The cute queen of online games

Chapter 398 Another Method

Chapter 398 Another Approach

No matter how much he talked, Yuan Fang's tone was still very confident. He obviously felt that as long as he could walk a few more times, he would be able to discover the law of teleportation.

After listening, Miaomiao probably understood.

The entire map of the prophecy territory is located in a huge basin, and it is impossible to pass through from other maps. Only the Time Frost Forest has a slope. Before the entire map is marked, you must pass through here if you want to enter the prophecy territory.

In fact, when Mia assigned her a task before, she also mentioned that Time Shuanglin was weird, so she should be more careful.

After understanding the situation, Ji Jinghuanxi re-added camouflage skills to the whole team, and the six of them immediately turned transparent and re-entered the map.

At this time, the map of the Frost Forest is weird and weird, but the scenery is particularly moving. The scenery that can be seen on the map is made of frost. All kinds of blue ice sculptures that are superbly crafted reflect each other, and there is a feeling of Iceland full of magnificent sculptures. And these The shapes of ice sculptures are also colorful and endless.

Among the ice sculptures, ice trees and iceberg rocks are the most numerous. In addition, there are ice sculptures of animals and various plants, regardless of land or sea. There are even ice buildings such as ice houses, igloos, and ice carts. The strange thing is that each ice sculpture does not appear in its original size, such as a whale less than half a meter high, and a snail [-] meters high, which are really strange.

The monsters on the map are integrated into the ice sculptures. Some are active ice sculpture monsters, and some are triggered by approaching. However, in the team's camouflage, the monsters that can be triggered by approaching will not pop out.

Quickly passing through these ice sculptures, Miaomiao took a look and found that there are still some particularly abrupt existences among the strange ice sculptures, such as the large and small gears of the ice sculptures, and the Roman numerals of the ice sculptures.

Even though it was sneaking under a disguise, the teleportation array appeared accurately.

According to the previous discussion, after the transmission, everyone has seen the map coordinates and then moved on.

After encountering the teleportation array a few times, Yuan Fang seemed to have seen some ways, and said, "Every time I encounter a teleportation array, there will be ice sculptures of gears and Roman numerals next to it. These two ice sculptures must be the key to the law of teleportation."

"Yuan Fang, I haven't even asked you what you think, why did you come up with an idea, but this idea is not precise enough, so what is the law? Yuan Fang, have you seen it?" Wu Qinghan Mao said beside him Well, this piece of trash can't see the slightest pattern, yet he has the nerve to despise Yuan Fang. .

Don't look at it as a disguise, he still carefully hides behind Miaomiao and Ji Jingxiuxi, hugging the great god's thigh tightly in fear, but he still stands beside Wu Xiaomo consciously, not even his own woman Protection is so hypocritical.

"No..." Yuan Fang whispered, his eyelids twitched faintly, probably if Wu Qinghan was not the only person he could help at the moment, Yuan Fang would have fired him.

Seeing the smug look of this guy after he asked Yuan Fang to stop him, Miaomiao really wanted to call the foodie out to torture him, but it was a pity that the foodie turned into a stone and couldn't be released for a whole day, so she came out by herself. Voice.

"Yuan Fang." Miaomiao called Yuan Fang suddenly, and seeing the other party's eyes looking at her, she continued, "If Wufeng Pavilion can't stay any longer, you are also welcome to the Mengsha faction. I think Rainbow International may close down soon. It’s far away, it’s also a good choice to change clubs earlier.”

"Cute God! Don't bring such sarcasm! I'm still standing here, at least respect me! And Yuan Fang is our veteran hero, how can he poach away casually." Wu Qinghan immediately quit, offended The Great God has to open his mouth too.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuan Fang said calmly: "It's worth considering. I'll give you an answer in a while."

Wu Qinghan was stunned: "Are you serious?!"

After he finished asking, Miao Miao and Yuan Fang ignored him, and Wu Qinghan lost his composure immediately.

Wu Xiaomo snickered, and patted him on the shoulder: "Xiao Hanhan, it seems that you have to reflect on yourself, don't let the cute god scoop you up."

Wu Qinghan nodded depressedly, it is really time to reflect on it, he has failed too much as the chairman and heir!

After Wu Qinghan was in a low mood, the speed of the team was still steady, but they were always teleported, sometimes to the edge of the map exit, and suddenly came back after a teleportation, it was like a ghost hitting a wall.

Although there is a camouflage state, but after the skill is over, when the CD is not available, I still have to fight a dozen ice sculpture monsters with a level as high as LV78. Fortunately, the monsters are scattered here, and it is not a problem to fight one by one.

This dozen, the lines of these monsters make people feel very magical and brainwashing.

"Prophecy exists all the time."

"Time does not stop, prophecy does not stop."

"Follow the time, follow the time!"

"It's now, right now, freeze!"

...It sounds weird no matter what.

Miao Miao and Ji Jinghuanxi changed their couple rings into the ring slots. Once the halo effect came out, the team had a bonus status, and it was much easier to deal with monsters occasionally.

After walking for a while, Miaomiao suddenly suggested: "I don't think the pattern of Roman numerals is very easy to find. Let's use another method to pass the map."

"Is there another method? What method?" Ruoshui Sanqian asked in bewilderment.

Miaomiao said that using another method, Wu Qinghan, Wu Xiaomo, and Ruoshui Sanqian were all confused, but Yuan Fang and Ji Jinghuanxi obviously understood Miaomiao's meaning.

Yuan Fang replied for Miaomiao: "Turn on the map marking, and turn on the teleportation array."

"That's also very difficult... The marking task has always been traceless, and here is such an advanced map, there is no way to find it with all hands and feet, and it is even more difficult to find the marking method." Wu Qinghan frowned and thought hard, feeling that marking is better than direct Passing is still difficult.

"Marking the map doesn't have to be done by marking the task." Jing Jing said joyfully, then looked at Miao Miao and said comprehendingly, "You can also kill the lord boss here."

Wu Qinghan instantly petrified, Wu Xiaomo also took a step back in fright, Ruoshui Sanqian hid behind Wu Xiaomo in fear, just thinking about it made her want to cry.

Ji Jinghuanxi took advantage of the shock of the group of people, and sent a secret message to Miaomiao: "You already know the rules of teleportation, right? Is it your task to fight the boss?"

"That's right, but Mia told me not to reveal this mission." Miaomiao couldn't help but smiled and replied in secret, she really knew her, and she was silent and happy.

It is really not easy to disclose the tasks related to the destruction of the Alans continent, and the NPC should also ask for secrecy.

"Let's not talk about whether we have the ability to fight the boss here, even finding the boss is not so easy." Yuan Fang said from the side at this time, he was quite rational.

(End of this chapter)

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