessed wildly that the guilds that were hostile to Platinum were finding out the truth. Just as these guilds were about to make moves, someone in the world broke new news.

[World] [Water is clear and colorless]: "I'll go! I finally stayed on the career list for a while, why did Ji Jinghuanxi suddenly rise back to level [-]!"

[World] [Haizhu]: "Me too! Hateful Silence and Joy! Will others die if they sit on the leaderboard?!"

The two people who shouted are both machine gunners, and their ranking in this profession is not low. Although Ji Jinghuanxi is no longer a famous figure on the level list, but in the machine gunner profession, he has always dominated the list. After changing to a new profession, the profession The list only gave others a chance to show their faces for a while.

But these people also know in their hearts that this opportunity to show their faces will not be too long, and the God of Joy will rush up sooner or later...

But it can't be so fast!
After a group of machine gunners complained, new revelations emerged.

[World] [Ma Po Tofu]: "Ah! The God of Joy is in the Wild Dragon Blue Valley! I saw an idol! I will die in peace!"

Before the Barbarian Dragon Blue Valley suspected that Platinum was building a city, it was this mapo tofu who broke the news. Now he said that he saw Ji Jinghuanxi. With the iron relationship between the God of Huanxi and Platinum, a large group of players immediately believed that Platinum was definitely the Barbarian Dragon Blue Valley. .

The people of Genesis have been watching the world for a long time, and they also sent people to find out the truth, but the two places are quite impressive from the entrance, it is really difficult to distinguish the real from the fake, I really did not expect Platinum to play such a false trick.

Salvation hadn't gone online yet, but it went online immediately after receiving the news, and immediately discussed with several vice-guilds at Genesis's guild residence to deal with Platinum. Pulled out, one by one quickly went online to prepare to destroy the task of building the Platinum Temple.

This time, it wasn't that Salvation was so careless that he didn't realize that the Platinum Temple was going to build the city, but that he didn't expect Platinum to build the city so fast, and the fact that Platinum had the city building token was kept secret, and Salvation didn't know that Platinum Saint When did the temple get the city building order, but Miaomiao won the city building order not long after the opening of the map of the heavens.

Moreover, Genesis has been trying its best to overcome the task of obtaining the city building token these days, and has not had much energy to keep an eye on the Platinum Temple, which makes Platinum take advantage of such a big loophole.

However, saving the world didn't take it too seriously. He calmly said to several vice presidents: "Platinum is more likely to build a city in the wild dragon blue valley. Withered leaves, you take the first, second and third regiments and the elemental team over there as soon as possible." Break in."

Without much discussion, Salvation ordered directly.

But Dead Leaf said hesitantly: "President, I don't think it might be the barbarian dragon Blue Valley, Ji Jing Huanxi appeared there, maybe it was deliberately leading us there."

The Salvator waved his hand and said with a grin: "Zero Gunpowder is a cunning guy. He deliberately made us feel that silence and joy are a cover, but have you carefully checked these two places? Although Como Heights is also a good location to build a city, but Savage Dragon Blue Valley has richer resources, and it is also the location where several apostle territories intersect. It can be used as a teleportation hub in the future, which is definitely better than Como Heights. The appearance of Silence and Joy now is not only a cover, but also arouses many The players are going to join in the fun, so that when we enter, there will be more troubles, and the zero-degree gunpowder smoke is clearly deliberately causing controversy in the world, creating these smoke effects, how could I be fooled by him."

His analysis was very good, and the vice presidents nodded repeatedly. He couldn't help admiring the president a little more. He felt that saving the world meant knowing all kinds of calculations better than them, and he knew the Platinum Temple like the back of his hand.

Dead Leaf also nodded slightly, but still said worriedly: "What about the Como Heights?"

Smiling contemptuously, Salvation looked at the other deputy, Luo Qinghua, and said: "Platinum just wants to disperse our firepower, and I won't let him succeed, Qinghua, you can take the fourth regiment to have a look, don't be too desperate, deal with it Just one click."

After the arrangement, Salvation and Dead Leaf immediately led the four teams of Genesis to the Blue Valley of the Wild Dragon. The mighty team immediately attracted the attention of the players, so that after discovering their teleportation direction, more players ran to the Dragon Blue Valley. Going to see the excitement near the Blue Valley, everyone is obviously idle and uncomfortable...

After Genesis's team arrived at the teleportation point of the Savage Dragon Blue Valley, they saw scattered players wandering outside the entrance passageway, all of them staring wide-eyed at the fun, and some of them wanted to watch others fight , this kind of big guild will go to war, think about it and know that dropping anything casually is the best equipment!
So these players with different purposes blocked the entrance completely and couldn't move forward.

Destroying the Platinum City is something that can't be waited for. Salvation didn't say a word, and said directly on the guild channel: "The Dharma God Group clears the field!"

When Dead Leaf heard this, he quickly shouted within the map area: "All players who are not Platinum Temple leave or go offline immediately. This is a guild grievance between Genesis and Platinum. Swords have no eyes. If you don't want to be killed by mistake, please leave immediately."

There are a lot of people talking in the area of ​​the map, and the words of the dead leaves did not attract much attention, but the salvation of the world did not speak, and the dead leaves did not dare to blow the horn in the whole server, and the words of the whole server were obviously provocative and offended the whole server Players might as well offend these people present. Anyway, Genesis killed more innocent passers-by, and not many of them.

Just after yelling, the Elemental Law God Group had already started to kill. The crazy magic skills instantly wiped out the large group of players standing on the main road, and the attack power was as terrifying as in the legend.

The rest of the soy saucers and spectators who were far away were dumbfounded when they stood there. Most of them have never participated in guild battles, let alone such large-scale battles related to building a city. Usually watching other guilds fight, most of them They didn't take innocent passers-by, but why did Genesis kill people as soon as it came up? !
However, the elemental magic group's field-clearing skills are so strong that they didn't give these people too much time to be dazed. One hundred elemental mages at the level of great gods and middle gods continued to clear the field as pioneers, and the players who were still standing on the map were quickly wiped out. , where the Dharma God Group passed by, the corpses of players were everywhere.

Some of the players behind finally came to their senses and shouted to run quickly, so this group of people went offline and ran away, and finally ran away a lot.

However, those players who didn't run away quit after being resurrected. They scolded Genesis for being ruthless, shameless and unreasonable on the World Channel.

But such a tyrannical force like Genesis doesn't take these things seriously at all. The only thing Salvation cares about at present is not to let Platinum build the city first!

Amid the complaints, the four regiments of Genesis had already cleared the entrance. Salvation and Dead Leaf could vaguely see the catapult and the frame of the fire ballista exposed in the narrow road. The most amazing thing was that there was a player in the middle of the road. Standing hidden in the middle of the road, it seems that they are waiting to save them.

When he got closer, Salvation couldn't help but stop and squint his eyes.

At this moment, the player standing in the way can be clearly seen. He is tall and tall, holding a gleaming silver automatic pistol in his hand. Laughing, the slender and somewhat overly beautiful eyes casually looked at the more than 400 players who were marching over.

Naturally, this person is Ji Jingxi, who has been crazily discussed by the World Channel. He is still at the [-]th level at the moment, and the members of the four elite teams of Genesis are all higher than him. His calmness is really incomprehensible. From the point of view, An Jing Huanxi should be scared to the ground at this moment.

"Bluffing, what kind of empty city trick?" Salvation raised his eyelids and whispered in a low voice, and then he spoke in the guild, "Don't be afraid of him, keep going, the Dharma God Group is aiming at Silence and Joy, pay attention to my instructions, and pay attention to stone-throwing in healing and qigong car."

Salvation admits that Silence and Joy is indeed very strong, but Silence and Joy is only a personal strength. No matter how powerful he is, he will not be able to retreat in front of four hundred elite players, so he intends to kill the opponent in seconds with a chuckle and give the Platinum Temple a slap in the face .

Genesis's team continued to move forward, getting closer and closer to Silence and Joy, but they were still not within the attack range of the Dharma God Group.

Seeing the other party coming, Jing Jing touched his nose happily and said, "Salvation, do you want to go there?"

Salvation World didn't want to talk to him at first, but when the other party opened his mouth, he walked to the front of the team and answered with a corner of his mouth, "That's natural."

"Then I'm sorry, I'll drive this road, and you have to keep it to buy money." Ji Jing said happily like a bandit, watching more than 400 people approaching, the smile in the corner of his eyes did not diminish at all.

"You have to look at people when you rob. Our Genesis seems like someone you can rob?" Salvation asked sarcastically.

After he made a gesture of waving his hand forward, the Dharma God Group moved randomly, leading a dozen people to take the wind speed potion and run forward, intending to take advantage of the silence and joy to get close to him quickly and kill him in seconds.

In an instant, more than a dozen people from the Dharma God Group entered the range where they could attack Ji Jinghuanxi. However, Ji Jing Huanxi didn't run or move after seeing their movements. Instead, he winked at them playfully and raised his hand to shake , made a goodbye gesture.

The dozens of people who rushed out from the magic group didn't bother to think about the meaning of silence and joy, but when they were about to cast the spell, there were several explosions under their feet, and more than a dozen explosive bombs came out of nowhere and exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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